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Art in the Trump administration

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Jan 30, 2017, 9:03:12 PM1/30/17
On Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 6:43:20 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> Mickey Leaks (a.k.a., Putin stooge Peter Nockolds) wrote:
> <<It's quite bad manners to quote private correspondence, Art.>>
> .................................................................
> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> <<It's also bad manners to stab your old friends in the back, Mickey.>>
> .................................................................
> Mickey Leaks (a.k.a., Putin stooge Peter Nockolds) wrote:
> <<I'm not sure what you mean by 'stab in the back'.>>

I was going to ask that myself.

> I think you know *perfectly well* what I mean by 'stab in the back':
> 1) I've encouraged you for years (as a self proclaimed independent
> researcher) to join me in looking into the Shakespeare authorship question.

You mean, you've been trying to recruit him? You probably only offered him a paltry amount, yet you marvel that Putin outbid you for his services, Art?!

Speaking of recruiting, Art, it is *VERy* important that you apply without delay for a position in the Trump administration. Thus far, Trump has mostly picked people like himself -- vindictive, mean-spirited, pathologically narcissistic, ignorant, irrational, delusional morons impervious to established facts. You owe it to your fellow citizens to secure a post, Art -- you must do so in order to insure that there is at least one *kindly*, *self-deprecating*, ignorant, irrational, delusional moron impervious to established facts in the new administration. (You might even be able to inform Trump's national security team what the nationality of the majority of the 9/11 terrorists was.)

And I don't insist upon "self-deprecating" -- in your case "self-defecating" will do just as well.

> 2) I've also encouraged you to post your authorship discoveries at HLAS
> *under your own name* so that you could easily claim first rights to said
> discoveries.

And I've encouraged you for years to publish your authorship "discoVERies" under your own name (or even under Noonedafter, if you prefer) in a *real* scholarly venue, Art -- but for some reason, you have neVER done so.

> 3) I even gave you instructions on how to easily perform ELS analysis
> yourself

Talk about the blind leading the blind! You demonstrably do not even know what an equidistant letter sequence *is*, Art! But don't keep us in suspense, Art -- please post the instructions that you sent you "old friend" for analyzing equidistant letter sequences!

> (thereby putting you in direct competition with myself).

Nobody would eVER want to be in direct competition with *you*, Art!

> And yet, all you have done thus far is to:
> 1) Antagonize the whole AntiStratfordian community against ciphering.

The saner elements (when applied to anti-Stratfordians, such assessments of mental stability are of course relative) of that community were *already* lucid enough to eschew crackpot cryptography on their own, Art. Indeed, the Baconian crackpot cryptographers of yesteryear (Ignatius Donnelly, etc.) were quite sufficient for that purpose -- although your own efforts *far* outstrip those of the older Baconian cranks in discrediting ciphermongering! It's a bit like Robert Frost's "Fire and Ice".

> 2) Post a TRUMP/PUTIN/FBI Shakespeare ELS under a phoney pseudonym
> for the *sole purpose* of pissing me off!!!

What makes you think (usual disclaimer) that that was his *sole purpose*, Art?!

> Mickey Leaks (a.k.a., Putin stooge Peter Nockolds) wrote:
> <<Everyone who deals in this type of decryption must know
> the dangers and ought to have a laugh now and then.>>

> Absolutely! And I sincerely wish that Stratfordians would *constructively*
> criticize my ELSs in just such a fashion (much like Terry Ross used to do
> years ago at HLAS).

I have already done so, Art -- just as I have already *constructively* (and conclusively) refuted your delusion that _Don Quixote_ was written in English! Yet, like Trump fulminating about the turnout at his inauguration being the largest eVER, or about the supposed guilt of the Central Park Five, you are utterly impERVious to facts or to rational argument, Art.

> My many responses to Prof. David Webb of Dartmouth should make it crystal
> clear that I am perfectly fine with having a laugh now and then (at my
> expense) about Shakespearean authorship.

It's nice to be in full agreement with you for once, Art -- I too am perfectly fine with having a laugh now and then at your expense.

> What I am *NOT* perfectly fine with is laughing about those TWIN A.HOLES:
> TRUMP & PUTIN! You and your fellow Russian hackers had the entire
> Shakespeare canon to play with and could certainly have come up with a
> more convincing example of the limitations of ELS description than one
> that was clearly designed to make me want to puke.

Please elaborate, Art -- what was the example that you "old friend" produced that made you "want to puke"? I don't generally read his posts, so I haven't seen it posted anywhere.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> . <= 10 =>
> .
> . [T R U M P]E T S S E
> . N N E T A N D C O R
> . N E T S E N T E R[T]
> . W O V E R G E R S[W]
> . I T H S H O R T S[I]
> . L U E R W A N D S[N]
> . E X T T H E M T W O
> . S C R I B E S I N T
> . H E H A B I T E O F
> . D O C T O R S A F T
> . E R T H E M T H E B
> . I S H O[P]O F C A N
> . T E[R]B[U]R Y[A]L O
> . N E[A|F|T]E R[H]I M
> . T H[E|B|I]S H[O]P S
> . O F[L|I|N]C O[L]N E
> . E L Y R O C H[E S]T
> . E R A N D S A I N T
> . A S A P H
> ..................................
> [TRUMP] 1

If you're going to seek equidistant letter sequences of skip one, Art, then one can easily find *much* longer, *much* more eloquent, and *much* more impressive messages than the pathetic example you give here -- provided, of course, that one reads English competently. No doubt this is the shortcoming that pREVents you from extracting the longer, more sensible decipherment, Art. Of course, *any* text in English requires decryption if one lacks even rudimentary competence in the tongue.

> [PUTIN] 10 : Prob. ~ 1 in 1560
> [TWIN] 10
> [A.HOLE/S] 10

The string "AHOLES" does not appear in the above text as an equidistant letter sequence of skip 10, Art -- or of any other skip, for that matter. You *still* have not managed to grasp what an equidistant letter sequence *is*!

> [FBI] 10 : Prob. next to [PUTIN] ~ 1 in 800
> [LEAR] -10
> ------------------------------------------------
> If you *MUST* remind me of those TWIN A.HOLES: TRUMP & PUTIN
> you should do it with *BOTH* [PUTIN] & [TRUMP] with legitimate
> ELS skips of 2 or more (and preferably with the same skip).
> (Personally, I try to limit play ELSs either to Hamlet
> or to the beginning or end of the First Folio.)

Huh?! You torture virtually *eVERy* text by extracting (often nonexistent) equidistant letter sequences and (often nonexistent) anagrams whose content is generally meaningless, moronic nonsense! But why do you profess to limit your inquiries in that way, Art? Why just _Hamlet_?

> Mickey Leaks (a.k.a., Putin stooge Peter Nockolds) wrote:
> <<I think you may antagonise people against ciphering by the volume of your
> posts here.>>

Not merely by their volume, but by their moronic repetitiveness! Like Trump, Art posts the *same thing* oVER and oVER and oVER and oVER, often hundreds or even *thousands* of times, sometimes multiple times in the *same post*, and generally even *after* his delusions have been *conclusively debunked*! The only difference is that Trump uses Twitter, while Art turns h.l.a.s. into a modern Augean Stables.

> Since I am the only one keeping HLAS alive as an unmoderated
> Shakespeare authorship newsgroup I have that privilege.

No, Art; you are largely responsible for the *demise* of h.l.a.s. as a viable unmoderated newsgroup. (To be fair, you had some help from Elizabeth, lackpurity, gangleri, and others, but your efforts alone would have sufficed.)

> My Volumes [sic] light illuminates HLAS:

Is English your native tongue, Art?

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]

> Mickey Leaks (a.k.a., Putin stooge Peter Nockolds) wrote:
> <<If you think I am a Russian hacker you should welcome my expertise,
> but if I was a hacker I wouldn't have needed you to tell me about
> The Bible Code Programme.>>

> I welcome your challenging of my ciphers.
> I just wish that you wouldn't hide behind 'Mickey Leaks'
> like a Russian hacker hiding behind 'WikiLeaks.'
> (When Americans get royally screwed

"Royally screwed"?! Does this mean that you have pledged allegiance to the PT/DT Oxfordian faction?! And if Oxford was the clandestine Tudor Prince, doesn't that mean that Anne Cecil and Orazio Cogno got royally screwed in *two* senses, both literal and figurative, Art?

Incidentally, Art, you have once again proved unable to answer my VERy simple question:

How was Shakespeare's offense against Sir Thomas Lucy similar to Oxford's offense against the boys in his entourage, Art?

Must I take pity on your ignorance *yet again* and REVeal the answer, Art?

> we like to know who the enemy is.)

Your Petulant Paranoid persona should have worked that out already, Art -- *eVERyone* is the enemy, of course!

> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)


Jan 30, 2017, 9:57:02 PM1/30/17


Mickey Leaks

Jan 31, 2017, 3:14:20 AM1/31/17
To end the suspense Art told me about a programme by Dmitry Brant 'Fun with Bible Code'. That's all. i think it would be usual ELS terminology to refer to TRUMP appearing in the cited text as having a skip of 1, and this programme shows it as such with the value 1, but 0 might be clearer as there is no skip I only began to post a here a few months ago, got little/no response until now. Peter

Mickey Leaks

Jan 31, 2017, 4:38:19 AM1/31/17
As PS to the previous, Art does know what an ELS is but allows a certain deviation. If I were trying to demonstrate the basic premise that there are significant ELSs in certain texts I'd be extremely hesitant about presenting anything with a deviation. Peter

Arthur Neuendorffer

Jan 31, 2017, 10:48:02 AM1/31/17
Peter wrote:

<<I only began to post a here a few months ago,
got little/no response until now.

Art does know what an ELS is but allows a certain deviation. If I were trying to demonstrate the basic premise that there are significant ELSs in certain texts I'd be extremely hesitant about presenting anything with a deviation.>>
HLAS is *NOT* the hallowed halls of academia
or even your neighborhood bookclub!

HLAS isn't even amateur night at your local comedy club.

HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you get a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles (followed by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them doggies movin', rawhide
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin',
Be waiting at the end of my ride.

Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, hit 'em up, Rawhide
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,
let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, Rawhide!
H'yah! H'yah!
Art Neuendorffer


Jan 31, 2017, 12:14:02 PM1/31/17
On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 10:48:02 AM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> Peter wrote:
> [...]
> Art does know what an ELS is

If so, he has rarely given any indication that he does.

> but allows a certain [sic?]

Is this perhaps a misspelling of "cretin"?

> deviation.

"Deviation" is putting it mildly in Art's case!

> If I were trying
> to demonstrate the basic premise that there are significant ELSs in certain
> texts I'd be extremely hesitant about presenting anything with a deviation.>>
> ------------------------------------------------------
> HLAS is *NOT* the hallowed halls of academia

That's right, Art -- academic disciplines have rigorous intellectual standards, while Oxfordian cranks do not. I'm glad that you recognize the distinction.

> or even your neighborhood bookclub!

Of course not, Art -- indeed, many anti-Stratfordians who have participated in h.l.a.s. have demonstrated either an unwillingness or an inability to read.

> HLAS isn't even amateur night at your local comedy club.

No, but it is nonetheless a forum in which some superb comedy has been afforded oVER the years by anti-Stratfordian amateurs.

> HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you get
> a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles (followed
> by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

Are you Elwood or Jake, Art? You must be Jake -- indeed, the most likely source of your material appears to be the jakes.

But you neVER answered my question, Art:

Do you know why Shakespeare's offense against Sir Thomas Lucy is akin to Oxford's offense against the boys in his entourage?

Since you are foreVER seeking parallels between Shakespeare and Oxford, I would think that this newly discoVERED one would interest you! Must I take pity upon ignorance yet again and REVeal the answer, Art?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> ---------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Arthur Neuendorffer

Jan 31, 2017, 12:55:52 PM1/31/17
Neufer wrote:
> HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you get
> a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles (followed
> by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

Are you Elwood or Jake, Art?


Elwood: "We're on a mission from God."
Art Neuendorffer

P.S. to Mickey: Elwood Blues was pulled over for running a red light, and the state troopers attempt to arrest him for driving with a suspended license resulting from *116* parking tickets.


Jan 31, 2017, 3:51:03 PM1/31/17
On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 12:55:52 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you get
> > a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles (followed
> > by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

> Are you Elwood or Jake, Art?

> Elwood
> Elwood: "We're on a mission from God."

But Art -- your posts are more like an emission from dog. And you like anagrams, too!

> ---------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)
> P.S. to Mickey: Elwood Blues was pulled over for running a red light, and
> the state troopers attempt to arrest him for driving with a suspended
> license resulting from *116* parking tickets.

Huh? Was there supposed to have been any point to the above, Art? If so, what was it? Some nutcase numerology with the number 116?

But you *still* have not answered my question, Art:

Do you know why Shakespeare's offense against Sir Thomas Lucy is akin
to Oxford's offense against the boys in his entourage?

Since you are foreVER seeking parallels between Shakespeare and Oxford, I would think that this newly discoVERED one would interest you! Must I take pity upon your ignorance yet again and REVeal the answer, Art? I suppose that I must:

Shakespeare's offense was a wrong in the deer park; Oxford's offense was a dong-in-the-rear pork.

Arthur Neuendorffer

Jan 31, 2017, 5:05:01 PM1/31/17
> Neufer wrote:
>> HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you get
>> a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles (followed
>> by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

> Are you Elwood or Jake, Art?

> Elwood
> Elwood: "We're on a mission from God."

Lea wrote:

<<But Art -- your posts are more like an emission from dog.
And you like anagrams, too!>>

I don't believe in dog.

I go with the flow and believe in wolf:
. (1939) Encyclopedia Britannica on "Drama"
. *HERODOTUS* had a lot to say
. about TRAGEDY (i.e., a goat-song) being
. a *PATHOS* (i.e., the violent death of Dionysus/Osiris
. by *SPARAGMOS* or dismemberment):
<< we have the express testimony of *HERODOTUS* that the ritual
worship of Dionysus (the god of Drama) was the same as the ritual
. worship of Osiris such that it involved a *SPARAGMOS*
(dismemberment), mourning, search, discovery & resurrection.>>
. However, *HERODOTUS* avoided directly mentioning
. Dionysus OR *OSIRIS* in this regard:
. "When the Egyptians lament the god
. whom I may not name in this connection"
"They lament but whom they lament I must not say" -- HERODOTUS
For in the manner of ancient religion, it was always necessary
that Dionysus or *OSIRIS* be represented by some surrogate.
In fact, ALL TRAGIC HEROS are simply surrogates of *Dionysus/OSIRIS*:
<<We find a frequent sparagmos of beings who have committed some sin:
. [A]ctaeon by hounds
. [D]irce by a bull
. [O]rpheus by Maenads
. [L]ycurgus by horses
. [P]entheus by Maenads
. [H]YPPOLYTUS by horses
This use of a surrogate was made easier by the fact that both at
Eleusis & in the Osiris rite the myth was conveyed by *tableaux*
. (i.e., 'things shown') rather than by words.
. Thus the death of Pentheus, wearing Dionysiac dress,
would be shown by exactly the same tableau as that of Dionysus.
. Such facts help to explain the charge of
. "profaning the mysteries" brought against Aeschylus.>>
. - 'Drama' in (1939) _Encyclopedia Britannica_
___ Saint [ADOLPH] , OSB Abbot : June 17
<<Died c. 680. The relics of the noble Saxon, Saint [ADOLPH],
together with those of his brother of Saint *BOTOLPH* , were
translated to Thorney Abbey by Saint Ethelwold about 972.>>
> Art Neuendorffer
> P.S. to Mickey: Elwood Blues was pulled over for running a red light, and
> the state troopers attempt to arrest him for driving with a suspended
> license resulting from *116* parking tickets.

Lea wrote:

<<Huh? Was there supposed to have been any point to the above, Art?
If so, what was it? Some nutcase numerology with the number 116?>>

Ask Mickey.
Art Neuendorffer

Mickey Leaks

Feb 1, 2017, 4:33:53 AM2/1/17
Whilst I may comment on Art's posts I am certainly not obliged to clarify remarks he addresses to me. However there is nothing intrinsically 'nutcase' about studying number symbolism, see for example Katherine Duncan-Jones editions of the Sonnets. Peter


Feb 1, 2017, 9:37:37 AM2/1/17
On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 5:05:01 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> > Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >>
> >> HLAS is "Bob's Country Bunker" (in _The Blues Brothers_ movie) where you
> >> get
> >> a chance to perform behind chicken wire while dodging beer bottles
> >> (followed
> >> by the Good Ol' Stratford Boys trying to chase you down).

> > Are you Elwood or Jake, Art?

> > Elwood
> >
> > Elwood: "We're on a mission from God."

> Lea wrote:
> <<But Art -- your posts are more like an emission from dog.
> And you like anagrams, too!>>

> I don't believe in dog.
> I go with the flow

Lunatic logorrhea, you mean? What in Spanish is known as _VERborragia_?

> and believe in wolf:

That goes without saying, Art -- you've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!", which in this context amounts to the same thing) for years now!

> . (1939) Encyclopedia Britannica on "Drama"
> .
> . *HERODOTUS* had a lot to say

...inspired by Virgil, whom you take to be his predecessor, Art?

> . about TRAGEDY (i.e., a goat-song) being
> . a *PATHOS* (i.e., the violent death of Dionysus/Osiris
> . by *SPARAGMOS* or dismemberment):

The way you dismember texts in a vain search for meaningful anagrams, Art?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]


Absolutely, Art -- and there is *nobody* more unknowing than you!

> . Such facts help to explain the charge of
> . "profaning the mysteries" brought against Aeschylus.>>

How about the charge of profaning the histories of which anti-Stratfordians are guilty?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)
> >
> > P.S. to Mickey: Elwood Blues was pulled over for running a red light, and
> > the state troopers attempt to arrest him for driving with a suspended
> > license resulting from *116* parking tickets.

