For those who still wants to stay in the group

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May 8, 2009, 12:57:02 PM5/8/09
Hi Dear group,

As we agreed in the meeting that we are going to organize the event
within four weeks,no matter who will be our client,even no client.

So I would like to suggest that each of us think and finish the tasks
below. When you sit down and prepare for the tasks,please think about
this event as "your own event",

1. write down action plan with all the possibilities what we can do to
win our client back or find new client, the start date of the action
plan will be Monday;

2. write down implementation plan of the whole event,which includes
all the detailed information, for instance the activities in the
event, please also think about if your plan is reasonable and

3. think carefully about your personal strenth, what will be your role
in the team. think about the football game Anna mentioned in the


Please send action plan and implementation plan to the group before
16:00 Sunday, so we can have time to read all of them and think about
it before our next meeting.


Don't look to or copy others' idea,becaue its really a very special
moment, we need our personal ideas in order to come up more
possibilities, and justify and combine them during the meeting. Don't
hide yourself behind others anymore.


G. Georgiev

May 8, 2009, 8:19:08 PM5/8/09
Hello guys,

I would like to thank for everybody who decided to stay in the project
nomatter the great obstacles we faced and are currently facing again.

Hereby I also include the project action plan as you have requested.

I also felt obliged to tell you that I don't really see how what we hand
in as action plans
would be of any use.
We are already running out of time, even if we gather all this action
plans without having a person or a group of people to analyze the output
data and draw some conclusions out of it then in my opinion all this
actions plans is gonna be of no use.
Moreover I would like to ask
What is the purpose of an action plan if we already have a project plan
isn't action
plan and project plan the same?

Concerning the planned roles selection as Vivian suggested, still
probably there should be a certain authority a PM a committee or the
group itself or you name it to select whom is in which role.

Enjoy and Relax during your weekend :)

Kindest Regards
Georgi Georgiev
Mobile: +31681889459

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.


鹏 张

May 9, 2009, 6:02:00 PM5/9/09
Hey guys,
I have been thinking about our group and the project for a few days, after that there are several idea and confusion came up,
1. Fristly, what is our purpose to continue this "event", because if we change the purpose then the following steps will be totally different,
   1) Win the client back-- we still need to find more reasons and added value for convince the clien back to this project which is really difficult.
   2) do it as what we want--since the people who still in this "HR DAY" group, I would like to say those are the people who really like to organise this HR day and think this would not only be the added value to business but to ourself too, even do it for no grade, so perhaps druing the process we can attract the client back or not, but the consequence will be quite difficult too, since we will organise this event without any client or sponsor which means we will have such proble like budget (we need to pay everything by ourself).
   3) do it with our teachers and forget the client--to organise this event for ourself, solve all the problem by ourself, but ask suggestion from all the teachers, but during the process we do not satisfy noboday but ourself.
2. Activities,
   1) introduction (event and personal) of this event with all the video we can find which concerning this strudy stream.
   2) introduce all the alumnis and the one who is doing their GA.
   3) theater sport.
   4) communication session (student, alumni and tacher).
   5) each alumnis and teacher give a short sentence about this study stream.
Those are the basic ideas that I have, but there are more ideas and things I would like to discuss and explain to you guys on Monday, but whatever we decide on Monday, personally, I suggest we arrange a meeting with Joop and Sterk on Tuseday or even on Monday afternoon, since we are out of time.
Best regards
> Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 09:57:02 -0700
> Subject: For those who still wants to stay in the group
> From:
> To:

Kaloyan Komitov

May 10, 2009, 6:29:29 AM5/10/09

Good Sunday to all,

I red all the emails, and I see that we have the structure and what we are going to use within the event. What according to me is missing is the place where the event should take place and what day? What we are going to present within the event Gyroscopic management or how the diverse culture add value to a certain organization? Or let's do presentation without words where we present the gyroscopic effect and explain What will people do if they do not have language? This does not mean that the communication is gone. There is something strategic behind, I can feel it!  

There are two possible actions according to me either we stay at HAN and organize the whole event in the auditorium or big room or we go to an organization and give a presentation and open discussion after. It could be university as Pavka mentioned or go to the people that are doing their internships and organize it there.

I also share the idea that we should win back our client, and why don’t we have two clients.

I suggest for the meeting tomorrow, we decide what exactly what we gonna do, even if it takes the whole night.   

Right before sunrise, storm seems to be the strongest.

All for one and one for all

Kindest regards

Kaloyan Komitov

2009/5/10 鹏 张 <>

Haihong Deng

May 10, 2009, 6:50:41 AM5/10/09
Hi group,
I have been thinking about this event as my personal event thoroughly. So you'll see a very detailed plan in the attached file.
Actually I'm ready to have no client and organize this event with all of you only for ourselves and for fun because I really feel we need to do something as graduation students to strengthen our study stream and we'll be benefiting from it as well.
Even we don't have any client,even we can't get credits from it, but please look it as a goodbye party for ourselves, it will be a great memory in our life, am I right?

