Hypertable release candidate version

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Alex Kashirin

Aug 23, 2018, 9:45:32 AM8/23/18
to Hypertable User


   Updated for GCC 8.2, boost 1.68.0, maven 3.5.4
   Updated for Thrift 0.11.0 (no backward capabilitites)
   Updated for Ceph 13.2.0 FsBroker
   fixed ThriftBroker any shared_ptr switched to thrift::stdcxx::shared_ptr
   add new cmake option -DBOOST_NO_CXX11_SMART_PTR=1 for thrift to use Boost
   changed ThriftBroker does not need to inlcude boost
   changed ThriftBroker only apache::thrift namespace used from apache::
   removed std namespace from ThriftBroker's MetricsHandler
   added utilization of ThriftBroker.Workers configuration option 
   changed ThriftClient protocol and transport ptrs renamed with prefixed m_ as apache::thrift namespaces on-course 
   added options to link staticly with libboost, libstdc++ and libgcc 
   added new cmake option -DHT_NOT_STATIC_CORE=1
   changed Hyperspace client keep-alive handler selects a hyperspace-replica by round-robin
   added accessed with scope_guard for replica_map in ReplicationInfo
   added ReplicationInfo new methods rep_update_sites, rep_remove, rep_add, get_site 
   added a pointer to BerkeleyDbFilesystem cls in ReplicationInfo for callbacks
   changed method get_current_master of BerkeleyDbFilesystem uses safe ReplicationInfo::String get_site(int)
   added methods go_master, update_rep_sites to BerkeleyDbFilesystem
   changed BerkeleyDbFilesystem init exclude master-init and init made on DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER event with go_master
   changed BerkeleyDbFilesystem master, lost of ownership condition to is_master && master_eid != eid
   changed BerkeleyDbFilesystem condition for event DB_EVENT_REP_NEWMASTER new Master can be elected
   added on event DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER, in-case host is a new master, go_master() doing master init
   added a call to dbenv->rep_sync(0) to DB_EVENT_REP_PERM_FAILED, DB_EVENT_REP_SITE_ADDED events
   added a call of update_rep_sites for events DB_EVENT_REP_SITE_ADDED and DB_EVENT_REP_SITE_REMOVED
   added method BerkeleyDbFilesystem::update_rep_sites makes functionality of hot-adding replicas without Hyperspace.Replica.Host
   TODO: check Hyperspace related changes in big cluster environment

Kashirin Alex
  w:   Thither.Direct
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