Kedves KAE,
Örülök, hogy a magyar politika mellett ( ) a globális gondok is érdekelnek.
Remélem tudsz angolúl. mert az általad irtakra vonatkozóan csak ilyen anyagrgal tudok reagálni, ezérts azokból mellékelek egy ma reggel irt levelemet és egy (áprilisban megjelenő) cikkem kéziratát.
Béla bátyád
Alex Mey, (202) 287-5868,
Patricia Hutchins, (202) 586-1029,
Vikram Linga, (202) 586-9224,
Dear Colleagues,
I am working on the second edition of my book titled: "Controlling the Future" and in the chapter on energy storage capacities, I am mentioning the hydrogen storage capacity of the salt caverns at Delta, Utah (0.3 TWh). In order for the reader to appreciate how big that is, I would also like to mention the total battery storage capacity of the US. Can you help with that?
Thank you, Béla Lipták
The Book: "Controlling the Future"
My new book titled "Controlling the Future" ( is about the contributions our automation profession can make in controlling non-industrial processes like AI or global warming, yet as of today, the members of ISA do not even know of it's existance. So, I would like to ask you to help make it better known and in order to do that, I will quote below an interview about it:
Why is this textbook important?
Up to the Industrial Revolution, human evolution was directed by nature's rule of the "survival of the fittest", while today we humans are beginning to change both our physical and cultural environments and I am not sure if we are doing as good a job as nature did before. I am concrned, because AI is beginning to change our cultural and climate change is treatening our physical environments and both of these processes are out of control. Mankind has reached a fork on its road of evolution and one of the road sign reads "Dead End"! My book (Figure 1) explains that we must take the other road and provides a detiled roadmap for reaching a stable and safe future.
Figure 1: The manipulated variable in the "loop controlling the future" is human behavior and the actuatorson the control valves that are throttling human behavior is our pocket book
What is new or unique about your book in comparison to other textbooks dealing with the processes of AI and climate?
Many books have been written concerning the harm of the "human footprint" on our planet and about both the potential consequences of inaction or the remedies needed to make that "footprint less harmful. What is common to all of these books is that they are written either by authors who are excellent specialists of one or two components of the occurring physical processes (rise of sea levels, fierce storms, droughts or biodiversity), or of the AI impacted cultural processes or are outstanding inventors of technoligies that can protect against their harmful effects, but they all are experts only in one or two component of these large and complex processeses, but are usually not qualified to analyze them in their totality.
I am different, I am neither an expert specialist or an inventor, what I know is the overall behavior of all process, because I have been practicing and teaching process control for over half a century. Therefore, I can analyze these mutivariable processes in their totality (by looking at their capacitances, inertias, accelerations, time constants, feedbacks, tipping points, integral accumulations or interaction between their component sub-processes), before predicting the overall dynamic behavior (personality) of such non-industrial process as AI or climate change.
My second difference from other authors is that I am neither an "alarmist", nor a "denialist", I am simply a realist who have spent decades analyzing the AI development and the climate change processes and concluded that we have the means, the technology and the time to make the changes needed, but that this time is running out.
If readers are to take away only a couple of messages from this book, what should they be?
The main message is that we know how to fix things, but have less than a decade to get serious about it, otherwise global warming rise over 2.5°C which will make the tropics unlivable and the resulting unstoppable migration could destroy civilization. As to the specifics
· Take away a clear understanding of how "Artificial Forests" work and how their hydrogen storage can convert intermittent green energy into continuous. (Two hydrogen caverns at Delta in Utah stores as much energy as all the batteries in the USA).
· Realize that we should not only concentrate on reducing the warming of the planet, because we can also cool it faster and cheaper by increasing albedo and, reducing methane emission.
· Realize that the outdated grid can't distribute and batteries are too small to handle the storage needs of the coming green electricity econ
omy. and distribution and storage of green hydrogen are boths essential and feasible.
· Realize that green conversion must be made profitable and for it to occur fast enough fossil subsidies should be eliminated, carbon taxes should be collected and the fossil industry's disinformation campaign should be neutralized by the facts.