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Speedsolving + physical puzzles updates from the discord

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Grant S

May 13, 2023, 5:06:03 PM5/13/23
to hypercubing
figured I would update you guys since it has been a bit.
For speedsolving, the leaderboard can be found here
but here is an update on the WRs. We recently added the blindfolded world records to be included also.

Virtual 2x2x2x2: 34.95 by me
Virtual 2x2x2x2 bld: 14:41.55 by TheGrayCuber
Virtual 3x3x3x3: 1:56.42 by Hactar (woohoo sub 2!!!)
Virtual 3x3x3x3 ao5: 2:18.18 by Hactar
Virtual 3x3x3x3 bld 1:21:17.68 by Sebastian Yuste
Virtual 4x4x4x4: 8:52.97 by me
Virtual 5x5x5x5: 25:11.08 by me
Virtual 6x6x6x6: 1:12:22.58 by me
Virtual 7x7x7x7: 3:27:17.51 by me (this one hasn't changed in a while cause we haven't done any 7^4 solves)
Physical 2x2x2x2: 54.84 by me
Physical 2x2x2x2 oh: 3:55.62 by me
Physical 2x2x2x2 bld: 47:14.00 by Asa Kaplan
Virtual Physical 3x3x3x3: 9:58.95 by me
Virtual 3-Layer 4-Simplex: 1:17.70 by me
Hemimegaminx: 1:51.94 by me

It is crazy to see how far these records have come in so little time, to put it in perspective, the 6x6x6x6 record is now only 15 seconds slower than what the 4x4x4x4 record was just 6 months ago, and has over 4 times as many pieces.

For physical puzzles the update is that prototyping has been completed for the 2^5 design I showed to you guys a while back and construction has begun!

 - happy hypercubing!

Eduard Baumann

May 13, 2023, 5:41:23 PM5/13/23
to Grant S, hypercubing
Great !
What is ao5 and oh?
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Grant S

May 13, 2023, 5:43:35 PM5/13/23
to Eduard Baumann, hypercubing
Oops, resending this reply to everyone to see

Ao5 stands for average of 5 which in cubing typically refers to truncated average of 5, so do 5 solves, remove the fastest and slowest and average the 3 remaining.
OH stands for one handed.  
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