The First Law Of Education: connecting FEELINGS - {HRI 20130316-V1.0} - [FLOE]

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 12, 2013, 1:44:51 PM5/12/13
to Human Rights Issues
The First Law Of Education

16 March 2013
{HRI 20130316-V1.0}

(published on
24 Apr 2013)

(layout for monospaced font
- includes 'white space')


'Education means CONNECTING someone's
FEELINGS to the subject taught,

and when that feeling-sensing connection
is established, then a pupil or student is
able to learn that subject fast and well.'

This appears to be the
'First Law Of Education.' [FLOE]


Teachers, tutors, professors etc., should be selected, chosen and
hired on that quality only:

their ability to connect the FEELINGS of interested students,
to the subject taught.


But those who are of such a nature and inclination, that they destroy
or ignore the Feeling-Sensing connection of the (pupils or) students
to the subject(s) taught, must be SUMMARILY dismissed ON THAT GROUND.

And those who fail to teach on the basis of connecting the FEELINGS
of interested students to the subject - and teachers etc., who fail
to teach on the basis of generating the students' desire to SENSE the
subject - those are not teachers and these should be let go on those


Students who refuse to Feel or Sense a subject, should not
be taught that subject in the first place, as they can not
be taught it anyway, until - if necessary or desired -
their block and aversion to the subject, is found and
sufficiently sensed, felt and understood, by them, to be
able to participate again.


Then you have also those "teachers" and "professors," who are
DRIVEN (often with great enthusiasm and tenacity) FALSELY to
"connect" the Feeling and Sensing of their students, of their
readers, of their audience, etc., to a subject:

The most "effective" and longest-lasting and self-perpetu-
ating way of actually DISCONNECTING someone from a subject

to FALSELY "connect" a student: to make a student or pupil
believe, that "he is now sensing and feeling the subject,"
and, that "NOW he, the student, knows all about it."
(Examples do abound.)


Such "teachers" and "professors" are actually - they are
enthusiastically, but maliciously - PREVENTING real-life Feeling
and Sensing of the subject that they "teach" and that they write
and lecture about.

The driven (but destructive) enthusiasm of such "teachers"
or "professors" etc., may make them nominated for a
Nobel Prize, and they may feed television talk shows,
and write best-selling books,

to the large crowd that all-too-eagerly WANTS to be
hypnotized into 'having the feeling of "knowing things".'


These "teachers," "professors," etc., are a real pest:

They completely and intentionally(!) DESTROY science (and thus
Life and people), by REPLACING the students' ability to Feel and
Sense the actual subject (which requires Sensing and Feeling
what is there in real life with real people)

replacing it with a "logic" of data strung together into
a compelling story. (I have given many names and examples,

So these FALSELY "connect" with their "neuro-science," their
"cosmology" and their "modern theoretical physics" - in their
"education" programs, *(a)

and they have halted and dispersed vital, actual development
and any real progress, also in for instance biology and medical
science, and in the social sciences. (Examples given elsewhere.)


Again: With driven enthusiasm, they REPLACE the students'
Sensing and Feeling the subject in real life - and with
bizarre "logic" they combine symbols and ideas into a
"science," and

with the greatest of ease, and matter-of-fact-ly, they
push away and ignore the actually relevant data and
the vital observations, concerning the subject that they
"teach" so enthusiastically.

I have mentioned names and examples abundantly in other HRI's.



If you don't even know what actual Education is, and can't define it,
then you can't really put your finger on what is bad education and
on the other hand, what is good education,

much less can you avoid, refuse to hire, or can you dismiss those
"teachers" or "professors" etc., that are bad,

and instead choose or hire teachers etc., that are good.


I like to remind you of the 'First Law of Education' in personal

'Education means CONNECTING your FEELINGS to the subject taught,

and when that feeling-sensing connection is established and
maintained, then you are able to learn that subject fast and


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his



(a) The hypnotism inflicted by the "science" Sociopaths is summed
up with:

"Your feeling and your thinking IS DONE FOR YOU - by your brain
and sense organs."

Thus the Sociopaths can freely project thoughts and feelings at
you, and then make you believe, that you yourself are thinking
those thoughts, or that those are "your own" feelings.


(to be added as the text suggests)


(to be added as the text indicates)


Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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