AKCIÓ: Film 1956-ról

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Bela Liptak

Jun 10, 2024, 5:05:55 PMJun 10
to hungari...@googlegroups.com

AKCIÓ: Film 1956-ról


2022-ben két ameriaki kolléga felhozta egy 56-ról szóló film elkészitésének gondolatát. Akkor, 2022-ben, - mivel nagyon lekötött az új könyvemmel kapcsolatos munka -, nem volt időm azt is felvállalmi. Most viszont, amikor ingadozni látszik az orosz befolyás a magyar politikai életben és erősödnek a demokratikus intézmények, felvetődött a gondolat, hogy egy ilyen film talán emlékeztetné a társadalmat arra, hogy kik ellen és  miért is harcoltunk 56-ban és ez erősithetné a szabad nyugathoz, az európai közösséghez való tartozás tudatát és csökkenthetné a keleti diktatúrák felé való "nyitás" népszerüségét.


Ezért mellékelem a fent emitett levélváltásom másolatát az 56-os filmet javaslókkal és kérem az HL résztvevői közül azokat akiket érdekel ez az akció vagy akiknek kapcsolatuk van a filmvilággal, értesitsék ezeket a személyeket a fenti kezdeményezésről. Én magam nem vagyok "szervező tipus" ezért ebben az akcióban én nem kivánok részt vállalmi, de alább megadom az akciót javaslók cimeit azok számára akik kapcsolatba kivánnak lépni velük.


Tisztelettel, Lipták Béla


  PS: A film gondolatát felvető és (talán már a forgatókönyvet is elkészitett) személyek cimei:  theodore...@gmail.com és horsesr...@gmail.com




LEVÉLVÁLTÁS az 56-os filmet javaslókkal:



May 23, 2022


Fine Ted and Grace,


If you find some serious interest, please drop me a line defining my proposed role.

Dear Grace, thanks for the fine work you have already invested in this project..


Best regards, Béla Lipták





May 17, 2022


Dear Grace,


I will aim for early June, but would prefer to also read the producer's comments before that time.

My main reason for being interested in the film is not only the desire to help restoring Hungary's good name and democratic image in the West, but more importantly to remind us all, how important freedom is and that it takes wisdom to act accordingly..(It is an interesting co-incidence that this book just been published in Estonean).

At the same time I am afraid that the fim would only portrey us as naive kids and not ones, who were right in believing that we are planting the seeds of destroying a evil empire. I am afraid, that in this "truth-less" age, you will not find actors who feel as we did,  who could could possibly recreate the atmosphere of 1956. Recreate an atmosphere in which - behind the broken windows, among he untouched goods, - you would see signs reading "protect the honor of the Revolution" or wourd see on street corners unguarded collection boxes full of paper money reading - "take some for your burial expenses!"

I agree with Ted and will ask a couple of my friends to read your screenplay and comment.

Best regards, Béla




January 14, 2022


 Dear Ted and Grace,


Old bones heal slowly and I do not want to hold you up. What do you think if  I made my commenets after the feedbacks from some of the poduces are in?.

Also - as I seem to be doing it more and more often -, I filed Grace's firtst draft so well, that I can not find it not. Could you resend? Also, I have a couple of friends who might make good connents. Would you be interested?


Best regards, Béla Lipták




Hi Béla -  I hope you are well.  I heard from Grace that you encountered a health matter. I hope you are feeling much better now!


Do you have a sense when we might be able to obtain your feedback on the draft script Grace sent you?  We are planning to approach film producers in the next few weeks and it would be superb to have your feedback before that.


Only if you are fully up to it we would really appreciate your feedback.  Nothing could replace it and it would undoubtedly be invaluable to us!


There is no need to write your feedback.  Grace can call you and receive your comments verbally. 


Spring has come to Budapest now in full force and the city looks beautiful.  I was just near the Corvin mozi the other day and took this photo of the statue of a freedom fighter. I thought you would appreciate it. 








On 2022. Jan 15., Sat at 9:21, Theodore Boone <theodore...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Béla,


Thanks very much for looking for the PBS report.


Thank you as well for sending me the NYT article.  Now of course I understand.  


Congratulations on having such an accomplished son! Fingers crossed we will get to the point where we need to seek his help!






On 2022. Jan 14., Fri at 20:10, Bela Liptak <lipta...@aol.com> wrote:


HI Ted,


I will try to find the PBS report. Also, I sent you my son's front page article in today's NYT just to illustrate that if the film ever comes out, we have contacts to promote it.


Best regards to both of you, Béla  




In a message dated 1/14/2022 12:05:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
theodore...@gmail.com writes:


Dear Béla - Thank you very much for your kind message.


