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Bela Liptak

Oct 4, 2021, 9:30:53 AM10/4/21


In a message dated 10/4/2021 8:40:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:



Kedves Béla bátyám,


Köszönet, hogy figyelmeztetted a Hungarian Lobby résztvevőit a mai New York Timesben megjelent magyar vonatkozású cikkre, amiről az a magyar közmondás jut az eszembe,  hogy: "Pénz beszél, kutya ugat".


 Ugyanakkor, ha már a Times szóbajött, megemlithetted volna, hogy a lap fedőlapján, a főhelyen fiad cikke olvasaható:


Persze nem ezekről akartam irni, hanem azt akartam megkérdezni, hogy neked milyen szereped lesz a Glasgowi Szummiton? Megjelenik addigra a "Controlling the Future" c. könyved és hogyan állnak a dolgok az RFC-vel ?


Tisztelettel, Zoltán



Kedves Zoltán, sokat kérdeztél, hát sorben válaszolok.

·         A Hungarian Lobbynak azért küldtem el a cikket, hogy mindenki lássa, hogy kitünő vezetőink  (Teleki, Koszorús, Pataki) nem eladóak.

·         Ádám munkájáról annyit, hogy reggel 5-ig dolgozott a cikken.

·         Glasgov egy útelágazás lesz az emberisg történetében, hol tovább mehetünk a "Higgyünk a tudománynak" feliratú úton, vagy letérhetünk a "Dead end" feliratúra. Remélem Glasgowban tanulunk a kőkorszak emberétől, aki nem azért dobta el a kőbaltát, mert elfogyott a kő, hanem azért, mert a bronz jobb. Hát remélem, mi is ott hagyjuk a fosszilis tüzelőket ahol vannak és áttérünk a zöld energiákra.  Glasgowról, RFC-ről nincs időm többet irni, de ide másokok két levelet.

Üdvözlettel, Béla bátyád


September 28, 2021, Stamford

 Dear President Sharma,

 Would it be possile to include in the UN Summit's schedule a few minutes to give an opportunity to the representative of the International Society of Automation (ISA) for calling on all scientific and technical associations of the world, to join in the existential effort to stop global warming.  ISA is the right organization to make this call, because it is already active in the field of  green energy technology. An example of ISA's contributions is the book "Controlling the Future" to be published later this year (see attachment).. This work has been prepared to become required reading at univeristies. If the opportunity is given, the  statement of the ISA spokesman would support the UN's view that we have all the tools to prervent the coming catastrophe, all we need is the will to do it.


Respectfully yours,

 Béla Lipták

Life  Fellow and “Lifetime Achievement Award” recipient of ISA.



RE: Should We Mess With the Atmosphere?

 David Keith,

October 3, page 3


October 3, 2021

To the Editor,

There are safer, faster and cheaper methods of reducing glocal warming than the yearly injection of  two million tons of sulphur into the air.

One is to "whiten" the human footprint on the planet by increasing the amount of heat reflected back into outer space by our   roofs, roads, parking lots and agriculture. Today, instead of global reflectivity being  increased, it is dropping, because the reflective snow melts and is replaced by highly heat absorbing water and land. I have calculated in my new book that if the reflectivity of the planet was increased from the present 30% to 31.5% the planet would stop warming. This could be done quickly, if converting would be profitable if its reward would equal the cost of achieving the same impact on warming by emission reduction.

A slower and more expensive, but permanent solution is to convert to a solar-hydrogen energy economy. This can be done by doing the same what plants do when they use solar energy to split water. The key to designing such " artificial trees" is the reversible fuel cell (RFC). When the Sun is out, the RFC stores the excess solar energy in hydrogen in a storage tank and  whereas when the solar panels do not supply energy, it generates the needed electricity  the home and to recharge electric cars.. In this design, "green" solar-hydrogen is stored as is propane today, except that the hydrogen storage tank is the same ones used today in fuelcell operated electric cars and  are serviced the same way as propane is today, namely the supplier adds hydrogen if it's pressure drops low and takes the excess away when it rises to the limit.


In remote areas where there is no grid, the RFC system is self sufficient and its electricity cost is half the regular, because it is used where it is made, so there is no transmisson cost. In areas where grids exist, RFCs can eliminate the need for diesel generators, because at times of power failures, they can both supply the home and backup the grid. In addition, the batteries of electric vehicles can provide futher  backup during periods of peak demand, when otherwise the cost of electricity is high.


Béla Lipták


Stamford, CT

The writer is author of Post-oil Energy Technology

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