Hydrogen Cars Are Safer Than Lithium EVs

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Bela Liptak

Sep 6, 2024, 3:27:41 PMSep 6
to hungari...@googlegroups.com
Kedves Szabolcs,
 Az Elon Musk vezette hidrogén üzemanyag elleni igyekezetről, tehát a Tesla csapatnak a  közvéleményt félrevezető állitásait tárgyaló magán levelezésemről nem irok, mert magánlevelézést nem hozok nyilvánosságra. Viszon az egyik, - a litiumra vonatkoző - mellékletemet ide másolom. Ebből is láthatod miért támadják olyan dühösen a könyvemet. Persze, ezzel csak csacsi módra felhivják a figyelmet a leirt tényekre és igy csak öngólt lőnek. 
Béla bátyád
PS: Igy van ez a kisebbségi jogokkal is: minél jobban állitja az EB, hogy az Eu-ban nem léteznek, annál jobban felhivják mások figyelmét arra és lőtérbe kerül. (lásd Fernandezt és a Turul akciónkat). Igy lesz ez a batériá okozta tüzekkel is. 
To: mer...@nytimes.com
Sent: 8/31/2024 5:53:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Fwd: Hydrogen Cars Are Safer Than Lithium EVs


From: lipta...@aol.com
To: op...@nytimes.com
Cc: pkru...@princeton.edu, tomf...@nytimes.com
Sent: 8/31/2024 5:47:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Hydrogen Cars Are Safer Than Lithium EVs






Considering the EV fire in South Korea, you might be interested in publishing the text below.


Best regars, Béla Lipták

Béla Lipták,

 Energy and Automation Consultant,



84 Old North Stamford Rd., Stamford CT,

T: 203 357 7614, E: lipta...@aol.com




Hydrogen Cars Are Safer Than Lithium EVs

Most batteries use lithium which is flammable but widely used by EV manufacturers, because it can store large amounts of energy. Lithiun fire accidents occur both during battery manufacturing and charging. In South Korea for example there were some 200 EV fires in less than a decade and in Seoul, a recent fire destroyed 900 cars and caused smoke inflamation for many. This is not to say that EV fires are more likely that gasoline fires. No, statistics indicate that such fires are some 50 times less likely, but still, the safetty regulations or the availability of  high  temperature extinguishers, automatic overchage preventors or other fire-response systems are sill not fully developd. 


The battery packs of most EVs are approximately 1,000 pounds and hold about 50KWh electric power, which for a range of about 200-300 miles, cost $10 to $15 and take a half an hour or more to recharge. Anothe disadvantage is that they always carry heavy batteries  that weigh more than 5 people. On the other hand, one of their unrecognized potential is, that they can be used as backup for the grid.



Battery packs weigh more than the passengers and trucks or buses even more.

There are 3 million EVs on the American roads and by 2030 there will be 30 million. Therefore by the end of this decade, the combined storage capacity represented by the battery packs of all American EVs, can exceed 1.5 GWh. This is more than the capacity of the world's largest battery storage system or The one day's output of dozens of nuclear power plants. Yet, these batteries are just sitting in the garages unused,  not connected to the grid. This is strange, because if all EVs would be provided with bidirectional chargers, they  could be automatically recharged with low cost electricity during off-peak hours and  during peak hours could  send their stored electricity to the grid. Therefore, such bidirectional chargers could not only provide backup for the grid, but also could cut the fuel cost of the car's owner .


I believe that in a few decades the fuel for the EV's will not be stored in batteries, but will come from electrolzers fueled by light and green hydrogen. This change will occur slowly because first the cost of green hydrogen must drop to about $2/kg and also because the financial interests of the Elon Musks who make their money by selling battery EVs and the misinformation from the hydrocarbon industry must be overcome.

Today, the fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are better suited for long distance driving and for use in trucks or buses. Still about 75,000 passenger cars are already on the roads.


  1. I believe that the future is brighter than we think. This is because green technology is already profitable and because our engineers and scientists, - ho came up with the AI within a half a century. can handle the challenges. They do not  look for excuses, they do not give up. and they know that at the end, the results of their efforts will prove their own validity.

Béla Lipták

Stmford, CT,

 Energy and Automation Consultant

Author of the textbook :"Controlling the Future"




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