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Infrequent Elasticsearch index issue when restarting hypothesis/h

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Chris Taylor

Feb 7, 2023, 6:38:38 PM2/7/23
to Forum
Hello everyone,

As part of a personal project, I have Hypothesis running with both h and client on the same EC2 instance. At first they worked flawlessly, but I noticed that h's web app (the one that defaults to port 5000) would hang after a few days of being active. 

Every so often after restarting the instance to bring it back from that state, annotations were no longer saving properly. Upon further inspection I found that the saves weren't taking due to an Elasticsearch error:

Alias [hypothesis] has more than one indices associated with it [...]. can't execute a single index op.

I imagine that's probably the tip of an iceberg, but I am curious to know if any of you have run into similar problems or if it's just me. 

Either way, I will likely just use the public Hypothesis instance so that I don't need to worry about these sorts of problems in the future.

Chris Taylor

Feb 8, 2023, 9:11:30 AM2/8/23
to Forum
Hi Chris,

I'm on the Support team. One of our developers pointed me at some internal info that I hope helps. Here's what we have internally when seeing this issue.


You need to get it so there is only one active Elasticsearch index. Talking to ES via its API is actually refreshingly straightforward. By CURLing a command at the local ES port (9200 as of this writing), you can tell it to delete any indexes you don't want anymore, for example:

curl -X POST "localhost:9200/_aliases" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "actions" : [ { "remove_index": { "index": "hypothesis-xxxxxxxx" } } ] } '

Lest forming that CURL seem onerous, take a visit to ES' very helpful docs page on the API, which includes the ability to copy pre-formatted CURL commands to your clipboard! Handy.


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