Fwd: [ogp] UNCAC CoSP Registration Deadline, June 23

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Abdoul Malick TAPSOBA

Jun 22, 2023, 6:01:26 AM6/22/23
to hub-cafdo
Bonjour à tous,

Désolé de partager en retard. Le deadline c'est demain 23 juin 2023.


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From: aidan....@opengovpartnership.org <aidan....@opengovpartnership.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Subject: [ogp] UNCAC CoSP Registration Deadline, June 23
To: OGP Civil Society community <o...@dgroups.org>

Dear all,


This is a quick reminder that this Friday, June 23rd, is the deadline for civil society organisations to register to attend the UNCAC CoSP in December this year.

The Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention Against Corruption will take place in Atlanta, USA, from December 11-15. It is a significant opportunity for governments to report on progress in eliminating corruption and to commit to new declarations of reform. Civil society organisations that are NOT accredited with ECOSOC must apply to attend as an observer by June 23 by sending a signed letter of application on the organisation’s letterhead and a contact details form. Full details on how to apply as an observer may be found at:
https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/ngos/call-for-applications-for-cosp10-uncac.html. The conference will be preceded by a civil society day on Sunday December 9, and there is an open call for side events (“special events”) organised by governments or civil society organisations, with a deadline of August 12.  

The UNCAC CoSP is a real moment of opportunity for the open government community to hold governments to account on their latest efforts to combat corruption, and it is important to register before the deadline this week. We hope to see many civil society champions from the OGP community there. You can follow the latest updates at the Conference website

Best wishes,

Aidan Harris
Senior Advocacy Coordinator | Open Government Partnership



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