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360 degree panorama tutorial

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Michael Havens

Sep 12, 2016, 5:29:12 PM9/12/16
to hugin and other free panoramic software
Do we have any tutorials on creating 360 degree panoramas with the current version of hugin?

Michael Havens

Sep 13, 2016, 9:14:20 AM9/13/16
to hugin and other free panoramic software

Michael Havens

Sep 13, 2016, 5:56:11 PM9/13/16
to hugin and other free panoramic software
are there any others that one is hard to follow.

Terry Duell

Sep 13, 2016, 6:09:22 PM9/13/16
Hello Michael,
The only 'official' hugin tutorials are those here
There may be others elsewhere on the web.

Terry Duell

Stefan Peter

Sep 13, 2016, 7:03:16 PM9/13/16
Dear Michael Havens
Well, I get it, you are not yet up to par with the concepts and methods
used when doing 360 panos with hugin. So please tell us, what in detail
are your problems _exactly_ with the documentation at ?

We may be able to help you getting over the first humps if we know what
precisely is unclear to you and where you need help.

Do you have a receipt to make it easier? You know, this is an open
source project that lives from the contributions of all users. And
contributing to the documentation of a project is a major contribution
which will increase the value of the project for everyone.

You see, after you get the hang of it, you stop to see the points that
may be difficult to a newcomer. So we really would appreciate your
input, or even better, your participation in simplifying and
streamlining the documentation for newcomers.

And please stop top posting. It annoys people, makes it hard to follow
the conversation and leads to much reduced participation on a mailing
list. Please see my sig for details.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Markku Kolkka

Sep 14, 2016, 12:51:26 AM9/14/16
14.9.2016, 2.03, Stefan Peter kirjoitti:
> So please tell us, what in detail
> are your problems _exactly_ with the documentation at
> ?

I'm not the OP, but I believe the fact that the tutorial is for an 8
years old version of Hugin (0.7.0 from 2008) is likely to cause
problems. There have been significant changes to the UI since that time.

Avast Antivirus on tarkistanut tämän sähköpostin virusten varalta.

Michael Havens

Sep 14, 2016, 12:47:48 PM9/14/16
to hugin and other free panoramic software

It is so easy. Stitch a series of images together with hugin then upload that to People say you should use a fisheye lens but I just used my regular rectangular lens and it worked just fine.

On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 5:29:12 PM UTC-4, Michael Havens wrote:

Greg 'groggy' Lehey

Sep 14, 2016, 8:07:12 PM9/14/16
to, Carlos Eduardo G. Carvalho (Cartola)
On Wednesday, 14 September 2016 at 9:47:48 -0700, Michael Havens wrote:
> On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 5:29:12 PM UTC-4, Michael Havens wrote:
>> Do we have any tutorials on creating 360 degree panoramas with the current
>> version of hugin?
I think we have a disconnect here. That's what I understand by
"create a (360°) panorama".

> then upload that to
> <>.

That second URL is a very roundabout way of saying the same thing.
But clearly you mean "how to animate a 360° panoarama". There are
various software solutions, and we discussed some of them a while
back. See!msg/hugin-ptx/2BRtxG3lSM4/MrLhTJedAQAJ
for one discussion. Cartola ( does a lot of
this stuff, and may chip in if he sees his name mentioned.

Your URL is interesting, though. I'll take a look. My first
impression is that the online view is slow.

> People say you should use a fisheye lens

They do?

> but I just used my regular rectangular lens and it worked just fine.

Yes, it should. It also has the advantage of higher resolution. With
a fisheye lens you get the whole scene in 6 photos.

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