Hypocrite Reader needs donations by TOMORROW

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Hypocrite Reader

Nov 17, 2020, 7:04:08 PM11/17/20
to hypocrit...@googlegroups.com, hypocrit...@googlegroups.com, hr-illu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Hypocrite family,
Our pitch period has come to a close, and we’re currently making our decisions! Alas, some bittersweet news: we’ve received many more excellent pitches than we can afford to accept.
We’ve really appreciated the donations to our indiegogo so far, but we want to do better -- and we want to do better by MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY. Yes, we will still accept donations after that, and put them to good use -- but any quantity donated between now and Wednesday will influence how many pieces we decide to include in the January issue!
So check out our indiegogo, browse our perks (including new T-shirts!!! with octopuses on them!!!!), watch our “inspirational” video, and empty your wallet for starving Hypocrites.
To everyone who pitched, don’t worry if you haven’t heard from us yet -- it means we’re still considering your work. So hang tight.
Yours in hypocrisy,
Cat, Erica, James, Kit, Lenna, Nastya, Piper, and Sandy
(can you pick out which four on that list are brand new for PROPHECIES?)
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