Den måndag 26 september 2016 kl. 10:57:01 UTC+2 skrev gauchisme:
> On Monday, 26 September 2016 00:54:29 UTC-7, MedvE wrote:
> > Gerinctelen seggfely, ez 7 evvel a Mac elotti kep a CP/M-mel.
> > Nem 1986, mi foszt hazudozol mar MEGINT????
> ---> IBMCPM86<---_ boot-scrn.JPG
Rofike, hol van itt az 1986????
Amilyen faszfely vagy, a '86-ot nezed annak. Pedig az a PROCESSOR neve te idiota!
A CP/M-80-at 1979ben csinalta a DR, a PC-re illesztett valtozat AZ AMI A KEPEN VAN 1982 elejen jott ki a kereskedelmi forgalomba.
Megint nem tudsz semmit, csak esz nelkul wikizel, aztan meg dol beloled a bullshit.
Legalabb wikiznel ugy, hogy erted, vagy legalabb PONTOSAN.
De ahhoz te faszkalap vagy.
> "The price of the XT was $4995 and it was upgraded in 1986 to a "5162" model. This computer would be able to outdo the next form factor, "AT", from IBM because of an advanced RAM design. The XT would be discontinued in the Spring of 1987 and replaced with the PS/2 Model 30."
Lowfust. 1982 vegen mar 10 MB harddiskes IBM PC-vel dolgoztam. Egy kulon kartyat kellett beletenni a disk aramellatasahoz es meghajtasahoz.
Bootolni akkor meg csak floppyrol tudott, a BIOS nem kezelt harddisket.
Seggfely vagy, mint szokasos. Jobb ha nem egeted magad tovabb.
Ugyancsak wiki (miert nem olvastad el mielott rofogni kezdtel?)
"The IBM PC was immediately successful. BYTE reported a rumor that more than 40,000 were ordered on the day of the announcement;[6] John Dvorak recalled that one dealer that day praised the computer as an "incredible winner, and IBM knows how to treat us — none of the Apple arrogance".[85] "
"Although IBM sold fewer than 100,000 PCs in its first year,[88] PC World counted 753 software packages for the PC—more than four times the number available for the Apple Macintosh one year after its 1984 release—including 422 applications and almost 200 utilities and languages."
"XT 5160 March 1983 8088 First IBM PC to come with an internal hard drive as standard."
(Az enyem - a munkaadome - nem volt standard, valahonnan mashonnan vettek a disket, nem emlexem honnan)
Legkozelebb ha wikizseni akarsz lenni, akkor olvasd el rendesen, es ha nem erted akkor inkabb kerdezz, mert igy nagyon hulyenek latszol.
Na bozmeg a reisztag hozad kepest kis kupac hamu....