Submissions needed for the next HW

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Hidden Wisdom Magazine

Feb 5, 2008, 8:29:09 PM2/5/08
to HW Magazine e-news
Dear friends of HW,

In just a couple weeks we'll be getting started on formatting the
upcoming issue of Hidden Wisdom. We haven't received as many
submissions as usual thus far, so would you ask the Lord if there is
anything He would have you share? The preliminary deadline is February
14, but if you let us know you're working on something we can hold the
space open for a week or so longer.

Here are some submission ideas:

*Epistolography - tell us a bit about yourself and your family,
something God has been teaching you lately, or how a recent HW article
has encouraged you. This is the corner of HW where we get to know each
other better, so share photos also. :-)

*Miscellany - this is the catch-all page, where you can let us know
about your home business, recommend publications or music, request
penpals, etc. Only a few ads have been received so far - yours is

*Share a Prayer - is there a way we can lift you or someone else up to
the Father? Let us know!

*Wise Counsel questions and answers - only a couple answers have been
submitted to this issue's important question. Do you have some
insights to share along these lines?
"I have a very dear friend, whom I have known since I was 10. She is a
dear, sweet girl, but we have a lot of difference when it comes to
guys and movies and music. Now that she is over 18, her parents trust
her to 'manage' her own life...which she does by watching whatever
movies she wants, and dating whoever her heart flutters at. I believe
in saving all of one's heart for that jewel God has for me, and I've
spoken to my friend about dating and its dangers. I'm the only friend
who has stuck by her through thick and thin, and I'd rather not end
our friendship because I'm praying my example will encourage her to
'wait', too. However, watching her lose her heart over guys is hard.
She's slowly losing her innocence and sweetness, and it's tearing me
up. What can I do?" --Parting paths

*Thematic articles - this issue's theme is "Pursuing Unity." It's a
big topic but a vital one, and we're looking forward to seeing what
articles God brings together. Just a few have come in so far, so
there's plenty of room. Some article ideas are:

~Jesus often addressed the topic of unity among believers; it is a
high priority with Him. What can we learn from His words, and how do
we apply them in our lives?

~What is the difference between "unity" and "uniformity"? How do we
arrive at each? Can we have one without the other?

~Unity should be a goal in many situations: family, friends, and
fellowship. What roles do love, humility, submission, and selflessness
have in this pursuit?

~God created each of us unique, with our own gifts, strengths, and
weaknesses. How can this diversity be channeled to actually promote
true unity instead of bringing divisions?

~Where is the balance between saying "anything goes" and setting aside
smaller areas of disagreement to emphasize what matters most?
Scripturally speaking, what things are "big enough" to divide

~The testimony of a truly unified family or fellowship is a powerful
thing. Share examples you have seen (Biblical, historical, or in your
life)--how have they impacted and inspired you?

*Articles on any subject are also needed - just write about what God
has been teaching you lately, or a recent time you've seen His
fingerprints in your life. Stories (fictional or factual) are also
needed for future issues.

Most importantly, we covet your prayers for HW's ministry - for each
of the writers to have wisdom, inspiration, time, and courage; for us
as we compile each issue and make many decisions; and for the readers
that they would grow in the Lord and be used mightily in His service.
May God be glorified! He alone has made it all possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Abigail Paul
Hidden Wisdom editress
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