Ben - thanks for sharing a very good observation :) Thats pretty accurate I would say.
To explain:
1. I consider hyde's codebase to be in a stable state. I manage several hyde websites (one very large and others smaller) and I find that it works
consistently although always not as desired.
2. I have identified some core issues with hyde(see below) that I want to address before merging the pull requests. Simply merging the pull requests:
a. Might make the code base unstable
b. Might make it harder to make the changes
3. I have some scheduled time coming up where I can completely focus on hyde and I am planning to:
a. Make the changes/fixes below
b. Merge pull requests
c. Add additional layouts that cover more scenarios
d. Complete documentation
These are some of the things I want to fix properly (and to the extent possible in a backward compatible manner) before I merge pull requests:
1. The core model object with expando attributes is not very friendly considering hyde enhances the model with user provided text.
2. The auto generation is not robust. It ignores some changes while processes others. I have noticed that this is essential for being productive
with larger sites. I am also considering using watchdog instead of just in time generation in the server module.
3. I am not happy with the chaining / composability of plugins
4. I consider the django support pull request to be very important and probably pushes hyde to 1.0 state. I want a lot of tests / refactoring of the
template module to make sure its very easy to add support for other tempting engines.
I know the lack of documentation is probably the worst issue with hyde. Until the time its complete, I will be more than happy to address any
questions you have on this group or on a personal email. The only requirement from me is that, if the problem is not obvious to diagnose, I
would like the source (or the minimal subset of it) to be shared in some manner.