> Lea wrote:
> <<Huh? Was there supposed to have been any point to the above, Art?
> If so, what was it? Some nutcase numerology with the number 116?>>

> Ask Mickey.

Why should I do that, Art? He could not be expected to read your mind, even supposing that such a thing existed. You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.

> ----------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 1, 2017, 10:05:25 AM2/1/17
nordicskiv2 wrote:

<<You've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!") for years now!

...You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.>>


Feb 1, 2017, 11:47:15 AM2/1/17
On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 10:05:25 AM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> nordicskiv2 wrote:
> <<You've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!") for years now!
> ...You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.>>
> ----------------------------------------
> Keep movin', movin', movin'
> Though they're disapprovin'
> Keep them doggies [sic]

Is English your native tongue, Art? Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_, it is little wonder that you cannot distinguish Spanish from German, Russian from Ossetian, or Shakespeare from Oxford.

> movin', rawhide
> Don't try to understand 'em
> Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
> Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
> My heart's calculatin'

That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences. HoweVER, it must be admitted that in your case, Art, your head might not be much better at it than your heart, hence the necessity of using the usual disclaimer.

> My true love will be waitin',
> Be waiting at the end of my ride.
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, Rawhide
> Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,
> let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, Rawhide!
> H'yah! H'yah!
> ---------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 1, 2017, 2:55:54 PM2/1/17
> nordicskiv2 wrote:
> <<You've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!") for years now!
> ...You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.>>
Finnegans Wake p.332 (8th 100 letter *THUNDER* word)
Snip snap snoody. *Noo err historyend goody*.
Of a lil trip trap and a big treeskooner for he
put off the ketyl and they made three (for fie!) and
if hec dont love alpy then lad you annoy me. For hanigen
with hunigen still haunt ahunt to finnd their hinnigen

where - Pappappapparrassannuaragheallach
Joyce would have been familiar with the
simple gematria cipher the letters of [BACON] = #33
and :FRANCIS BACON: = #100
[BACON] cipher starts on the #33rd letter of #100 letters:
_____ <= 10 x 10 =>

. P a p (p) a p p a p p
. a r r (a) s s a n n u
. a r a (g) h e a l l a
. c h [N](a) t u l l a g
. h m [O](n)(g) a n m a c
. m a [C] m (a) c w h a c
. k f [A] l (l) t h e r d
. e b [B] l (e) n o n t h
. e d u b b l a n d a
. d d y d o o d l e d
Prob. of [BACON] in one of FW's 10 perfect 10 x 10 arrays: ~ 1 in 855
Neufer wrote:
> Keep movin', movin', movin'
> Though they're disapprovin'
> Keep them doggies [sic]

Lea wrote:

<<Is English your native tongue, Art?

Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_,>>
"Whoopie Ti Yi Yo Ki Yay, Motherf..ker!",_Little_Dogies
> movin', rawhide
> Don't try to understand 'em
> Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
> Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
> My heart's calculatin'

That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences.

<<Galileo began several experiments with pendulums by watching the swings of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a timer.>>
> My true love will be waitin',
> Be waiting at the end of my ride.
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, Rawhide
> Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,
> let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, Rawhide!
> H'yah! H'yah!
"Rawhide" : Secret Service codename for Ronald Reagan

<<Rawhide is a hide or animal skin that has *NOT* been exposed to tanning. It is similar to parchment, much lighter in color than leather made by traditional vegetable tanning.>>
__ Hamlet (1603: Bad Quarto 1) Act 5 Scene 1
Hamlet: An excellent fellow by the Lord Horatio,
. This *SEAUEN YEARES* haue I noted it: the toe of the pesant,
. *COMES so neere the heele of the courtier* ,
. That hee gawles his kibe, I prethee tell mee one thing,
. How long will a man lie in the ground before hee rots?
Clowne: I faith {SIR}, if hee be not rotten [B]efore
. *HE BE* laide in, [A]s w{E} haue many pocky [C]or{S}es,
. H(E) will last y[O]u, e{I}ght (Y)eares, *a TAN[N]ER*
. {WILL}(L)ast you eight yeare(S) full out, or nine.
. <= 17 =>
. f a i t h {S I R} i f h e e b e n o
. t (R) o t t e n [B] e f o r e*H E B E*
. l (A) i d e i n [A] s w {E}h a u e m a
. n (Y) p o c k y [C] o r {S}e s H (E)w i
. l (L) l a s t y [O] u e {I}g h t (Y)e a
. r (E) S A T A N [N] E R {W I L L}(L)a s
. t (Y) o u e i g h t y e a r e (S)a f
. u l l o u t o r n i n e.
[{SIR}BACON] 17: Bacon knighted in 1603 (the year of Q1)
{WISE} -17
{WILL.}(SLYE) -17: cast for Every Man in His Humour (1598)
Hamlet: And why A {TANNER}?
Clowne: Why his hide is so tanned with his trade,
. That it will holde out water, that's a parlous
. Deuourer of your dead body, a great soaker.
*ANDREW {WISE}* - titular Grand Prior 1593-1631
. 1597, Richard III (Q1 STC 22314):
. THE TRAGEDY OF / King Richard the third.
. Printed by VALENTINe Sims, for *ANDREW {WISE}* ,
. dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the
. Signe of the Angell. 1597.
Terry Ross wrote: <<The emblematic device at the head
of the [*MINERVA* Bri{TANNA}] title page with its motto:
"{UT} [A]LIJ[S], ME C[ONS]U[M]E"
("as you burn I consume myself")
and its picture of two lighted *CANDLES*.>>
. "{UT} [A]LIJ[S], ME C[ONS]U[M]E"
. <= 21 (= Ezra 3:7 ?) =>
. {U} P o n t h e L i n e s a n d L i f e o f
. {T} H e F a m o u s S c e n i c k e P o e t
. [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
. [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
. [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
. [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
. [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
. [S]

[MASONS] 21 : Prob. at start of poem ~ 1 in 9460
Terry Ross wrote: <<The emblematic device at the head
of the [*MINERVA* Britanna] title page with its motto:
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
. ("as you burn I consume myself")
. and its picture of *TWO (Masonic?) LIGHTED CANDLES*.>>
. (3rd Masonic candle = arm + feather)
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
_______ [M-A-S-ONS]: (cui e mel {TU}i)
_______________ (and from your honey)
[Hamlet (Quarto 2) 2.2]
Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).

Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,
and its picture of *THREE (Masonic!)LIGHTED CANDLES*.
. <<Inscribed on ATHENA's shield is a Latin motto,
. meaning *TRUTH is enveloped in obscurity* , which explains
. the imagery on the shield-the central sun representing
. *TRUTH* and the surrounding clouds obscurity.>>
_______. {anagram}
____ Pig: {SVS} (Latin)

<<Phidias, or The Great Pheidias (in Ancient Greek, Φειδίας; c. 480 – 430 BC), was a Greek sculptor, painter and architect, who lived in the 5th century BC, and is commonly regarded as one of the greatest of all sculptors of Classical Greece: Phidias' Statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Golden Ratio has been represented by the Greek letter φ (phi), after Phidias, who is said to have employed it.

Phidias designed the statues of the goddess Athena on the Athenian Acropolis, namely the Athena Parthenos inside the Parthenon and the Athena Promachos, a colossal bronze statue of Athena which stood between it and the Propylaea, a monumental gateway that served as the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. Plutarch records that enemies of Pericles, who was a close friend of Pheidias, tried to attack Pericles through Pheidias who was accused of stealing gold intended for the statue of Athena in the Parthenon and of impiously portraying himself and Pericles on the shield of Athena's statue. The first charge was disproved but Pheidias was jailed for the second, where he died.>>
Art Neuendorffer

Mickey Leaks

Feb 1, 2017, 3:41:12 PM2/1/17
Was there supposed to have been any point to the above, Art?
> > If so, what was it? Some nutcase numerology with the number 116?>>
> > Ask Mickey.
> Why should I do that, Art? He could not be expected to read your mind, even supposing that such a thing existed. You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.

