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Inviting Beta Testers

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Prashant Singh

Jan 30, 2015, 8:22:24 AM1/30/15
Hi Guys 

We are working on new version of our app Shifu .  its currently in Beta testing phase . We are looking for volunteers to help us with beta test our new feature in real world condition . All you need to be a beta tester is (1)  Android phone running on Lollipop . (2) Enthusiasm to try out new things and finally (3) a little bit of tolerance for  few bugs . Good karma guaranteed for anyone who agree to help us.  Please contact me off list if you are keen . 

Wishing you a pleasant weekend. 


Prashant Singh,
Co-Founder, Signals 

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"If someone's using a PC to demo the Next Big Thing... then it's not the next big thing."~Russell Beattie

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