Fiddler on Mac

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Heike Ott

Oct 17, 2016, 10:32:09 PM10/17/16
to Fiddler
So .. I play YoWorld. (pause for laughter). I also Gimp, and like to create iamges to put in YoWorld as paint boards. I don't know if y'all know it, but most YoWorld paint board "artists" use Fiddler to put their images on the paint boards. Unfortunately, I am a Mac user, and until recently Fiddler didn't really work on Macs. That changed a couple of days ago, and I downloaded and installed Mono and the latest (I think beta) version of Fiddler for OS X (4.6.1).

The way people "hack" YoWorld paintboards using Fiddler is by using the autoresponder to replace the URL of the paintboard image with a file on one's computer. With me so far?

So, my problem is that when I run Fiddler in the default mode, all I see are "tunnel to.." connections - I can't see the actual address, and therefore can't see the image URL to use it in AutoResponder. The Windows tutorials for Fiddler tell you to turn on decryption in the HTTPS settings, ignore certificate errors, and select "trust certificates" in the Actions menu. When I try to do that on my Mac, it crashes Fiddler .. every time .. with overflow exceptions.

So I tried exporting the Fiddler certificate to my desktop and installing Fiddler's certificate into my browser (Google Chrome). Hey Presto! I can see the image urls now. BUT now my browser won't access the internet, giving me a "not a secure connection" error for YoWorld, Facebook, and almost any other site except Google. Well, THAT was a panic situation. I removed the Fiddler certificate and shut everything down, and then started getting a proxy error ... still couldn't access any https websites. Somehow I accidentally managed to fix that by googling the problem and going to an http (no s) website. I now have everything else (Facebook, etc.) working properly again, but now of course Fiddler is back to showing me tunnels instead of addresses, and I'm afraid to mess around with the settings again since I obviously don't really know what I'm doing.

Any suggestions?


Eric Lawrence

Oct 18, 2016, 11:40:17 AM10/18/16
to Fiddler
Yeah, sadly, Mac is still a bit of a mess. I wouldn't expect any of the "Trust certificate" features to work; manual export and reimport is the way to go for now.

> exporting the Fiddler certificate to my desktop and installing
> Fiddler's certificate into my browser (Google Chrome)

Please explain, step-by-step, how you "installed Fiddler's certificate" into Chrome.

Heike Ott

Oct 18, 2016, 4:17:27 PM10/18/16
to Fiddler
In Fiddler, in Tools -> Settings -> HTTPS, I selected "capture connections", decrypt https, and then in the Actions button I selected "export certificate to desktop."

In Google Chrome, I went to Preferences -> Advanced Settings -> HTTPS/SSL -> Manage Certificates. That took me to Keychain Access, where I dragged the Fiddler certificate into the login keychain. It said "do not trust," but when I clicked on it (I'm telling you this from memory as I'm NOT trying it again until I understand better what I'm doing), it gave me an option to make it trustworthy. Then a little icon next to the Fidder certificate went to a blue box with a cross in it, and when I went back to Fiddler I was able to see image URLs. At that point I opened my paintboard in YoWorld, got the image URL, and ALMOST had it, but when I clicked on the image URL in the autoresponder rule box, the whole address line went blue and I couldn't edit the URL to remove "EXACT:" and the extraneous numbers after ".png." While I was messing around with Textedit trying to copy the URL and retype it into the box, YoWorld, Facebook, and youtube crashed, and when I tried to reload the pages in Chrome I started getting the "not a secure connection" error. 

At that point I unchecked all the boxes in Fiddler HTTPS settings, and quit Fiddler. I went back through Google Chrome to Keychain Access and removed the Fiddler certificate. I then restarted the computer but got "no internet connection error" on any HTTPS page I tried to access in Chrome OR Safari. Network Diagnostics then told me I had a proxy error. I googled that problem and it told me to go to a HTTP page (I think the link was to bbc something). I did that, restarted the computer again, and everything worked again. (HUGE sigh of relief). After that I cautiously tried running Fiddler again with various settings (but NOT generating a certificate), and once again couldn't get any URLs, just the "tunnel to" connections. I'm stubborn, and maybe stupid, so after reading some more about Fiddler and watching the video on the Fiddler site, I tried "reset all certificates." Of course that returned me to "no internet connection" and the proxy error again, but this time I knew how to fix it. 

Now I am done with Fiddler until I either have a better understanding of what I'm doing or they put out some updates for the Mac version.

Sorry for the exhaustive explanation, it may be TMI but just in case you're someone involved with Fiddler I wanted to give as much info as possible to help with fixing it.


Pavlo Kletsko

Nov 9, 2016, 4:08:34 AM11/9/16
to Fiddler
I just installed Fiddler for mac according to the steps and first I found the same problem that I can see only telerik web site and nothing more. 
In console I got next errors: 
bash: /Users/myuser/opt/fiddler-mac/settings.txt: No such file or directory

When I jus created empty settings.txt and run again I got an other problem in console :
LON:fiddler-mac myuser$ mono Fiddler.exe
/Users/myuser/opt/fiddler-mac/FiddlerAttach.applescript:7:87: execution error: /bin/sh: Ethernet,0,0,off,0,0,off,0,0,off,0,0,off: command not found (127)
/Users/myuser/opt/fiddler-mac/FiddlerAttach.applescript:7:87: execution error: /bin/sh: Ethernet,,8888,on,,8888,on,0,0,off,0,0,off: command not found (127)

Not sure how it related to the main problem that I don;t see any traffic , but maybe it will be useful to fix some additional problem.

Collin Sauve

Nov 6, 2017, 3:36:44 PM11/6/17
to Fiddler
I had to specify 32 bit or else Fiddler crashes:

mono --arch=32 Fiddler.exe

>1 year after Pavlo has reported it, I still get this:

settings.txt: No such file or directory

and then when I create empty settings.txt I get 

.../fiddler-mac/FiddlerAttach.applescript:7:87: execution error: /bin/sh: Ethernet,,8888,on,,8888,on,0,0,off,0,0,off: command not found (127)

I guess we shouldn't hold our breath for a working Fiddler on OSX since its been this long and not a peep from Telerik even acknowledging the problem.
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