HtF 25: Post Mortem Notes

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Jonathan Hull

Feb 24, 2020, 9:08:59 PM2/24/20
to Hack the Future Volunteer Group
Here are the notes from the post mortem. Please feel free to suggest other things by replying to this email thread...

## Start Doing
- Women sizes for mentor and kids shirts
- Do some impromtu lightning talks throughout the day (as cool things come up)
- Prepping table supplies (especially design)
- Prepare AV ahead of time (especially MicroBits)
- Bring some Gaffers tape
- Have Mentor Shirts
- Competition in afternoon
- Event in more underserved communities
- Clock at check-in table
- Make sure printing is done ahead of time
- Better Signage
- Flyers when in public space venues (for drive-by interest)
- Better about Hardware donations/sponsors (e.g. tablets)
- Keep having Millie design t-shirts
- Find more robots (maybe team up with robot events/groups)
- Bring cardboard & Servos for MicroBits
- Apple TV & chromecast for easy lightning talk connection
- Shared Drive for kids to drop files for lightning talks into (locked down before & after event)

## Stop Doing
- Not having media

## Keep Doing
- Serving Pizza (instead of having kids just grab it them)
- Validated Parking for venue
- More Non-Technical Floating mentors
- Drive-By Interest from venue
- More diversity in participants (gender, race, etc...)
- Robots

Bay Point Library

Apr 11, 2020, 9:12:09 PM4/11/20
to Hack the Future Volunteer Group
HI Guys,

long story short:  contra costa library system had a ransomeware attack earlier in the year, we lost our email, got it back, then lost it again and then COVID19....  All our branches created gmail accounts. so for now, can you please change my contact email to : (my new branch)  Eventually I will have an official county email and I will send that in the future.

Kind Regards,

Orlando Guzman mentor volunteer (formerly at Lafayette Library)

p.s. I would love for you all come out to Bay Point in 2021 (just north of Concord and west of Pittsburg) its is an under-served community that would greatly benefit and appreciate an event like HTF. Lets make it happen.  Dave Briccetti and I can butler again. (Dave, I just roped you in on this one)

My post mortem note for San Jose: The floor plugs in that room were awful and kept shorting.  I lost power to the 3D printers 3 or 4 times during that day due to the plugs.
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