Kiran Jonnalagadda
unread,Oct 29, 2012, 11:18:39 AM10/29/12Sign in to reply to author
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HasGeek presents the second edition of
Droidcon India, a world-wide series of conferences on Android.
first edition of Droidcon India was held in Nov 2011. The response was stupendous, with over 500 participants attending the event on both days.
In 2011, there was great deal of buzz and hype around Android. At the 2012 edition, we want to explore and discuss what the platform has to offer to Indian developers and enterprises, and focus on the state of app development in India.
Droidcon 2012 will have sessions on specialised topics such as Arduino, Sensors, NFC, Gaming, Multi-modal apps and UX and UI challenges involved in designing Android apps. There will be intermediate and advanced sessions on libraries and tools as well as topics for beginners such as designing and monetizing apps for the Indian market, using and tackling fragments, and designing for different form factors.
The format of Droidcon India 2012 intersperses lectures, demos, workshops and code jams with possible panel discussions. Speakers from UK, Russia and India are looking set to enthral audiences with their experiences on designing app development frameworks and app stores. You can view the confirmed speakers here:
The final schedule will be up by tomorrow: of the event:
Dates: Nov 2, 3, 2012
Venue: MLR Convention Centre
Talk Proposals: prices are Rs 2600 until October 30 and Rs 3200 from October 31. Oct 30 is the last day to get a ticket at the regular price.
Look forward to seeing you all at the event!