[HWMCC'19] Call for model checkers and benchmarks

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Armin Biere

Sep 2, 2019, 12:13:47 PM9/2/19

Hardware Model Checking Competition 2019

Affiliated to FMCAD'19

October 22 - 25, 2019

This is the 10th competitive event for hardware model checkers.


This year our focus is on introducing a word-level track based
on the BTOR2 format, which is described in our CAV'18 paper. The
Btor2Tools tool suite provides a generic parser Btor2Parser and
a simulator BtorSIM, which are useful for parsing and random
simulation of BTOR2 models, as well as for witness checking.
There is also a simple bounded model
checker BtorMC, distributed as part of Boolector.

Since this year will be the first time with an experimental
word-level track there will be no declared winners.


For testing purposes, participants can test their model checkers
on the BTOR2 BEEM benchmarks. More information on these
benchmarks can be found here http://fmv.jku.at/aiger/#beem


The hardware setup is identical to the last competition. It is
running on our Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS 64 bit cluster with two
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz CPUs and 128 GB of
main memory on each node.

Each solver has full access to both processors on one node, thus
combined 16 cores (32 virtual cores) and 128 GB of main memory.
Accordingly a memory limit of 120GB will be enforced. As in the
previous competition in 2017 we will further use a time limit of
1 hour of wall clock-time.


Email submissions to 

  "Armin Biere" <bi...@jku.at> and 
  "Mathias Preiner" <pre...@cs.stanford.edu>.

Registration and first versions of model checkers are due on September 28.

It is possible to send updates of model checkers until October 13.

New benchmarks are accepted untli October 13 as well.

All submission dates are anywhere on earth.


HWMCC'19 is organized by

Armin Biere, Johannes Keplers University LInz, Austria
Mathias Preiner, Stanford University, USA


HWMCC'17 at FMCAD'17, Vienna, Austria
HWMCC'15 at FMCAD'15, Austin, USA
HWMCC'14 at CAV'14, FLoC'14 Olympic Games, Vienna, Austria
HWMCC'13 at FMCAD'13, Portland, USA
HWMCC'12 at FMCAD'12, Cambridge, UK
HWMCC'11 at FMCAD'11, Austin, USA
HWMCC'10 at CAV'10, FloC'10, Edinburgh, UK
HWMCC'08 at CAV'08, Princeton, USA
HWMCC'07 at CAV'07, Berlin, Germany

Armin Biere

Oct 1, 2019, 1:58:42 AM10/1/19
An award of $1000 sponsored by Oski Technology will go to the model checker which solved the largest number of benchmarks.

Another symbolic award will go the submission which contributed most to the competition in terms of providing interesting benchmarks.

The organizers are not eligible for any of the awards.

Accordingly we extended the registration deadline by a week to October 4.

Final versions of model checkers and benchmarks are due on October 13.


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