Kiran Jonnalagadda
unread,May 22, 2012, 5:55:53 AM5/22/12Sign in to reply to author
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to,,, html5-in,,,,,
Hey all,
HasGeek presents Rootconf, a conference for sysadmins and devops. While our previous event Meta Refresh examined the engineering that makes great UI possible, Rootconf looks at the back-end engineering which makes the same websites secure and snappy regardless of the load on them. Rootconf also looks at how these websites are hosted. We are covering cloud and virtualization for cost-efficient hosting, performance tuning, configuration management when you have multiple servers, security, and monitoring.
Rootconf is open to practitioners of technology -- the people who actually design, code and manage servers. Sessions will not only cover how-to-do-it-yourself, but will also present insights and learnings on how systems were built and the processes and decisions involved. The conference features speakers from Flipkart, Directi, Zynga, Red Hat, ThoughtWorks and Deep Root Linux, among others. Some of the selected talks address:
* Creating and Provisioning Cloud Resources with AWS CloudFormation;
* Introduction to performance tuning in a managed environment;
* Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Hubot; and
* Automated and Adaptive Infrastructure Monitoring using Chef, Nagios and Graphite
Details of the conference:
Date: Saturday, 26th May 2012
Venue: Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Christ College Campus, Dairy Circle, Bangalore
Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Event website:
Tickets are available at
http://rootconf.doattend.comFor more details, please write to me.