HSF/IRIS-HEP Software Basics and Python for Analysis Training, July 2024

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Alexander Moreno

Jun 30, 2024, 9:17:00 PMJun 30

Dear all,

(Apologies if you received this email twice)

We are happy to announce the following training event organized by HSF/IRIS-HEP:

Software Basics Training (virtual, July 8-9, Eastern time): This event teaches the fundamentals of the Unix command line, version control with git, and python. It is best suited for newcomers in the field, so please advertise it to your students!

Registration is now open. Please follow the indico link below for the details and registration: 


Python for Analysis Training (virtual, July 16, 2024, Eastern time):This event teaches data analysis in HEP using Python with PyROOT and tools from the Scikit-HEP ecosystem. It is best suited for newcomers in the field who are already familiar with python (for example the participants of the Software Basics Training the week before)

Registration is now open. Please follow the indico link below for the details and registration: : 


- Best,

Richa Sharma (UPRM)

Sudhir Malik (UPRM)

Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)

Alexander Moreno (Universidad Antonio Nariño)

Lera Lukashenko (University of Zurich)

Holly Szumila-Vance (Jefferson Lab)

Alexander Moreno Briceño, PhD
Profesor Asociado - Investigador
Grupo Física Fenomenología de Partículas Elementales y Cosmología
Departamento de Física - Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Antonio Nariño - Sede Ibagué
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