Mickey knows perfectly well what Art is referring to by 116, in fact it was Mickey who first suggested to Art, many years ago, why 116 may have symbolic significance. Other than to point out that Sonnet 116 is 'misnumbered' 119 in most surviving copies of the Quarto Mickey doesn't want to discuss it here and doesn't wish to encourage Art to send messages, understood only to the two of them , via this forum.
Message has been deleted

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 1, 2017, 5:38:10 PM2/1/17
. {E} b [B](l)(e) n o n t h
. {E} d (u) b b l a n d a
. {D}(D) y d o o d l e d
Prob. of [BACON] in one of FW's 10 perfect 10 x 10 arrays: ~ 1 in 855
. (pagan)(gale)
. Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
Lear: Blow wind & *CRACKE YOUR CHEEKES*, rage, blow
. You caterickes, & Hircanios spout til you haue drencht,
. The steeples drown'd the *COCKES*,
. you su[L]pher[O]us an[D] Thou[G]ht ex[E]cuting fires,
. vaunt-currers to Oke-cleauing *THUN[DERB]oults*,
. singe my white head, And thou *ALL SHAKING THUNDER*,
. smite flat The thicke Rotunditie of the world, *CRACKE* natures
. Mold, all Germains spill at once that make Ingratefull man.
[LODGE] 5 : Prob. in speech ~ 1 in 1855

<<(Dull) *Anthony* is the local constable in *Love's Labour's Lost*, a blunt and unloquacious man who has no qualms about admitting that he has no idea what anyone else is talking about when they use their high-falutin’ language. He himself tends to misunderstand large words, and therefore rarely tries to use them. He is not particularly intelligent, and neither embarrassed nor bothered by the fact.>>

(The name *Anthony* occurs in no less than 8 of the plays.)

<<[BACON] *Anthony* (1558–1601) traveled to Huguenot/Navarre controlled Montauban, in 1580. While there, he served as an intelligencer reporting to English spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. In 1586, he was charged with sodomy for having sex with his page Isaac Burgades. Although punishment was still burning at the stake, as the result of intervention in 1587 of *Henry, King of Navarre*, Bacon never suffered any consequence, but left Montauban for Bordeaux (& Montaigne) because of the scandal. After Anthony's death, Francis Bacon collected his brother's correspondence, bequeathing it to his literary executor William (RAWLEY).>>
FW 626: "a great black shadow with a sheeny stare to perce me (RAWLY)."

<<*Love's Labour's Lost's* plot derives from "a now lost account of a diplomatic visit made to Henry of Navarre in 1578 by Catherine de Medici and her daughter Marguerite de Valois, Henry's estranged wife, to discuss the future of Aquitaine, but this is by no means certain."

1) Navarre is based on *Henry of Navarre*
who later (1589-1610) became King Henry IV of France,

2) *Berowne* on Charles de Gontaut, duc de *Biron*,

3) *Dumain* on Charles, duc *de Mayenne* and

4) *Longaville* on Henri I d'Orléans, duc de *Longueville*.>>
The Shakespeare Enigma By Peter Dawkins

<<The names of these 3 Lords appear in passports provided
to Anthony & his servant (Peter Browne) in 1586.>>
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis and the German Rosicrucian
Johann (VALENTIN) Andreae's Description
of the Republic of Christianopolis (1619):

1) Andreae describes a utopic island in which Christian theosophy and applied science ruled, and in which the spiritual fulfilment and intellectual activity constituted the primary goals of each individual, the scientific pursuits being the highest intellectual calling—linked to the achievement of spiritual perfection.

2) Andreae's island depicts a great advancement in technology, with many industries separated in different zones which supplied the population's needs—which shows great resemblance to Bacon's scientific methods and purposes.
Neufer wrote:
> Keep movin', movin', movin'
> Though they're disapprovin'
> Keep them doggies [sic]

Lea wrote:

<<Is English your native tongue, Art?

Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_,>>
"Whoopie Ti Yi Yo Ki Yay, Motherf..ker!",_Little_Dogies
> movin', (RAW)hide
> Don't try to understand 'em
> Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
> Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
> My heart's calculatin'

That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head
is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count
well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences.

<<Galileo began several experiments with pendulums by watching the swings of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a timer.>>
> My true love will be waitin',
> Be waiting at the end of my ride.
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
> Move 'em on, hit 'em up, (RAW)hide
> Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,
> let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, (RAW)hide!
> H'yah! H'yah!
"(RAW)hide" : Secret Service codename for Ronald Reagan

<<(RAW)hide is a hide or animal skin that has *NOT* been exposed
. Printed by (VALENTIN)e Sims, for *ANDREW {WISE}* ,
is commonly regarded as one of the greatest of all sculptors of Classical
Greece: Phidias' Statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of
the Ancient World. The Golden Ratio has been represented by the Greek
letter φ (phi), after (Phi)dias, who is said to have employed it.

Phidias designed the statues of the goddess Athena on the Athenian Acropolis,
namely the Athena Parthenos inside the Parthenon and the colossal bronze
Athena Promachos which stood between it and the entrance to the Acropolis.
Plutarch records that enemies of Pericles, who was a close friend of Pheidias,
tried to attack Pericles through Pheidias who was accused of stealing gold
intended for the statue of Athena in the Parthenon and of impiously
*portraying himself and Pericles on the shield of Athena's statue*.


Feb 2, 2017, 5:36:55 PM2/2/17
On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 5:38:10 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> > nordicskiv2 wrote:
> >
> > <<You've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!") for years now!
> >
> > ...You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Finnegans Wake p.332 (8th 100 letter *THUNDER* word)
> ...........................................................
> Snip snap snoody. *Noo err historyend goody*.
> Of a lil trip trap and a big treeskooner for he
> put off the ketyl and they made three (for fie!) and
> if hec dont love alpy then lad you annoy me. For hanigen
> with hunigen still haunt ahunt to finnd their hinnigen
> where - Pappappapparrassannuaragheallach
> [N]atullaghm[O]nganmacma[C]macwhackf[A]lltherdeb[B]
> lenonthedubblandaddydoodled
> ............................................................
> Joyce would have been familiar with the
> simple gematria cipher the letters of [BACON] = #33
> and :FRANCIS BACON: = #100
> ...........................................................
> [BACON] cipher starts on the #33rd letter of #100 letters:

Huh?! That explains nothing, except why your room has padded walls, Art.

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]

> . (pagan)(gale)
> .....................................................
> . Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
> .
> Lear: Blow wind

According to John Aubrey, the Earl of Oxford did exactly that, and in the royal presence. And "Lear" is an anagram of "Earl"!


Wasn't that Oxford's command to Orazio Cogno when he feared a tight fit, Art?

> rage, blow

That's probably another command to Cogno.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> <<(Dull) *Anthony* is the local constable in *Love's Labour's Lost*, a blunt
> and unloquacious man who has no qualms about admitting that he has no idea
> what anyone else is talking about when they use their high-falutin’ language.

Like you with English, Art?

> He himself tends to misunderstand large words, and therefore rarely tries to
> use them.

And when he does, monstrosities like "pinicle [sic]" are the result.

> He is not particularly intelligent, and neither embarrassed nor
> bothered by the fact.>>

This fits you like a glove, Art!

> (The name *Anthony* occurs in no less than 8 of the plays.)

So? Has it escaped your notice that "Anthony" is a VERy common name, and has been since Mark Antony, Art?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> The Shakespeare Enigma By Peter Dawkins

That's a nutcase source, Art.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > Keep movin', movin', movin'
> > Though they're disapprovin'
> > Keep them doggies [sic]

> Lea wrote:
> <<Is English your native tongue, Art?
> Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_,>>
> .......................................................
> "Whoopie Ti Yi Yo Ki Yay, Motherf..ker!"

Now, Art -- don't have a Trumpian temper tantrum!

The difference between the words _dogie_ and _doggie_ is not merely academic -- indeed, "dogie" is an anagram of

I, G.-d. E. O.

while "doggie" admits no meaningful anagrams in this context.

> -------------------------------------------------------
> > movin', (RAW)hide
> > Don't try to understand 'em
> > Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
> > Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
> > My heart's calculatin'

> That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head
> is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count
> well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> <<Galileo began several experiments with pendulums by watching the swings
> of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a
> timer.>>

Galileo used his heartbeat to *measure*, not to calculate, Art.

> > My true love will be waitin',
> > Be waiting at the end of my ride.

That may depend upon what or whom you've been riding, Art.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> "(RAW)hide" : Secret Service codename for Ronald Reagan

What's the Secret Service code name for the current President, Art?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> _____ {UT} [MASTER MASONS]
> ..............................................
> . <= 21 (= Ezra 3:7 ?) =>
> .
> . {U} P o n t h e L i n e s a n d L i f e o f
> . {T} H e F a m o u s S c e n i c k e P o e t
> .
> . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
> . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
> . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
> . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
> . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
> . [S]

Are you baiting the Master *again*, Art? Aren't you worried about your eyesight?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> [Hamlet (Quarto 2) 2.2]
> Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).

The Second Quarto edition of _Hamlet_ says *nothing whateVER* about the players being Master Masons, Art; you are shamelessly inventing "alternative 'facts'" again, like your mentor -- not to mention shamelessly misquoting.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> _______. {anagram}

Both "Baconvss [sic] nil vero verius" and "Baconvs snil [sic] vero verius" are meaningless, moronic nonsense, Art. That's not an anagram -- or at any rate, it is an anagram only in the most trivial sense that *any* permutation of the letters of "obscuris vera involvens" is an anagram.


"Bacon svs nil vero verius" is also meaningless, moronic nonsense, Art. [Hint: Bacon's surname in Latin is not "Bacon".] The apposition makes no sense.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

Have you applied for a post in the Trump administration yet, Art? As I said before, there is a pressing need for at least one *kindly*, *curious*, ignorant, irrational, delusional idiot impervious to objective facts among all the mean-spirited, incurious, ignorant, irrational, delusional idiots impervious to objective facts on the team.

