I recently found the color of the highlight in a page is approximately bright yellow color, but when the same page switches to dark mode, the color appears to be dark yellow. It seems like the highlight is just a layer of yellow with some opacity, so when the backgroud color changes from white to black, the yellow layer get dark (with it's opacity) . In my opinion, it's just kind of wired to see the color of the highlight is different between regular and dark mode, perhaps it would be better to keep the same bright yellow color in both modes. If you think my opinion makes sense, could you improve it by such as modifying the transparency in dark mode and other ways?
By the way, would you plan to add a function whitch allows usesr to customize the color of highlight, for example, change to the color the users prefer by specifying the RGB or hexadecimal values.If you would fullfill similar function, it would be really cool.
Thank you,