Singapore: prisoner with learning disabilities scheduled to be executed on Wednesday

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Tilly lavenas

Apr 25, 2022, 3:06:57 PM4/25/22
Dear Friends
Apologies for sending another urgent action so close on the heels of our last one. In November we sent an appeal on behalf of Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam, who has learning disabilities and has been in prison since 2010 for smuggling a small amount of heroin into Singapore. He was sentenced to death. HIs appeal has now been denied and the prosecutor has reset his execution for Wednesday.

Please send this message or in your own words to the Prime Minister and the ambassador in your country. Thanks! Tilly & Guy

Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister of Singapore
Office of the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister 

With great urgency, I appeal to you to immediately halt the execution of Nagaenthran Dharmalingam. He has an IQ of 69 – a level internationally recognised as an “intellectual disability”– and is not mentally fit to face execution.

He does not deserve to die. Please commute his sentence and spare his life.


Please send a copy to the ambassador in your country
HE Mr Thuan Kuan Lim
High Commission for the Republic of Singapore
9 Wilton Crescent
London SW1X 8SP

HE Ashok Kumar Mirpuri
Embassy of Singapore
3501 International Place, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Here is Amnesty's original urgent action from 3 November 2021:

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