HSF Detector Simulation Working Group Meeting on June 7th at 17:30 CERN time

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Morgan, Ben

Jun 1, 2021, 6:20:52 AM6/1/21
to hsf-sim...@googlegroups.com, hsf-...@googlegroups.com, atlas-simulation-conveners (Current conveners of the ATLAS simulation group), lhcb-sim-conveners (LHCb Simulation Conveners), software-...@belle2.org, atlas-computing-coordinators, cms-geant4-rd (CMS simulation based on Geant4 developers), cms-offcomp-coordinator (Coordinators of offline/computing project in CMS), IF-SIM...@fnal.gov, SNOWMASS-COMPF...@fnal.gov, Krzysztof Genser, Kevin Pedro, Witold Pokorski, Boogert, Stewart, laurie...@rhul.ac.uk
Dear All,

Our next HSF Detector Simulation Working Group meeting of 2021 will take place on Monday, June 7th at 17:30 CERN time:


The topics will be:

- pyg4ometry: a package to create, load, write and visualise solid geometry for particle tracking simulations
- GDML: Status and Plans

The Zoom link with passcode is available on the Indico page to users with CERN accounts.
For those who do not have CERN accounts, here is the meeting Zoom info:
Zoom Meeting ID 61318328786 Passcode 34442232
Please forward this notice to any other colleagues who might be interested in this meeting.

Ben, Kevin & Krzysztof

Dr. Ben Morgan
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

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