You may remember I recently posted to this group presenting a design for a physical 2x2x2x3 puzzle. I went for the design and it has recently been completed!
I designed the puzzle so that the pieces could be printed on my home 3d printer and would just be a press fit. Not all of the pieces are exactly the same size due to this (I should probably glue some of them at some point to eliminate those gaps you see in the pieces, I was also rushing the assembly a bit toward the end because of excitement for the finished puzzle). But, it is good enough as a proof of concept.
Here is the puzzle scrambled:
The first main challenge after making the puzzle was creating a gyro move...
For a temporary solution I made a gyro move that removes the middle layer of 3c pieces, then does a 2x2x2x2 gyro on the remaining pieces, then do a few moves on the 3c chunk. to permute and orient the pieces correctly.
I created this video that shows how moves on the puzzle correlate to a virtual 2x2x2x3 on magic puzzle ultimate.
The video isn't very professional at all, and I definitely mis-spoke a few times when referring to parts of the puzzle (sorry for any confusion those mess ups may cause), but I think it gives a nice overview of the puzzle.
Also, I did try to record my cursor to make it easier to point to specific parts of the virtual puzzle, but it didn't correspond correctly to the window the way I was recording it side by side. So you might need to use a little bit of imagination when I refer to parts of the virtual puzzle.
If you would like to use a virtual 2x2x2x3, you can add it to magic puzzle ultimate with the following puzzle definition:
Puzzle 2x2x2x3
Dim 4
NAxis 2
Faces 1,0,0,0 0,0,0,1.5
Group 1,0,0,0/1,1,0,0 1,0,0,0/1,0,1,0 1,0,0,0/0,0,0,1
Axis 1,0,0,0
Twists 0,1,0,0/0,1,1,0 0,1,0,0/0,0,0,1
Cuts 0
Axis 0,0,0,1
Twists 1,0,0,0/1,1,0,0 1,0,0,0/1,0,1,0
Cuts 0.5 -0.5
I have solved the puzzle twice and it has proved to be a very interesting challenge! (I will make a video of a full solution at some point) I would expect nothing less from a hypercuboid!
We are currently thinking about ideas for extending the ideas of this puzzle to even more physical 4d puzzles so you will hopefully be hearing from us about that in not too long.
If you want to be involved in the development of puzzles like this, or just be more involved in hypercubing I highly recommend joining the hypercubing discord server:
There is daily conversation on hypercubing and a lot of support for answering questions.
Let me know if you have any comments or questions!