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Big 4D Pyraminx Update

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Dominik Zeiner-Haring

May 19, 2024, 3:02:41 PM5/19/24
to hypercubing
Hello everbody,

here is another update with a lot of things I already shared in the discord.
First of all I finally made a 3d printed version of the puzzle and now I've completed quite a few videos where you can see the puzzle in action.

Here is the Introduction video:

Next, I made a tutorial where I went through a full solve of the puzzle:

Finally, today I release a comparison of the physical puzzle with the virtual version in Magic Cube 4d:

As a bonus I also made another puzzle with the same pieces I 3d printed my puzzle with. It has quite an interesting shape, namely a truncated rhombohedron (truncated trigonal trapezohedron). I'd be very curious if anyone has some insights regarding that puzzle because it's a bit unusual. Here is a short introdcution video:

That's all for now, I hope you find something interesting in all of this.

Happy hypercubing!

Eduard Baumann

May 20, 2024, 4:27:07 AM5/20/24
to Dominik Zeiner-Haring, hypercubing
Awesome ! Very very interesting news !! Congratulations.
Kind regards
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