Information and binaries via my website
(The binaries itself are, as always, served from who kindly provide the disk space and bandwidth).
Does anybody else think that panomatic is not only faster, but also
produces better results? Control points have a much better
distribution in my opinion.
thanks again.
On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Harry van der Wolf <> wrote:
> In the mean time try panomatic (with -o %o %i) instead of autopano-sift-c:
> It's much faster.
i find that panomatic works well for me and my pano's. both 'normal' and bracketed
hdr sets.
-- mcihael
> On a different matter, I have noticed several problems in the
> control points interface. 3281 was basically unusable. In RC2,
> where I only was making a quick check to find gross problems, I am
> not able to move a control point.
I have not experienced this anomaly of being unable to move or
relocate control points under OS 10.4.9 on a PPC machine.
I have noticed that with some images I'll get vastly different
panorama previews if I have used Panomatic to place the control
points as opposed to having placed them manually. Using manual CP
placement, I'll get a "normal" looking preview assuming a good
optimization routine having been run, but under Panomatic, the
preview displays something that I can only describe as being an image
that would be completely unusable, regardless of the projection
chosen. I think this tends to occur when the chosen images are not
optimum, i.e., one of them may be tilted or not straight. I do not
know why manual CP placement works under these circumstances when
automatic placement does not.
Allan Seidel
Deep in my heart I'd really like to make a Cocoa version of hugin even
if it meant forking. This semi-portable UI widget stuff always only
I noticed a few other odd things about this latest build.
1. There are problems with the Control Points window. A duplicate
copy of the right-hand image seems to sometimes get redrawn below
where it should be, obscuring the controls that would normally be
below the right-hand image. Stretching the window makes this image
move back to its normal place. Also selecting a control point on the
left-hand images seems almost impossible. However if I try to drag it
and then click Fine-Tune it seems to end up with the control point in
the right place - it is almost as if it is REALLY moving but the
screen animation for the movement is not being drawn ... if that makes
any sense.
While trying to get a clear understanding of the problem for this
message I moved a control point on a Right-hand image and then
selected undo and Hugin crashed.
2. When I start a stitch running Hugin now seems to launch another
separate process called HuginStitchProject ... maybe it has always
done that but I have certainly just started noticing it. The reason
that I am paying attention is that it now seems that Hugin carrying
out a stitch no longer seems to keep my Mac "awake". My habit has
been to get the control points ready, quit other programs, set the
stitch running and then walk away and let the computer get on with it
and come back in a few hours to a final stitched image. Now, if I do
that, when I come back a few hours later I find the Mac in "sleep"
mode and when I wake it up I find that it has created all
the ..."exposure_layer..." files and enblend restarts running at 98%
of a processor.
Just to be fair, I have no intention of making anything unstable at
this stage. Indeed I had to straighten up the autopano behaviour (so
to respect the 'custom autopano' option at the very least), but good
thing is that the new system is implemented in a proper way and now
working well for me at least.
The build process isn't changed much; just small adjustments towards
the release.