HW Vol. 75 is finished - content summary online

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Hidden Wisdom Magazine

Jun 25, 2007, 5:16:37 PM6/25/07
to HW Magazine e-news
Dear friends of HW,

It's that time again! HW Volume 75 is currently at the printers and we
hope to pick up the completed issues tomorrow. Lord willing they'll be
off in the mail to subscribers by the end of the week, so start
watching your mailboxes!

We're really excited about all the excellent articles God brought
together for this issue: it's packed cover-to-cover with practical
encouragement to share Jesus' love. Several subscribers share about
their experiences with foreign mission work, while others challenge us
to remember what an influence we have on everyone we meet, and how
each day is an opportunity to serve the Lord right where He's planted
us. We're sure it will be a blessing to each of you! Check out the
table of contents here: http://www.hwmagazine.org/currentissue.htm

Because of recent increases in postage costs and other expenses, we've
adjusted the suggested donation amounts for subscriptions and sample
issues. The changes can be seen online here: http://www.hwmagazine.org/receive.htm
. However, we continue to gladly send send HW free of charge to anyone
who requests it; God always provides!

The past few months have been a very busy time for us here on the
farm, and we're thankful for all the blessings God has brought our
way. Many of these blessings have been in the form of visitors: we've
had guests from WI, SD, ND, MO, AR, and OK already this year. We
thoroughly enjoy having company, so our doors are always open. If any
of you are passing through the central Iowa and have a chance to drop
by, please let us know! :-)

Praying each of you are specially-blessed this summer!

Resting in Jesus,
Abigail Paul, HW Editress

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