Hypothesis use for Individual Students

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Alex Souza

Oct 29, 2024, 9:41:05 PMOct 29
to Hypothes.is Forum
I received a rather unusual request from an instructor that is looking to implement Hypothesis in a non-collaborative way. The students collaborate in other ways in the class and the hope is that hypothesis is a more engaging way of writing reflective notes about the readings in her class. She wants to use hypothesis in Canvas and does NOT want the students to see their classmates' interactions with the document. 

Is the only way to do this by having students post annotations with the "Only Me" visibility setting on? My understanding is that they still would be able to see other students' highlights. Maybe she places each student in a separate "group" of one and then makes each reading a group assignment? Any thoughts?



Oct 30, 2024, 9:33:15 AMOct 30
to Hypothes.is Forum
Hi Alex,

This isn't that unusual! The best way to do this is with our Canvas Groups integration. In that article we talk about this exact use case:

  • 1:1 annotation groups:
    • Select the option to Split number of students per group, and enter 1 for number of students per group. This will create a separate group for each student in the course, allowing students to annotate one-on-one with the instructor without viewing other students annotations.
The quote above comes from a section about creating the Group Set in Canvas. Your instructor will want to create a Canvas Group Set with just one student per group, and then select that Group Set when creating the Hypothesis assignment.

"Only Me" won't work in this case because they truly are "Only Me" annotations; only the student will see their private annotations, the instructor won't be able to.

I hope this helps!

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