fiddler can‘t get client ip?

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Sep 12, 2017, 9:00:17 AM9/12/17
to Fiddler
I use fiddler as transparent proxy. It works well.

But there are two questions confused me.

The first question is sometimes fiddler can't get client IP . you can see the blue line, there are on client IP.

I use this code to get the client ip

FiddlerObject.UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("Server IP", 120, "X-HostIP");
FiddlerObject.UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("CliIP", 120, "X-ClientIP");
FiddlerObject.UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("Client IP", 120, "@request.X-Forwarded-For" );
FiddlerObject.UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("Remote IP", 120, "@request.REMOTE_ADDR" );

but sometimes i get nothing.  why i can't get the client IP?

2. Sometimes i get this error 


Some client occur this error . But other client never happen.

Thanks for help!

Eric Lawrence

Sep 12, 2017, 9:29:17 AM9/12/17
to Fiddler
#1 -- I haven't seen this happen. If you have a SAZ file that demonstrates this, I'd like to have a look, just email it to me.

#2 happens when the server does not complete a chunked response (e.g. it closes the connection before delivering the promised bytes). Normally, this error isn't shown the way you're seeing it, but you must have a utilDecodeResponse() (or equivalent) call in your FiddlerScript's OnBeforeResponse handler.

Sep 12, 2017, 12:02:09 PM9/12/17
to Fiddler
Thanks very much for the reply!Eric , What's you email address?   
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