Grove and paks

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Bela Liptak

Nov 6, 2022, 7:52:27 AM11/6/22



Igen Gábor,


Süli János Paks2-ért felelős miniszter lemondása és a paksi államtitkárság felszámolása is arra céloz, hogy Paks 2 halott.


Másik kérdésedre reagálva: A karácsonyra megjelenő új könyvemben Andy Grove-ra csak az alábbi mondat lábjegyzete kapcsán utalok. Ez igy hangzik:


This way the home of the 22nd century would become fully self-sufficient, would not require the grid and the RFC would become as a commonly used as the PC[1] is today..[LE1] 


 While IBM created the PC, it was Intel under Andy  Grove that developed the microchip, which triggered the digital revolution by reducing the brain  of the PC into that small and cheap component that runs all smart digital devices today (and is the cause of the present tension with China) .  It so happens that Andy was a classmate of mine. He was 19 and I was 20, when we emigrated together to the United States, after the Russian tanks crushed our Hungarian Revolution in 1956. I mention this in connection with the RFC, not only because it would also be operated by a chip, but because, if it could go through the development, which the computer did (from John von Neumann's vacuum tubes to Andy Grove's microchip), it might just contribute to the triggering of the hydrogen age.


 [LE1]AU: This is done in the final graphic. OK

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