You could be Secretary of Misundereducation, Art -- at least you have *some* experience in public schools (in the sense that one of them tried in vain to educate you), which is more than can be said for the present nominee.

When are you going to send in your application, Art?

> -------------------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 2, 2017, 11:50:59 PM2/2/17
>> nordicskiv2 wrote:
>> <<You've been crying "Wolf!" (or "Ox!") for years now!
>> ...You'll have to explain your nutcase numerology yourself.>>
Finnegans Wake p.332 (8th 100 letter *THUNDER* word)
Snip snap snoody. *Noo err historyend goody*.
Of a lil trip trap and a big treeskooner for he
put off the ketyl and they made three (for fie!) and
if hec dont love alpy then lad you annoy me. For hanigen
with hunigen still haunt ahunt to finnd their hinnigen

where - Pappappapparrassannuaragheallach
Joyce would have been familiar with the
simple gematria cipher the letters of [BACON] = #33
and :FRANCIS BACON: = #100
[BACON] cipher starts on the #33rd letter of #100 letters:
_____ <= 10 x 10 =>

. P a p (p) a p p a p p
. a r r (a) s s a n n u
. a r a (g) h e a l l a
. c h [N](a) t u l l a g
. h m [O](n)(g) a n m a c
. m a [C] m (a) c w h a c
. k f [A] l (l) t h e r d
. {E} b [B](l)(e) n o n t h
. {E} d (u) b b l a n d a
. {D}(D) y d o o d l e d
Prob. of [BACON] in one of FW's 10 perfect 10 x 10 arrays: ~ 1 in 855
Lea wrote: <<Huh?! That explains nothing,>>

Bacon: "Poetry is nothing else but feigned history."

> . (pagan)(gale)
> .....................................................
> . Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
> .
> Lear: Blow wind

Lea wrote:

<<According to John Aubrey, the Earl of Oxford did exactly that,
and in the royal presence. And "Lear" is an anagram of "Earl"!>>
Joseph Barnes published the only English edition of *ARISTOPHANES*
prior to 1640, a Greek edition published in *OXENford* in 1593.
*OZONE* is derived from the Greek *OXE(i)N* meaning *to SMELL*
<<This Earle of Oxford, making his *LOW* obeisance to Queen
Elizabeth, happened to let a FART, at which he was so
abashed & ashamed that he went to Travell, *7 yeares* .
On his returne the Queen welcomed him home, and sayd,
My Lord, I had forgott the FART.>> -- John Aubrey
. _The Knights_ (424 BC) by *ARISTOPHANES*
NICIAS How loudly the *PAPHLAGONIAN FARTS* and snores!
. I was able to seize the sacred oracle, which he was
. guarding with the greatest care, without his seeing me.
. it was *CLEON* who had caused the price to fall so low,
. that all might eat it, and the jurymen in the Courts were
. almost asphyxiated from *FARTING* in each others' faces.
DEMOS: Hah! why, indeed, a *DUNGTOWNITE* told me the same thing.
SAUSAGE-SELLER: Were you not yourself in those days
. quite red in the gills with *FARTING*?
DEMOS: Why, it was a trick *WORTHY* of Pyrrhandrus!
. Greek political satires were written that
. ridiculed Pericles' *non-aristocratic*
. successor: the war-mongering demagogue *CLEON* .
. thE WaSPS [Sphekes] (422 BC) Philonides
. thE KnigHts. (424 BC) *ARISTOPHANES*
. thE AchARnians (425 BC) Callistratus
. But Philonides & Callistratus were
. pseudonym/front men used by *ARISTOPHANES* .
Unfortunately, Aristophanes was unable to hide behind
a pseudonym in _The Knights_ because Aristophanes,
himself, was *forced to play the CLEON character*
after EVERyone else refused.
(We know for certain that this character was
intended to be *CLEON* because *CLEON's father*
Cleaenetus was, in fact, *A TANNER* .)
. (pagan)(gale)
. Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
Lear: Blow wind & *CRACKE YOUR CHEEKES*, rage, blow
. You caterickes, & Hircanios spout til you haue drencht,
. The steeples drown'd the *COCKES*,
. you su[L]pher[O]us an[D] Thou[G]ht ex[E]cuting fires,
. vaunt-currers to Oke-cleauing *THUN[DERB]oults*,
. singe my white head, And thou *ALL SHAKING THUNDER*,
. smite flat The thicke Rotunditie of the world, *CRACKE* natures
. Mold, all Germains spill at once that make Ingratefull man.
[LODGE] 5 : Prob. in speech ~ 1 in 1855

<<(Dull) *Anthony* is the local constable in *Love's Labour's Lost*, a blunt and unloquacious man who has no qualms about admitting that he has no idea what anyone else is talking about when they use their high-falutin’ language. He himself tends to misunderstand large words, and therefore rarely tries to use them. He is not particularly intelligent, and neither embarrassed nor bothered by the fact.>>

(The name *Anthony* occurs in no less than 8 of the plays.)

<<[BACON] *Anthony* (1558–1601) traveled to Huguenot/Navarre controlled Montauban, in 1580. While there, he served as an intelligencer reporting to English spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. In 1586, he was charged with sodomy for having sex with his page Isaac Burgades. Although punishment was still burning at the stake, as the result of intervention in 1587 of *Henry, King of Navarre*, Bacon never suffered any consequence, but left Montauban for Bordeaux (& Montaigne) because of the scandal. After Anthony's death, Francis Bacon collected his brother's correspondence, bequeathing it to his literary executor William (RAWLEY).>>
FW 626: "a great black shadow with a sheeny stare to perce me (RAWLY)."

<<*Love's Labour's Lost's* plot derives from "a now lost account of a diplomatic visit made to Henry of Navarre in 1578 by Catherine de Medici and her daughter Marguerite de Valois, Henry's estranged wife, to discuss the future of Aquitaine, but this is by no means certain."

1) Navarre is based on *Henry of Navarre*
who later (1589-1610) became King Henry IV of France,

2) *Berowne* on Charles de Gontaut, duc de *Biron*,

3) *Dumain* on Charles, duc *de Mayenne* and

4) *Longaville* on Henri I d'Orléans, duc de *Longueville*.>>
The Shakespeare Enigma By Peter Dawkins

<<The names of these 3 Lords appear in passports provided
to Anthony & his servant (Peter Browne) in 1586.>>
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis and the German Rosicrucian
Johann (VALENTIN) Andreae's Description
of the Republic of Christianopolis (1619):

1) Andreae describes a utopic island in which Christian theosophy and applied science ruled, and in which the spiritual fulfilment and intellectual activity constituted the primary goals of each individual, the scientific pursuits being the highest intellectual calling—linked to the achievement of spiritual perfection.

2) Andreae's island depicts a great advancement in technology, with many industries separated in different zones which supplied the population's needs—which shows great resemblance to Bacon's scientific methods and purposes.
Neufer wrote:
> Keep movin', movin', movin'
> Though they're disapprovin'
> Keep them doggies [sic]

Lea wrote:

<<Is English your native tongue, Art?

Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_,>>
"Whoopie Ti Yi Yo Ki Yay, Motherf..ker!",_Little_Dogies
Lea wrote:

<<The difference between the words _dogie_ and _doggie_ is
not merely academic -- indeed, "dogie" is an anagram of

I, G.-d. E. O.

while "doggie" admits no meaningful anagrams in this context.>>

But how much is that "dogie" in the window?
I do hope that dogie's for sale.
> -------------------------------------------------------
>> movin', (RAW)hide
>> Don't try to understand 'em
>> Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
>> Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
>> My heart's calculatin'

> That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head
> is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count
> well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> <<Galileo began several experiments with pendulums by watching the swings
> of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a
> timer.>>

Lea wrote:

<<Galileo used his heartbeat to *measure*, not to calculate, Art.>>

<<Calculate comes from the Greek word Κάχληκα or gravel
in English because Greeks used gravel for counting.>>

BUCKINGHAM: We see each grain of gravel.
>> My true love will be waitin',
>> Be waiting at the end of my ride.

Lea wrote: <<That may depend upon what or whom you've been riding, Art.>>

You've been riding me for years, Dave.

