[HAM] Upcoming Hazel Park Hamfest and license classes

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Reuven Z Gevaryahu

Jan 3, 2023, 10:18:16 PM1/3/23
to i3 Detroit Public
Hello I3- 

Sunday January 22nd 2023 8am-12pm will be Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club's annual Hamfest and Electronics swap, held this year at the Royal Oak Farmer's market. If you are looking to buy radio equipment, test equipment, soldering supplies, or other miscellaneous electronics, this is a good place to look. I recommend arriving early for the best selection. If you would like to sell, there are still tables available. $5 admission, $20 table rental, see https://hparc.org/annual-swap-meet/ for more information.

Also, for those looking to get a Ham license, the Hazel Park club classes are about to begin. The technician (introductory / first level) license class is on Thursday evenings beginning 1/5, and the General (Second level) is on Monday evenings beginning 1/9. The Technician class will be Hybrid (Zoom and Southfield Civic center); the General class will be in person only at the Southfield Civic center. See https://hparc.org/license-courses-and-testing/ for more details and to register. Classes are free of charge but you will want to purchase the license manual to be able to follow along.

--Reuven (KB3EHW)
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