Power-Chess to remove dictators (e.g. Putin) - using Fine Particle Physics - {HRI 20130420-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 12, 2013, 1:41:29 PM5/12/13
to Human Rights Issues
Power-Chess to remove dictators

20 April 2013
{HRI 20130420-V1.1}
{FPP 20130420-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 22 Apr 2013)



Truth is absolute: This - Truth is absolute -
applies also to the Energetic nature of any
Sociopath who has come to power, as a dictator.


Power-Chess to remove dictators (for instance Putin) - by using Fine
Particle Physics:

Tearing off his stolen-Life-Energy Mask and stopping his Vampiring on
others' Life Energies - will disable him.

That is, because Truth is absolute. [CSTC]

It applies also of course to the Energetic nature, of
a Sociopath who has come to power and who

(by his or her very nature can not be anything else BUT -
and who then invariably)

is being a dictator.



If you want to win 'against' (to be victorious over) some Sociopath
who has gotten himself in power,

for instance *(see 'Note:' below), if you want to win 'against'

then you have to create your good Energy BIGGER than Putin's soul and
bigger than Putin's Energies, and bigger than those Life Energies
(that he has stolen, 'Vampired,' from others, which however are
Energies) that he uses.



In fact, you have to DISMANTLE his main stolen (Vampired) Energies:

You remove these, you pull these away - these do not belong to
him, and so you remove these from him -

which destroys his masking-Energies and it removes his strength-
Energies etc., and it removes

his Energies by which he destroys other people's Perception
(-Energy) and other people's Awareness(-Energy) - others'
true Perception and true Awareness about him, and also true
Perception and Awareness of his other Sociopath friends

- and conversely one's Awareness and Perception of GOOD people,
is then hindered, too, by him:

It amounts to Putin hypnotizing the Perception and the
Awareness and the Feeling-Sensing (Life Energies) of

Putin is making others Blind and Unaware, or rather, he
makes others FALSELY "Aware" about himself

- like Putin famously hypnotized then America's president
George W. Bush, *(n)

and Putin recently did the same to China's Xi Jinping
by "looking trustingly into each others' soul"

as Xi Jinping expressed it afterwards, without ever
noticing or realizing, that he was being HYPNOTIZED
by Putin. *(n)


You have to DISMANTLE his (Putin's) main Energies, that are not
his at all, but that he has stolen (Vampired) from others; and
he uses these,

he is pretending these are "his own qualities etc."


And then you have to do the same with the OTHERS of the severest
Sociopaths in the Kremlin, like Lavrov, Rogozin, Bastrykin,
Patrushev, etc. [WPWW] - some of whom will however try to restore
Evil Energies to Putin.


So - that's 'Power-Chess' in a nutshell.

By very PUBLICLY exposing some of his Crimes, you already remove
some of Putin's masking Energies - you certainly understand that.

Again: Truth is absolute. And you will have to work with that,
that Truth is absolute, for any lasting, positive results to

LIFE IS WHAT IT IS, regardless of what the Sociopaths
have told you or teach you in their Universities or your
children in school, or whatever they write in their very
arrogant books. [RKUIS]



The First Law of Human Rights is: Never DO what Criminal Minds intend
you to do. [FLOHR]

The Second Law of Human Rights (as you can figure out yourself),

Never THINK what Criminal Minds intend you to think. [SLOHR]


Over to you:

Play Power-Chess!
For the decent and caring to win.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his

Note: This HRI is written at the current occasion of Russia's Navalny
letting himself be publicly destroyed by the Sociopath Putin and

by Putin's associate Sociopaths (named elsewhere), [WPWW]

who are publicly or secretly destroying good people.


And the Sociopaths are also using the Energies (ideas, social
acceptance and social force) established by

the past Sociopaths of Russia and of those allied with Russia in
the past, [CWW]

past Sociopaths, whose nature is as yet not at all
properly uncovered or not publicly sufficiently exposed,

an understanding for the whole Russian society to
know and work with, however,

in order to protect themselves FROM dictators.


(a) You have observed, that heads of governments have done and are
doing EXACTLY the opposite to Putin,

with the exception known to me, of France's Nicolas Sarkozy, who
actually looked at Putin, and thereby saved the existence of
Russia's neighboring state of Georgia, *(n)

a free country that Putin had intended and had planned
thoroughly since years, to provoke by taking a part of
Georgia away and harassing its citizens

- with Russian armies waiting only at the border, to
invade, to overrun and to annex (steal) the whole
country of Georgia,

the moment the Georgia president (Saakashvili) would
make a move to protect Georgian citizens against the
ever-increasing harassment and other crimes, like
destroying their houses and other possessions, etc.,

crimes incited against Georgia, as part of Putin's plan
and strategy -

to then invade and publicly claim it to be "to defend
Russia against the Georgian invaders" (Criminal Minds
have everything IN REVERSE)

also known as "Seit 5 Uhr 45 wird jetzt
zurückgeschossen!" - the famous expression
claiming, in front of the German Parliament,
to justify the invasion of Poland on that day,
1. September 1939)

with the intention of Putin fully to occupy and control
all of the country of Georgia, but which was

only prevented by Sarkozy, at the spot FACING the nature
and mind of Putin, and making Putin stop the invasion.

And Sarkozy thus succeeded in keeping Georgia free, though
with considerable material damage caused by Putin. *(n)

Sarkozy DID face the nature and Energies of the Sociopath Putin.

But Ukrianian Yulia Timoschenko (and I too, at the time) was
deceived by Putin into thinking, that she had faced Putin's
nature, and had "won, over Putin," *(n)

in some gas trade dispute that Putin had started - had
started actually with the aim, to LATER get her,
Timoschenko, accused of signing an illegal trade deal -

to get her overthrown and to get her prosecuted in court
by Putin's Russian-speaking Ukrainian lackey *(n)

the one who "won" the elections in Ukraine and who
became its head of government, *(n)

and who carried out the instructions of Putin of
'how - "without committing any crime oneself,"
nevertheless - to do away with (good people)
forever:' *(n)

Mis-using the court and police and prison systems

(the very same social systems, that have been
created for the purpose entirely to arrest
and try in court and imprison those who are
severely Criminal, LIKE Putin and his friends
and cohorts).

Criminal Minds use everything positive, IN

If you now STILL don't know that...



[CWW] These abbreviations can be found, for instance on the page
etc. that lists 'Recent Publications,' on the
'Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher and poet'-
website, or elsewhere.
See also the References, below.


(n) To be added as indicated in the text.


[CWW] See under 'Abbreviations,' above.

Issue Note:

Version 1.0 was published on 22 April 2013 (as well).



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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