> "(RAW)hide" : Secret Service codename for Ronald Reagan

Lea wrote:

<<What's the Secret Service code name for the current President, Art?>>
Donald Trump – Mogul
Melania Trump – Muse
Ivanka Trump – Marvel
Donald Trump Jr. – Mountaineer
Eric Trump – Marksman

Mike Pence – Hoosier
Karen Pence – Hummingbird
mogul (n.2) "elevation on a ski slope," 1961, probably [Barnhart] from Scandinavian (compare dialectal Norwegian mugje, fem. muga, "a heap, a mound"), or [OED] from southern German dialect mugel in the same sense.

mogul (n.1) "powerful person," 1670s, from Great Mogul, Mongol emperor of India after the conquest of 1520s, from Persian and Arabic mughal, mughul, alteration of Mongol (q.v.), the Asiatic people.

nabob (n.) 1610s, "deputy governor in Mogul Empire," Anglo-Indian, from Hindi nabab, from Arabic nuwwab, honorific plural of na'ib "viceroy, deputy," from base n-w-b "to take someone's place." Also used of Europeans who came home from India having made a fortune there, hence "very rich man" (1764).
. <= 21 (= Ezra 3:7 ?) =>
. {U} P o n t h e L i n e s a n d L i f e o f
. {T} H e F a m o u s S c e n i c k e P o e t
. [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
. [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
. [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
. [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
. [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
. [S]

[MASONS] 21 : Prob. at start of poem ~ 1 in 9460
Terry Ross wrote: <<The emblematic device at the head
of the [*MINERVA* Britanna] title page with its motto:
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
. ("as you burn I consume myself")
. and its picture of *TWO (Masonic?) LIGHTED CANDLES*.>>
. (3rd Masonic candle = arm + feather)
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
_______ [M-A-S-ONS]: (cui e mel {TU}i)
_______________ (and from your honey)
[Hamlet (Quarto 2) 2.2]
Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).

Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,

Are you baiting the Master *again*, Art?
Aren't you worried about your eyesight?

You work for Maman?

<<Maman [is] a gangster who tricks and then trains street children into becoming beggars. When Salim discovers Maman is blinding the children in order to make them more effective beggars, he flees with Jamal and Latika to a departing train.>>
[Hamlet (Quarto 2) 2.2]
Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).

Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,

The Second Quarto edition of _Hamlet_ says *nothing whateVER* about the players being Master Masons, Art; you are shamelessly inventing "alternative 'facts'"
*MAISTER* (n.) Middle English for *MASTER* (source of Old French maistre, French maître, Spanish and Italian maestro, Portuguese mestre, Dutch meester, German Meister).

<<Rudolf *MAISTER* (29 March 1874 – 26 July 1934) was a Slovene military officer and political activist. The soldiers who fought under Maister's command in northern Slovenia became known as "Maister's fighters." Maister was also an accomplished poet and self-taught painter.>>
and its picture of *THREE (Masonic!)LIGHTED CANDLES*.
. <<Inscribed on ATHENA's shield is a Latin motto,
. meaning *TRUTH is enveloped in obscurity* , which explains
. the imagery on the shield-the central sun representing
. *TRUTH* and the surrounding clouds obscurity.>>
_______. {anagram}
____ Pig: {SVS} (Latin)

<<Phidias, or The Great Pheidias (in Ancient Greek, Φειδίας; c. 480 – 430 BC),
is commonly regarded as one of the greatest of all sculptors of Classical
Greece: Phidias' Statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of
the Ancient World. The Golden Ratio has been represented by the Greek
letter φ (phi), after (Phi)dias, who is said to have employed it.

Phidias designed the statues of the goddess Athena on the Athenian Acropolis,
namely the Athena Parthenos inside the Parthenon and the colossal bronze
Athena Promachos which stood between it and the entrance to the Acropolis.
Plutarch records that enemies of Pericles, who was a close friend of Pheidias,
tried to attack Pericles through Pheidias who was accused of stealing gold
intended for the statue of Athena in the Parthenon and of impiously
*portraying himself and Pericles on the shield of Athena's statue*.
The first charge was disproved but Pheidias
was jailed for the second, where he died.>>
Lea wrote:

<<"Bacon svs nil vero verius" is also meaningless, moronic nonsense, Art.
[Hint: Bacon's surname in Latin is not "Bacon".]

Which is why I prefer:
_______. {anagram}
Lea wrote:

<<Have you applied for a post in the Trump administration yet, Art?

You could be Secretary of Misundereducation, Art.>>
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin',
Be waiting at the end of my ride.

Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, hit 'em up, (RAW)hide
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,
let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, (RAW)hide!
H'yah! H'yah!
Art Neuendorffer

Mickey Leaks

Feb 3, 2017, 3:31:12 AM2/3/17
I think Art comes up with some interesting things from time to time, this is one.

> > . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
> > . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
> > . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
> > . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
> > . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e

I certainly can't be sure it's significant but it might be. I don't have the time to investigate it at present though. ML

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 3, 2017, 10:49:00 AM2/3/17
Mickey Leaks wrote:

<<I think Art comes up with some interesting things from time to time, this is one.
>> . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
>> . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
>> . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
>> . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
>> . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
I certainly can't be sure it's significant but it might be.
I don't have the time to investigate it at present though. ML
It should be noted that my arch nemesis in this VERy thread
(& for the past 20 years at HLAS) is a foul mouthed Dartmouth
mathematics professor with strong Masonic connections:
cross country skier "nordicskiv2" a.k.a, Dr. David Lea Webb.


A private Masonic interment service will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Survivors include: ...son, Dr. David Lea Webb
of Hanover, N.H.; one granddaughter.

His father, E. L. Webb Sr., for many years operated a photographic
studio until after World War II days on College Street.
Unique in New Providence Lodge No. 128 history was the fact that the
elder Webb and his three sons on special occasions occupied the four
chairs of the lodge at the same time while conferring degree work.
Terry Ross wrote: <<The emblematic device at the head
of the [*MINERVA* Britanna] title page with its motto:
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
. ("as you burn I consume myself")
. and its picture of *TWO (Masonic?) LIGHTED CANDLES*.>>
. (3rd Masonic candle = arm + feather)
. "{UT} [A]lij[S], me c[ONS]u[M]e"
_______ [M-A-S-ONS]: (cui e mel {TU}i)
_______________ (and from your honey)
. <= 21 (= Ezra 3:7 ?) =>
. {U} P o n t h e L i n e s a n d L i f e o f
. {T} H e F a m o u s S c e n i c k e P o e t
. [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
. [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
. [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
. [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
. [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
. [S]
[MASONS] 21 : Prob. at start of poem ~ 1 in 9460
Art Neuendorffer


Feb 3, 2017, 9:24:34 PM2/3/17
...except why your room has padded walls, Art.

> Bacon: "Poetry is nothing else but feigned history."

> > . (pagan)(gale)
> > .....................................................
> > . Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
> > .
> > Lear: Blow wind

> Lea wrote:
> <<According to John Aubrey, the Earl of Oxford did exactly that,
> and in the royal presence. And "Lear" is an anagram of "Earl"!>>

[Endlessly repetitive lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> . Enter Lear and Foole. (Quarto 1, 1608) Act 3, Scene 2
> .
> Lear: Blow wind & *CRACKE YOUR CHEEKES*,

Isn't that what Oxford instructed Cogno to do, Art?

> rage, blow
> . You caterickes, & Hircanios spout til you haue drencht,
> . The steeples drown'd the *COCKES*,

Why do you emphasize "cocks", Art?

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> (The name *Anthony* occurs in no less [sic] than 8 of the plays.)

You already *said* that, Art. And, as I said, so what? "Anthony" is a VERy common name. MoreoVER, since one of the plays concern Julius Caesar and another concerns Mark Antony, and since Sir Anthony Denny is a historical figure who appears in _Henry VIII_, a third play, the appearance of the name in numerous plays is not in the least surprising.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > Keep movin', movin', movin'
> > Though they're disapprovin'
> > Keep them doggies [sic]

> Lea wrote:
> <<Is English your native tongue, Art?
> Since you are evidently unable to distinguish _dogies_ from _doggies_,>>
> .......................................................
> "Whoopie Ti Yi Yo Ki Yay, Motherf..ker!"
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Lea wrote:
> <<The difference between the words _dogie_ and _doggie_ is
> not merely academic -- indeed, "dogie" is an anagram of
> I, G.-d. E. O.
> while "doggie" admits no meaningful anagrams in this context.>>

> But how much is that "dogie" in the window?
> I do hope that dogie's for sale.

That's a complete _non sequitur_, Art. You must be having trouble following the thread.

> >> movin', (RAW)hide
> >> Don't try to understand 'em
> >> Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
> >> Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
> >> My heart's calculatin'

> > That explains a lot -- if your heart rather than your head
> > is calculating, that probably explains why you cannot count
> > well enough to reject bogus equidistant letter sequences.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > <<Galileo began several experiments with pendulums by watching the swings
> > of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a
> > timer.>>

> Lea wrote:
> <<Galileo used his heartbeat to *measure*, not to calculate, Art.>>
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> <<Calculate comes from the Greek word Κάχληκα or gravel
> in English because Greeks used gravel for counting.>>

...none of which alters in any way whatsoeVER the fact that Galileo used his heartbeat to measure and not to calculate, Art.

> BUCKINGHAM: We see each grain of gravel.

Huh? That bit of asinine anthologizing is a complete _non sequitur_, Art. You must be having trouble following the thread.

> >> My true love will be waitin',
> >> Be waiting at the end of my ride.

> Lea wrote: <<That may depend upon what or whom you've been riding, Art.>>

> You've been riding me for years, Dave.

