Next HSF simulation meeting on Geant4 tuning - announcement and call for contributions

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Sandro Wenzel

Jul 24, 2023, 11:57:51 AM7/24/23
to,, Sandro Wenzel

Dear All,

The HSF Detector Simulation Working Group is proposing to have a dedicated meeting and discussion in the area of "Geant4 cut/process/threshold tuning" for the purpose of reducing the CPU cost of detector simulation. 

We believe that this is an interesting topic for the HEP simulation community (for instance in light of high-lumi etc), and potentially a subject where we can learn from each other.

Tentatively, we target to hold the meeting either on 11.09.2023 or on 18.09.2023 at 17:30 (CERN time).

For now, we have one fixed contribution on a recent tool development in this area (Benedikt Volkel, ALICE). 

In addition, we would be very interested to solicit more contributions from experiments on the methodology/approach that may have been used to tune Geant4 parameters (from the client side) as well as the results and experience gained.

Please let us know by 31.08.2023, whether you would be interested to present something. A more detailed invitation will then follow in due time.

Please forward this notice to any other colleagues who might be interested in this meeting.


John, Krzysztof, and Sandro

Co-conveners of the HSF Detector Simulation Working Group

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