Big news! :)

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Hidden Wisdom Magazine

Sep 7, 2010, 8:25:42 PM9/7/10
to HW Magazine e-news
Hello friends,

Wow, I can't believe it has been over a year since I posted anything
here. And what a year it has been! I hardly know where to start in
summing it up for you all. Let's see...

Joseph and Ami's wedding went well, and then in October they greeted a
tiny daughter - born early but quite a fighter. God answered many
prayers, and after 1.5 months in the NICU little Ruby Jean was able to
come home. She has been doing well and growing like crazy since then.
We all say she is the World's Cutest Baby, and it's amazing how much
she reminds me of my younger siblings. Despite the 8 hours between us
(Joseph, Ami, and Ruby live in Arkansas), we have been able to get
together 4 times since Ruby's birth. We're thankful for each moment
with these precious ones.

The other big news of the year is that God brought a very special man
into my life last September, and Joe and I are now planning a wedding
on October 9. It's been an incredible journey so far, and God has
taught me so much along the way. Though different in some ways from
what I thought I was waiting for in a husband, Joe has turned out to
be far better than my imagined ideals and I continually thank God for
bringing us together. To read all the details of our God-written love
story and see a whole album of pictures, visit our website at . Please take a moment to sign the
guestbook and let us know you were there - we'd be glad to hear from

We are hoping to find a way to post a video of the wedding, either
live streaming or an archived file afterwards. Keep an eye on our
website if this is something you're interested in, as we will be
posting the latest details there. And if any of you would like to
attend the wedding in person, please drop me a note - we'd be glad to
have you, and will be doing all we can to facilitate carpooling,
flight pickups, and hotel room sharing to make the trip affordable for
any out-of-towners.

Joe works at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, so I will be moving up
there after the wedding. It will involve a lot of changes for me, as I
have always lived here with my family on the farm - an apartment in
the middle of the city will be very different. But I am thankful that
it's only 4 hours away from my family here in Iowa, and I'm very
excited about creating a cozy little castle for my Knight. :)

Your prayers are very much appreciated for the wedding day itself to
go smoothly, and for Joe and I as we step into this new phase of life.
We desire to keep God central in our home, and we look forward to
raising up a family for His glory, should He so bless.

I miss keeping in touch with all of you...hope you all are doing well
and that God is continuing to do Great Things in and through and for
you. His ways are best, and His timing really is completely worth
waiting for!

Onward and upward!
Former HW Editress
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