Of course not, Art! While one can ride a horse, one *cannot* ride just the hindquarters of a horse!

> > "(RAW)hide" : Secret Service codename for Ronald Reagan

> Lea wrote:
> <<What's the Secret Service code name for the current President, Art?>>
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Donald Trump – Mogul

Surely the truncated "Rump" would be more appropriate.

> Melania Trump – Muse
> Ivanka Trump – Marvel

...which is an anagram of "Ver -- mal".

> Donald Trump Jr. – Mountaineer

Why "mountaineer"?

> Eric Trump – Marksman

I thought that that name was resERVED for Dick Cheney.

> Mike Pence – Hoosier
> Karen Pence – Hummingbird

What about Barron? And Tiffany? And what's your code name, Art?


[Crackpot cryptography snipped]

> Hamlet: And why A {TANNER}?
> .
> Clowne: Why his hide is so tanned with his trade,
> . That it will holde out water, that's a parlous
> . Deuourer of your dead body, a great soaker.

If anything, that merely suggests that the author was William Shakespeare of Stratford, who father was a tanner and leather-worker, Art.

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]

> [Hamlet (Quarto 2) 2.2]
> Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).

The second Quarto says nothing whateVER about the players being Master Masons, Art. MoreoVER, I've told you this many times before. You are not only a VERy slow learner, but since you *continue* to repeat this idiocy oVER and oVER and oVER, the only reasonable inference is that you are hallucinating a stage direction that is not present -- just as Little Willie hallucinates all the farts in the play. You are as delusional as Trump, Art!

> Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
> thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
> valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
> what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
> nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
> chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,
> BEE NOT CRACKT WITHIN THE RING: *MAISTERS* you are all welcome...

> Are you baiting the Master *again*, Art?
> Aren't you worried about your eyesight?

> You work for Maman?

Of course not, Art; Maman is a character in a movie. I realize that your connection with reality is tenuous at best, Art, but do try not to confuse reality with cinematic fantasy, as Ronald Reagan did.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> Enter the Players (MAISTER MASONS).
> Hamlet: You are welcome *MAISTERS* , welcome all, I am glad to see
> thee well, welcome good friends, oh old friend, why thy face is
> valanct since I saw thee last, com'st thou to beard me in Denmark?
> what my young Lady and mistris, by lady your Ladishippe is
> nerer to heauen, then when I saw you last by the altitude of a
> chopine, pray God your voyce like a peece of vncurrant *GOLD* ,
> BEE NOT CRACKT WITHIN THE RING: *MAISTERS* you are all welcome...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The Second Quarto edition of _Hamlet_ says *nothing whateVER* about the
> players being Master Masons, Art; you are shamelessly inventing "alternative
> 'facts'"

See, Art? I told you that you had posted this before, and that your delusion had *already* been corrected, and you obligingly quoted my correction.

But, as in the cases of _тæрин_ as (supposedly -- although only a moron could suppose such a thing) Russian for "youth" and Coleridge as (supposedly -- although only a moron could suppose such a thing) the author of Wordsworth's poem "The Idiot Boy", h.l.a.s.'s beloved Idiot Boy just keeps repeating his delusions oVER and oVER and oVER. Only complete idiots like you and Trump keep repeating idiocies that have been conclusively refuted, Art -- you're going to be a *great* addition to his administration!

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> _______. {anagram}
> ...................................................
> ____ Pig: {SVS} (Latin)

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> Lea wrote:
> <<"Bacon svs nil vero verius" is also meaningless, moronic nonsense, Art.
> [Hint: Bacon's surname in Latin is not "Bacon".]

> Which is why I prefer:
> ...................................................
> _______. {anagram}

But that's meaningless, moronic nonsense too, Art! Even without the orphaned "S", it is completely meaningless in Latin. The "S" makes it ludicrous.

> Lea wrote:
> <<Have you applied for a post in the Trump administration yet, Art?
> You could be Secretary of Misundereducation, Art.>>

Well? What about it, Art? Trump *needs* farcically uninformed, irrational, impulsive, delusional idiots who are impERVious to established facts to fit with his style. Don't you want to sERVE your country, Art?!


Feb 3, 2017, 9:41:54 PM2/3/17
On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 10:49:00 AM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> Mickey Leaks wrote:
> <<I think Art comes up with some interesting things from time to time, this is one.
> ......................................................
> >> . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
> >> . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
> >> . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
> >> . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
> >> . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
> ......................................................
> I certainly can't be sure it's significant but it might be.
> I don't have the time to investigate it at present though. ML
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> It should be noted that my arch

Arch? You mean Royal Arch, Art?

> nemesis

"Nemesis"?! If my correction of a VERy small fraction of your farcical errors (and the fraction is *VERy* small -- I have no stomach for cleansing the Augean Stables!) and my jocular raillery at some of your pratfalls (a pastime that you profess not to be aVERse to yourself) makes me your *nemesis*, then either you have led a VERy sheltered life or your Petulant Paranoid persona is *way* oVERdone, Art! (Or, possibly, you have no idea what the English word "nemesis" means, as in the case of most other English words that you encounter). You'll have to be *much* tougher than that to withstand Senatorial scrutiny if you're nominated for a cabinet-level post, Art.

> in this VERy thread
> (& for the past 20 years at HLAS) is a foul mouthed

"Foul mouthed"?! What have I eVER said that was "foul mouthed", Art?! I merely use your *own methods* (actually, I *improve* upon them substantially -- you seem utterly incapable of grasping even what an anagram or an equidistant letter sequence *is*!) to decrypt secret messages encoded by Masonic conspirators; I cannot help it if those coded messages offend your prudery, Art.

> Dartmouth
> mathematics professor with strong Masonic connections:
> cross country skier "nordicskiv2" a.k.a, Dr. David Lea Webb.

Your manic obsession with my ancestors is getting more than a little creepy, Art. I told you long ago (decades ago now!) that I came from a Scottish family and that many of my male family members were Masons (some Knights Templar), but that I am *not* one myself. (I neVER said anything about not belonging to the Bloodline, of course.)

[Paranoia deleted]

> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 3, 2017, 11:50:56 PM2/3/17
> Mickey Leaks wrote:
> <<I think Art comes up with some interesting things from time to time, this is one.
> ......................................................
>>> . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
>>> . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
>>> . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
>>> . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
>>> . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
> ......................................................
> I certainly can't be sure it's significant but it might be.
> I don't have the time to investigate it at present though. ML
Neufer wrote:
> It should be noted that my arch...

Lea wrote: <<Arch? You mean Royal Arch, Art?>>

Or Royal Ass:
The Triple Tau is one of the most important
symbols of Royal Arch Masonry

It has been said that three Taus come together to form the Triple Tau.

---_____ * * *
-----_____ *
___ *-__ * __ *
___ * * * * * * *
___ * _____ *

Others say the Triple Tau is originally
the coming together of a T & H meaning

[T]emplum [H]ierosolyma,
or the Temple of Jerusalem.

<<On 17 May 1594 (a year after Marlowe's 17 May 1593 arrest), the
Stationers Register recorded the forthcoming publication: OENONE &
PARIS by an author with the initials T.H. In almost every instance
this poem proved to be a mocking parody of Venus & Adonis.
Both stories were based upon themes of unrequited love
that had originally been written by Ovid. Shakespeare's
came from the Metamorphoses, & T.H.'s from the Heroides.

Where Shakespeare addresses his 'patron'
with the words: "THE FIRST HEIR of my invention",
T.H. paraphrases with: "THE FIRST FRUITS of my endeavours".

What Shakespeare calls his "unpolished lines",
T.H. assigns to be "rude and unpolished".

As a former director of the Shakespeare Folger Library
was wont to remark: "Throughout the text, verbal plagiarism
of Shakespeare's poem is everywhere conspicuous." Charlton
Ogburn summed up T.H.'s intention very neatly when he wrote:

Having pretended that the poem was his first, and in the same words
making fun of the pretence, 'T.H.' says he is offering the poem under
concealed authorship in imitation of the Greek painter Apelles so
that he may see how the dedicatees like it, in anticipation
of his offering to their 'humours' a more ambitious work -
just as the author of Venus and Adonis promised to
'honour' the dedicatee with 'some graver labour'.
[The Mystery of William Shakespeare: Charlton Ogburn, p.85-69].
T.H. had clearly discerned the "concealed authorship"
behind Shake-speare's name, and poked fun at it.>>
> nemesis

I have succumbed to arrogance before the Birthplace Trust gods
<<Nemesis (Greek: Νέμεσις) was the goddess who enacted retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods). She has as attributes a measuring rod (tally stick), a bridle, scales, a sword, and a scourge, and she rides in a chariot drawn by griffins.>>
Neufer wrote:
> in this VERy thread
> (& for the past 20 years at HLAS) is a foul mouthed

Lea wrote: <<"Foul mouthed"?!
What have I eVER said that was "foul mouthed", Art?!>>

EVERy other sentence?