Best regards,



Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 12:29:29 +0200
Subject: Re: For those who still wants to stay in the group
Proposal and action plan.doc

Sharon Chiu

May 10, 2009, 7:00:14 AM5/10/09
to HRQM Google Group
Hey guys,
Are you confused about what happened? I am. I am still thinking and asking myself 'how come that the client didn't see the strategic point of our event?'.
This event will allow so many people to trigger themselves, and that to me is what the HRQM concept is about. People keep thinking about it and that is how their gyroscope keeps spinning. 
I would like to stay in the 'event group' because I think that this is the most difficult situation I can place myself in. Staying, meaning not running away, is jumping to me. Why shall I let one client, who does not believe in me, meaning that whatever I do he will say no to, pull me back from jumping? His words made me feel so uncomfortable. I really want to spread this religion to others with sharing my own experience with this concept. Talking about all the emotions I have to an audience is definitely a learning process for me.
At this point I would like to have everyone back to the group. Members who left, please think about what we've been through, think about the 4 factors: communication, culture, hr and ethics. These are the 4 factors that we should learn more about by carrying out this project. If I think back now, actually all the problems we had to face were based on these factors. So, weren't we already busy with it? The teachers just want to confuse all of us, and for me, I each time let them trigger me again. And after that, I always think:"aaaah.. it happened again!" But then I always think that it is too late to do something with it.
Do you remember that we have so much to offer to the client? If members leave the group now, we cannot show the client our believe in this event. During the previous meetings everyone showed interest in this event, and some even showed that they really 'saw the event happening'.
Everyone has to take this ethical decision for themselves, whether they want to continue with the group or not.
About the content of the event, I first had to accept a fact. We do not have a sponsor anymore, therefore I think that the target group needs to be changed. (We cannot afford to invite alumnis if we cannot give them replacement costs)  I was thinking about a workshop for teachers from other streams. A workshop is shorter and therefore the chance is higher that they will participate. Using the 5th Anniversary of HRQM as the promotion tool, we can attract people, and we can show them what our study stream is about. It is good if our study stream will be recognized by all teachers, we have the chance to represent out study stream, and it can change their perspective.
This does not necessarily need to be an annual event, because after the workshop I am sure that the participants will still spin their gyroscope when they see HRQM students/teachers in school. Things related to HRQM will continuously remind them on the workshop. All the questions that they wanted to answer for themselves, one day they will understand it. Even if they do not understand it, they will learn to think from another perspective, an unsafe perspective.  

Hope to see all of you tomorrow at 10.30 hours in front of the HANgar.

> Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 09:57:02 -0700
> Subject: For those who still wants to stay in the group
> From:
> To:

Haihong Deng

May 10, 2009, 10:47:48 AM5/10/09
Hi all,
I totally agree with Sharon that we are not only aiming to win our client back,but also all the members who left. If we can't, it means the balance and harmoney of our group are broken.
Let's win our team members back!
Best regards,



Subject: RE: For those who still wants to stay in the group
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 11:00:14 +0000
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Cisely Wilson

May 10, 2009, 10:58:34 AM5/10/09
Dear Group,
To be honest ,right now I have so many thoughts in mind about this project that I dont even know how to express them.
My Personal Actions

1. On Monday I am going to speak with our former client. Simply because I feel the need  to do so. (this is taking a leap for me and taking me out of my comfort zone.)
I also plan to talk to the members that left the group.

2. Secondly, I'm not going to hold back on my thoughts and views eventhough it might be contradicting to some of the views of others or may cause some tension. 

My  Ideas for the event.
As for the event.  I am still keen on the thought of sharing experiences and that is the way I see the entire event unfolding right now.
I would still like the graduates to come and share their experiences.Why ?? I don't know. Maybe ,I would like this for some type of security.
1.First, we could start off with an introduction. (stating the purpose of the event) 

2.Secondly, depending on how many graduates are present at the event we can divide ourselves into groups and sit in circles and talk. (For example, 1 graduate, 2 teachers, and 6 students)

3. A Break (for about 15 min) (coffee & snacks/or lunch)
 After the break we could play some theater sports or an exercise from the playbook.

4.Last, A closing speech and at the same time we could ask for feedback by disbributing feedback forms. 
However I don't see the entire strategic value behind it. Because when the event is over, that's it.
Therefore, I think that a website Might be a good tool to use for the purpose of longevitiy. What I mean by this is that after the event is over ...that will be the end. We do not need to pass the website along because this is something we can control & run ourselves if we are fully commited to doing so.  We can also use it  to share our (work) experiences  when we are finished with school, for internships and so on.. It can also be used by the other upcoming students as well. 

Tommorrow during our meeting I will share some more of my views on this. I am still brainstorming on various ideas for the event. (for a strategic point of view)
Kind Regards,
Cisely Wilson


Subject: RE: For those who still wants to stay in the group
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 11:00:14 +0000

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