Proposal: Generate HAR files from JAX-RS definitions

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Chris Kilding

Apr 3, 2020, 8:29:36 AM4/3/20
Hi there,

I have a number of integration tests which use JAX-RS (specifically Jersey) to exercise Web services. The service under test normally resides on localhost (where it is run by an embedded executor). Because the integration tests may run in a number of environments, it is not safe to assume that an HTTP interceptor proxy can be used to capture the requests 'on the wire': I am looking to intercept them at code level, perhaps with a Jersey client or server Feature, instead.

I would like to capture the JAX-RS requests and responses from each test, and save them to a HAR file for further usage.

Is anyone aware of a library that already does this? Failing that, is anyone aware of a generic Java HAR writer library that I could use to build it myself?

Thanks in advance,

Chris Kilding
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