Next topical meeting of the HSF Detector Simulation Working Group - 27th of May at 3pm (CERN)

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Witek Pokorski

2020年5月20日 上午11:26:472020/5/20
收件者、、atlas-simulation-conveners (Current conveners of the ATLAS simulation group)、James Catmore、Tommaso Boccali、Markus Klute、Predrag Buncic、lhcb-sim-conveners (LHCb Simulation Conveners)、、Makoto Asai、Pere Mato、Sandro Christian Wenzel、Michael Duehrssen-Debling、、atlas-computing-coordinators、cms-geant4-rd (CMS simulation based on Geant4 developers)、Marc Verderi、Alberto Ribon、Gloria Corti、Philippe Canal
Dear HSF Friends,

The next HSF Detector Simulation topical meeting will take place on the 27th of May at 3pm (CERN time)  (please note earlier than usual start time).

This meeting will be the first out of a series of meetings devoted to the usage GPUs in simulation. 
We think that we would profit from the experience of people that have already used GPU to tackle their specific simulation environment, for this reason we will start with three presentations of successful application of this technology in specific particle transport simulations. 

During the following meeting planned for the 10th of June (and possibly 24th of June), we would like to invite everybody to present their ideas on potential applications of GPUs in HEP simulation. This will be done in the form of 'lightning talks’ (~ 5 minutes) followed by a discussion. Please do let us know if you would like to present your ideas there.

The agenda for the 27th of May meeting and the Vidyo link can be found at:

Hoping to see you all there.

Best regards,
Gloria, Philippe and Witek

Witek Pokorski

2020年5月26日 上午9:46:422020/5/26
收件者、、atlas-simulation-conveners (Current conveners of the ATLAS simulation group)、James Catmore、Tommaso Boccali、Markus Klute、Predrag Buncic、lhcb-sim-conveners (LHCb Simulation Conveners)、、Makoto Asai、Pere Mato、Sandro Christian Wenzel、Michael Duehrssen-Debling、、atlas-computing-coordinators、cms-geant4-rd (CMS simulation based on Geant4 developers)、Marc Verderi、Alberto Ribon、Gloria Corti、Philippe Canal
Dear all,

This is a reminder of our meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 27th May) at 3pm (CERN).
Please see the details below.

Gloria, Philippe and Witek

Witek Pokorski

2020年5月27日 凌晨3:04:032020/5/27
收件者、、atlas-simulation-conveners (Current conveners of the ATLAS simulation group)、James Catmore、Tommaso Boccali、Markus Klute、Predrag Buncic、lhcb-sim-conveners (LHCb Simulation Conveners)、、Makoto Asai、Pere Mato、Sandro Christian Wenzel、Michael Duehrssen-Debling、、atlas-computing-coordinators、cms-geant4-rd (CMS simulation based on Geant4 developers)、Marc Verderi、Alberto Ribon、Gloria Corti、Philippe Canal
Dear all,

The meeting is today (Wednesday 27th May) at 3pm CERN.
(sorry for the wrong reminder saying ‘Tuesday').

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