some analysis on hard HWMCC11 benchmark categories

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Robert Brayton

Jan 31, 2012, 7:35:29 PM1/31/12
Columns correspond to:
1. problem type
2. number of problems
3. number uniquely solved by one solver
4. number not solved by any solver
5. number solved by suprove (uniquely
6. number solved by pdthrd (uniquely)
7. number solved by iimc (uniquely)
8. number solved by tip (uniquely)
9. number uniquely solved by other solver.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9

bob 79 4 4 74 (4) 66 58 61
intel 60 7 13 34 41(5) 26 25 blimc(2)
pdt 156 0 0 153 152 151 133
6s 57 9 22 26(5) 11(1) 8(2) 8 simbip(1)

The table shows 4 of the hardest classes of benchmarks in HWMCC’11.
The second column shows the total number of examples in the class, the
third the number of examples in the class that were solved by only one
solver, the fourth the number of examples not solved by anyone. For
each of the leading solvers, columns 5-8 show the number of problems
solved and in parenthesis the number that were uniquely solved by that
solver. The last column gives the name of another solver that uniquely
solved a problem and how many.

Armin Biere

Feb 1, 2012, 8:18:21 AM2/1/12
1        2    3       4        5         6           7         8   9

intel   60    7      13       34         41 (5)     26        25   blimc(2)

Armin Biere

Feb 1, 2012, 8:20:28 AM2/1/12
[Oops missed one line].

I reformatted the table and posted in Courier Font.

1        2    3       4        5         6           7         8   9

bob     79    4       4       74 (4)     66         58        61                      
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