Thanks Niklas,
Just for the record, the dismal performance of IImc in the deep-bound
track was due to us forgetting to flush cout after writing a u-line.
Embarrassing, I know. At least, it's unlikely to happen again. I
only say "unlikely" because in the single track, the two segfaults we
collected were due running IImc with unlimited stack size. We knew it
was a problem from last year's competition, but we forgot to remind
For those curious to know, we did run the 79 models of the deep-bound
track on a machine that is reasonably close to the Aalto cluster's
machines and we measured a score of 92.44, with a sum of the capped
bounds of 3404. Of course, there is no guarantee that this would have
been the exact result in the competition had we had that fateful
"<< flush."
>>>>> "NS" == Niklas Sörensson <> writes:
NS> Hi all,
NS> I think I can answer what happened here. The script doesn't get tip's depth
NS> right in the case when it get stuck during temporal decomposition. It always
NS> adds the temporal decomposition depth regardless of whether it completed or
NS> not. Armin, here's a ugly hack to that fixes the problem as
NS> far as I can tell:
NS> if [ ! x"$unrolled" = x ]
NS> then
NS> tmp="`grep circ-stats: $1|wc -l`"
NS> if [ $tmp -ge 4 ]
NS> then
NS> last=`expr $last + $unrolled`
NS> fi
NS> fi
NS> In my test this changed two benchmarks that went from k of 2 to 0, which
NS> noticeably changed the final score, but (barely) preserved the order.
NS> /Niklas
NS> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Alberto Griggio <>
NS> wrote:
NS> Hello,
NS> I triple checked this one. First I used the scripts
NS> I had from last year and then my analyze script in C
NS> (attached) and finally recomputed it with an Excel
NS> script. After some tweaking (debugging) they all
NS> agreed. The logic for this is implemented in 'prdeepbound':
NS> Thanks for triple-checking. It turns out that I was using a wrong logic
NS> for computing the score, i.e. I was using the capped bound in the
NS> computation of the depth, instead of the original bound. I was also
NS> adding bound instead of bound+1 to sumbounds. With these fixes, my
NS> script (run on the csv file available from the website) now agrees with
NS> the results in the slides. The fixed script is in attach if anyone is
NS> interested.
NS> I will have a look at the 6s399b02 issue ...
NS> Thanks, that still puzzles me...
NS> Alberto
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