Webclient installation help

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Vidhya Asuri

Apr 11, 2023, 1:53:53 PM4/11/23
to i2b2 Install Help
 I attended your office hour yesterday and it was very helpful to me.
I installed openjdk 8 and that resolved my error regarding i2b2.war deployment.
I'm following the documentation and I'm on chapter 5 
My original webclient location is : /opt/i2b2-1.17.13/webclient
I copied the webclient folder to /var/www/html/
This page in the documentation says to verify the webclient installation.
But when I load I get a 404.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Jeff Klann

Apr 12, 2023, 4:23:35 PM4/12/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Glad it was helpful!

Be sure the webclient is in the web root configured in Apache  or whichever webserver you're using. Also make sure you're using the URL for the webserver... it looks like you're using the base URL for Wildfly above. Does that help?

Jeff Klann

Vidhya Asuri

Apr 13, 2023, 1:13:18 PM4/13/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Hi Jeff,
   Thanks for getting back to me. I'm using Apache on Ubuntu Focal. Here's the contents of the document root directory.
I'm using the default: /var/www/html
I copied the webclient folder to /var/www/html
/var/www/html/webclient$ ls
INSTALL-README.md  README.md  help                 i2b2_config_data.js.bk  index.php.bk  js-i2b2    logout.php        registration
LICENSE.txt        assets     i2b2_config_data.js  index.php               js-ext        login.php  plugin_installer

In apache2.conf I have added 
<Directory /var/www/html/webclient>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
Are there more Apache related config that need to be done? 
This step from the documentation works: (Chapter 4)
Steps to verify web services
1. Open your web browser and enter the following URL:
I use (port 9090 is already in use by the system admin team)
When I moved to "Chapter 5. Client Installation", I went to "1.3 Install Web Client on Web Server", since I was not extracting from source code(?).
I tried to follow the documentation in 1.4.2 Domain Configuration and here's i2b2_config_data.js
                                name: "IBI-i2b2 Demo", // This is the name of the i2b2 Host on the login screen
                                domain: "ibi-i2b2demo", // This is the name of the project
                                urlCellPM: "",
                                allowAnalysis: false,
                                debug: true,
                                isSHRINE: false
                                name: "IBI-i2b2",
                                domain: "ibi-i2b2dev",
                                urlCellPM: "",
                                allowAnalysis: false,
                                debug: true,
                                isSHRINE: false
Neither of the urlCellPM urls work for me. I get a "the endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found..."
Sorry I threw a bunch of information here. :) I'm trying to provide you with enough information to see what I'm missing.

Thanks so much!

Jeff Klann

Apr 14, 2023, 1:19:58 PM4/14/23
to i2b2 Install Help
There might be two problems.

1. You should be able to get to the webclient login screen. Make sure you are using the URL for Apache, not Wildfly. Also make sure Apache httpd is running. If it's on port 80, it will just be http://yourHost/webclient. You might be running it on a different port, but it will not be the same as the web services port. See: https://community.i2b2.org/wiki/display/getstarted/1.5+Verify+Web+Client+Installation

2. If you get that far but can't log in, maybe your service URL is wrong. Go to and find the PM service and QueryTool service in the list and use those URLs in i2b2_config_data.js.

Hope that helps!

Vidhya Asuri

Apr 19, 2023, 1:46:22 PM4/19/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Hi Jeff,
  I have managed to get the Webclient login screen to show up (unfortunately I had introduced a typo in the i2b2_config_data.js file)
But now when I login I get an error pop up with this message :
ERROR: UKHC-i2b2 is not associated with this domain uki2b2. Please check the i2b2workbench.properties file.
This is the only domain I have in i2b2_config_data.js. There is a trailing slash I'm using that is not in the EPR; this is how it was in the older working test instance f i2b2 we have, but that has an older version of WildFly.
If I don't use the trailing slash I get "The PM Cell is down or the address in the properties file is incorrect."
                                name: "uki2b2", // This is the name of the i2b2 Host on the login screen
                                domain: "UKHC-i2b2", // This is the name of the project