Neufer wrote:
> Dartmouth mathematics professor with strong Masonic connections:
> cross country skier "nordicskiv2" a.k.a, Dr. David Lea Webb.

Lea wrote:

<<Your manic obsession with my ancestors is getting more than a little creepy, Art. I told you long ago (decades ago now!) that I came from a Scottish family and that many of my male family members were Masons (some Knights Templar), but that I am *not* one myself. (I neVER said anything about not belonging to the Bloodline, of course.)>>

Tell us more about "the Bloodline," Dave.
Art Neuendorffer


Feb 4, 2017, 9:29:17 AM2/4/17
On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 11:50:56 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> > Mickey Leaks wrote:
> >
> > <<I think Art comes up with some interesting things from time to time, this
> > is one.
> > ......................................................
> >>> . [M A S T E R] W I L L I A M S H A K E S P E
> >>> . [A] R E T h o s e h a n d s w h i c h y o u
> >>> . [S] O c l a p t g o n o w a n d w r i n g Y
> >>> . [O] u B r i t a i n e s b r a v e f o r d o
> >>> . [N] e a r e S h a k e s p e a r e s d a y e
> > ......................................................
> > I certainly can't be sure it's significant but it might be.
> > I don't have the time to investigate it at present though. ML
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > It should be noted that my arch...

> Lea wrote: <<Arch? You mean Royal Arch, Art?>>

[Hermetic horse manure and lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> > nemesis
> -----------------------------------------------
> "Nemesis"?!

"A formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent". I'm flattered, Art! I'm also VERy pleased that you recognize that I am almost always victorious -- I was beginning to fear that you were too delusional (and, like Trump, too much enamored of "alternative 'facts'") even to realize that.

> I have succumbed to arrogance

Not to arrogance, Art -- to ignorance. You are not usually arrogant -- indeed, you are just a humble, self-defecating sort.

> before the Birthplace Trust gods
> -----------------------------------------------
> <<Nemesis (Greek: Νέμεσις) was the goddess

So now you have elevated me to the status of a deity, Art?! As I said, I am flattered. HoweVER, your use of the word "nemesis" above was in an *English* sentence, not in a Greek context.

I realize, of course, that English is all Greek to you, Art, but that lamentable state of affairs might improve if you would eVER avail yourself of an ESL class!


> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > in this VERy thread
> > (& for the past 20 years at HLAS) is a foul mouthed

> Lea wrote: <<"Foul mouthed"?!
> What have I eVER said that was "foul mouthed", Art?!>>

> EVERy other sentence?

So you were unable to furnish even a *single* example, Art? That's just as I expected.

> Neufer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:
> >
> > Dartmouth mathematics professor with strong Masonic connections:
> > cross country skier "nordicskiv2" a.k.a, Dr. David Lea Webb.

> Lea wrote:
> <<Your manic obsession with my ancestors is getting more than a little
> creepy, Art. I told you long ago (decades ago now!) that I came from a
> Scottish family and that many of my male family members were Masons (some
> Knights Templar), but that I am *not* one myself. (I neVER said anything
> about not belonging to the Bloodline, of course.)>>

> Tell us more about "the Bloodline," Dave.

You'll have to find that out yourself, Art -- you've been given plenty of hints. HoweVER, even the Nautonnier has concluded by now that you are far too slow on the uptake to be a threat.

Feb 4, 2017, 2:33:11 PM2/4/17
At end we seem to be entertaining a question not much posed here for 20+ years whether in 20 or less years The Author embedded anagrams, acrostics, and other clever stuff thoughout The Work. Right?

Similarly the proposition goes that during the lifetime of the author others without use of computers though with apparent motive spent 20 years decrypting what Art has written here. Why they should have conducted such extraordinary labor is not established nor even guessed at.

20 years ago I wonder if the worth of this study was established, since given maximum largesse to interpret freely, what do we got?

We got Masons and the Bloodline, and misunderstood or misapprehended, or never any-hended, Oxford parallel with St. Albans, and the British System etc., pace Graham Robb's investigation compared with the French System 1000-0 BCE — which had to do with geometry, not texts.

Why anyone needed to encrypt any of the material Art has cited or proposed to us, is not revealed, nor was its import established nor even stated 20 years ago. If indeed it was to 'surface' various esoterica of whatever merit hidden from those who would persecute it, then so be it — but surely anyone reading The Work would be able to decipher the same, especially if they knew what they were trying to suppress.

Therefore in 20 years the case is not made, or at least the worth of what is revealed not estimable.

Phil Innes

Arthur Neuendorffer

Feb 4, 2017, 3:27:31 PM2/4/17
Phil Innes wrote:

<<At end we seem to be entertaining a question not much posed here for 20+ years whether in 20 or less years The Author embedded anagrams, acrostics, and other clever stuff thoughout The Work. Right?

Similarly the proposition goes that during the lifetime of the author others without use of computers though with apparent motive spent 20 years decrypting what Art has written here. Why they should have conducted such extraordinary labor is not established nor even guessed at.>>
1) Those in the know might have been challenged to search for names.

2) Those challenged might have been given hints.

3) Those giving up might have been given the answer.

4) Like gargoyles high above the streets:
a) the artists were amusing themselves.
b) the artists were trying to impress God.
c) the artists were thinking of posterity.
Phil Innes wrote:

<<Why anyone needed to encrypt any of the material
Art has cited or proposed to us, is not revealed,>>
. (1939) Encyclopedia Britannica on "Drama"
. *HERODOTUS* had a lot to say
. about TRAGEDY (i.e., a goat-song) being
. a *PATHOS* (i.e., the violent death of Dionysus/Osiris
. by *SPARAGMOS* or dismemberment):
. Such facts help to explain the charge of
. "profaning the mysteries" brought against Aeschylus.>>
. - 'Drama' in (1939) _Encyclopedia Britannica_
___ Saint [ADOLPH] , OSB Abbot : June 17
<<Died c. 680. The relics of the noble Saxon, Saint [ADOLPH],
together with those of his brother of Saint *BOTOLPH* , were
translated to Thorney Abbey by Saint Ethelwold about 972.>>
Art Neuendorffer

Feb 8, 2017, 5:08:55 PM2/8/17
the real Art N


Feb 8, 2017, 9:00:04 PM2/8/17
On Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 3:27:31 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

> Phil Innes wrote:
> <<At end we seem to be entertaining a question not much posed here for 20+
> years whether in 20 or less years The Author embedded anagrams, acrostics,
> and other clever stuff thoughout The Work. Right?
> Similarly the proposition goes that during the lifetime of the author
> others without use of computers though with apparent motive spent 20
> years decrypting what Art has written here. Why they should have
> conducted such extraordinary labor is not established nor even guessed at.>>
> ----------------------------------------------------
> 1) Those in the know might have been challenged to search for names.
> 2) Those challenged might have been given hints.
> 3) Those giving up might have been given the answer.
> 4) Like gargoyles high above the streets:
> a) the artists were amusing themselves.
> b) the artists were trying to impress God.
> c) the artists were thinking of posterity.

Not posterity, Art -- posteriority. They knew that a horse's hindquarters like yourself would emulate the demented Baconian cranks of yesteryear and engage in crackpot cryptography. There's one in eVERy crowd!

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]

> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Art Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter)

Feb 9, 2017, 10:49:07 AM2/9/17
On Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 3:27:31 PM UTC-5, Arthur Neuendorffer wrote:
> Phil Innes wrote:
> <<At end we seem to be entertaining a question not much posed here for 20+ years whether in 20 or less years The Author embedded anagrams, acrostics, and other clever stuff thoughout The Work. Right?
> Similarly the proposition goes that during the lifetime of the author others without use of computers though with apparent motive spent 20 years decrypting what Art has written here. Why they should have conducted such extraordinary labor is not established nor even guessed at.>>

Here below is a fair reply, but does not address author identity as much as hidden knowledge. The interesting thing is that nothing here is new, there are links to Italy, and much else — a few more notes at end, then another thread.

> ----------------------------------------------------
> 1) Those in the know might have been challenged to search for names.
> 2) Those challenged might have been given hints.
> 3) Those giving up might have been given the answer.
> 4) Like gargoyles high above the streets:
> a) the artists were amusing themselves.
> b) the artists were trying to impress God.
> c) the artists were thinking of posterity.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Phil Innes wrote:
> <<Why anyone needed to encrypt any of the material
> Art has cited or proposed to us, is not revealed,>>
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> . (1939) Encyclopedia Britannica on "Drama"
> .
> Art Neuendorffer

To validate the various points of view that Art has expressed we have to find Camillo — but to understand the import of 'what may not be said, we must progress to Jung and Hughes.

I would therefore like to continue this inquiry in a new thread, Shakespeare and the Goddess

Phil Innes

Feb 9, 2017, 3:10:59 PM2/9/17
Art N


Mar 4, 2017, 11:53:27 AM3/4/17

Mar 6, 2017, 4:22:40 PM3/6/17
Art N


Mar 13, 2017, 1:08:41 AM3/13/17
0 new messages