Volume 77 is on its way!

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Hidden Wisdom Magazine

Dec 29, 2007, 8:44:04 PM12/29/07
to HW Magazine e-news
Dear friends of HW,

It's hard to believe we're already here at the end of another year!
Looking back over what God has done in the past 12 months gives me
much cause for thanksgiving, and I trust the same is true with each of
you. What a faithful, generous, loving Father we have!

Another issue of HW has been finished up and is now on its way to
subscribers, so hopefully many copies will reach their destinations by
the first week of the year. Once again God brought together an
excellent assortment of articles, and we're sure this issue will be an
encouragement to each of you - especially if you are currently in a
"wilderness season" in your life. God *does* have a purpose for all He
allows in our lives, and He *is* working all things together for our
good and His glory! A summary of this issue's contents can be found
online at: http://www.hwmagazine.org/currentissue.htm

One technical note to mention: we switched servers for HW's site back
in August, and it has taken a while to get the email forwarding
working properly. If you have sent an email to us and never received a
reply, it's probably because it never reached us. Please retry if
possible - we really do want to hear from you! :-)

A huge thank you to each of you for your help and prayers over the
past year. You are a vital part of HW's ministry, and we are grateful
for your support. As we step into the unknowns of a new year, may our
Father guide your steps and draw you closer to Him in every way.

A fellow pilgrim,
Abigail M. Paul
HW editress
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