                                urlCellPM: "",
                                // urlCellPM: "http://localhost:19090/i2b2/services/PMService/",

                                allowAnalysis: false,
                                debug: true,
                                isSHRINE: false
The error is the same when I use localhost or in urlCellPM.
This is the url I have to use to get to the services:

Service Description : Project Management Processing Service
Service Status : Active
Available Operations
  • getVersion
  • getMessageVersion
  • getServices

I copied over all my pm-ds.xml, crc-ds.xml, work-ds.xml, ont-ds.xml from the older working instance.
I did not configure/change anything in the new server in those files. 
I have confirmed that Wildfly is running. server.log has the same error as in the pop up - " java.lang.Exception: UKHC-i2b2 is not associated with this domain uki2b2. Please check the i2b2workbench.properties file."

Do you see what I need to fix here, please? Thank you!!

Jeff Klann

Apr 28, 2023, 1:49:06 PM4/28/23
to i2b2 Install Help
The domain parameter in the config file must match the value in the PM_HIVE_DATA table. 


Vidhya Asuri

May 22, 2023, 3:59:53 PM5/22/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Hi Jeff,
thank you for replying. I have got past the previous error and I was able to load the webclient and login to it.
I had to edit the values for the 'name' and 'domain' keys
                                name: "uki2b2", // This is the name of the i2b2 Host on the login screen
                                domain: "uki2b2", // This is the name of the project // This is the value in the database.`

                                urlCellPM: "",
                                //urlCellPM: "http://localhost:19090/i2b2/services/PMService/",
                                //urlCellPM: "http://localhost:19090/i2b2/services/PMService",

                                allowAnalysis: false,
                                debug: true,
                                isSHRINE: false
But once I login, I can't see any Terms, they are blank.
I cleared /opt/i2b2-1.17.13/wildfly-17.0.1.Final/standalone/log/server.log , tried restarting the Wildfly service and then logging in to the Webclient.
I also clicked on the Terms panel. But I didn't see any errors logged in server.log. 

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is /i2b2/services/PMService and the WSA Action = null. If this EPR was previously reachable, please contact the server administrator.

Clicking on the "Show XML Message stack" icon pulls up this error :
"Error connecting to Project Management cell"

I'm not able to attach a screenshot for the last error, but if you have any ideas for why the Terms panel would be empty, that would be great.
Thank you !


Nov 1, 2023, 1:36:39 AM11/1/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Hi Vidhya and all,

Are you able to fix the error 'The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is /i2b2/services/PMService and the WSA Action = null.'?
I am installing i2b2 on windows server 2019 and done till https://community.i2b2.org/wiki/display/getstarted/5.7+Verify+PM+Installation step.

My http://localhost:9090/i2b2/services/listServices url is listing and showing all the services as active but when I am trying to browse PM service with http://localhost:9090/i2b2/services/PMService url, it gave me above error.

Any idea how to fix this error? I think this issue is restricting me to login to webclient.


Vidhya Asuri

Nov 7, 2023, 8:59:20 AM11/7/23
to i2b2 Install Help
Hi Mrunal,
  Sorry about the late reply. Our i2b2 instance is now working. But I have made multiple changes and I may have forgotten exactly what step got it to work.
That said, we have installed i2b2 on Ubuntu and I did not build from source. (The link you sent was for the section B - Build from source...) 
So there may be a few differences to our set up.
Here are some thoughts that may or may not be helpful:
1. Have you checked that your Java version is correct? I believe it needs to be Java 8. ( I had installed Java 11 at one point and remember having issues)
2. Verify there are no typos in you i2b2_config_data.js and the urls are correct for 
3. I'm not very good at Windows permissions, but that may be something to check.
If you have more specific questions, I can definitely help.
Sorry I have not been able to more helpful.

Xia, Yang

Dec 8, 2023, 1:01:47 PM12/8/23
to i2b2 Install Help
You may want to append wsdl at the end of your URL like this, then you'd be able to see some xml string:
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