One of the characteristics I admire in so many Hungarians is being straightforward and so I appreciate your honest and clear perspective.


I totally understand what you are saying and agree.  It is indeed a daunting road for the reasons you describe as well as many others.  That being said however given the importance of the matter Grace and I very much want to try and plan to move forward and will do so in good spirits!


Thank you also for your kind offer regarding the supplemental information. We will likely follow-up in that regard as the process proceeds.  


I would at this point be interested in receiving a copy of the PBS piece on your running for Parliament. If you could send that it would be great. 


You included a link to a NYT article on the vaccine mandate. Did you intend to send that or something else?  


We will study the information on your Hungarian Lobby with interest!








On 2022. Jan 14., Fri at 13:39, Bela Liptak <lipta...@aol.com> wrote:





January 14, 2022


Dear Ted and Grace,


It was nice to "meet' your voices and hear of your plans. The following occured to me:

·         What you are trying to achieve is next to impossible,  because you will not find actors to create the atmosphere that existed in 56. That Total dedication, that absolute faith that world will not let us down, the effect of radio Free Europe and Eisenhower" statement, combined withthe naivety of kids who did not even know what was happening in the Suez, I do not believe can be reproduced.

·         On the other hand, if in spite of my skepticism, you can find actors to do it, when done, you will fgind support for good get global promotion: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/13/us/politics/supreme-court-biden-vaccine-mandate.html

·         If you need background material, I have a collection of 1956 reports on PBS, CNN,

·         NBC, CBS TVs. The PBS report is on my running for parlament in 1990 in Somogy. 

·         While it has nothing with the film, if you are interested in what my Hungarian Lobby (1400+ young Hungairans from all over the World) you can see it at:  https://groups.google.com/g/hungarian-lobby


So, while I do not want to sound overly pessimistic, the key is founding the actors and while I am sure Grace will write the text for an excellent screeplay, people create the atmosphere and I think it is next to imposible to recreate how we felt.


Best regards, Béla


In a message dated 1/14/2022 2:51:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
theodore...@gmail.com writes:


Dear Béla,


Thank you very much for your time yesterday.  We are very glad we could speak with you live.  It was both a pleasure and an honor to speak with you.


Grace will move forward with the writing of the screenplay based on your important book as discussed and we will stay in touch. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.




HI Ted,


Old bones heal slower than I expected and I do not want to hold you up. So to join your omments









January 14, 2022


Dear Ted and Grace,


It was nice to "meet' your voices and hear of your plans. The following occured to me:

·        What you are trying to achieve is next to impossible,  because you will not find actors to create the atmosphere that existed in 56. That Total dedication, that absolute faith that world will not let us down, the effect of radio Free Europe and Eisenhower" statement, combined withthe naivety of kids who did not even know what was happening in the Suez, I do not believe can be reproduced.

·        On the other hand, if in spite of my skepticism, you can find actors to do it, when done, you will fgind support for good get global promotion: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/13/us/politics/supreme-court-biden-vaccine-mandate.html

·        If you need background material, I have a collection of 1956 reports on PBS, CNN,

·        NBC, CBS TVs. The PBS report is on my running for parlament in 1990 in Somogy. 

·        While it has nothing with the film, if you are interested in what my Hungarian Lobby (1400+ young Hungairans from all over the World) you can see it at:  https://groups.google.com/g/hungarian-lobby


So, while I do not want to sound overly pessimistic, the key is founding the actors and while I am sure Grace will write the text for an excellent screeplay, people create the atmosphere and I think it is next to imposible to recreate how we felt.


Best regards, Béla




Happy New Year Ted,



Either Thursday or Friday at around 9 AM would be fine. I hope I need to do nothing else, but to get online, you can do the rest?


We are freezing here, hope the sun is out in Budapest.


Best regards, Béla

Béla Lipták, Automation and Safety Consultant

 Lifetime Achievement award of International Society of Automation

84 Old North Stamford Rd., Stamford CT,

T: 203 357 7614, E: lipta...@aol.com







Dear Bela,


Happy New Year! I hope and yours are well. 


You will recall a little over a year ago you and I were in touch about the possibility of converting your amazing and important book A Testament of Revolution into a film. 


By cc please let me introduce you to Grace Griffitts who, like me, is very interested in moving this initiative forward.  Grace has experience with screenplays and we would like to move forward with developing a screenplay based on your book with Grace taking the lead on the writing of the screenplay.  Grace has studied the book in detail with a screenwriter’s eye and believes it would make a very compelling screenplay.


Would you have some time in the next few days for a Zoom video call where we could discuss the possibility of moving forward in this regard?  If yes, Grace and I are both in Budapest so afternoon Budapest time/morning EST would probably be best. 


Thank you very much for time and we greatly look forward to hearing from you.










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