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"Hate" Letter Against Blacks

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May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00


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re: You dumb, ugly, lying, black beast
(anonymously sent letter; included near the end)

Taking on this issue of how we
blacks are so despised and feared
by some, and excised from the ranks of
the Human Race, Maya Angelou felt the
need to respond -- if only for the
peace of mind of the survivors
of one of history's most brutal,
savage and enduring slaveries.

She exposes this ill will at its

She writes:

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise
I rise
I rise.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

THANKS, Lallia, Earl and Donna,
for your hearetfelt comments and

Like water on a duck's back, I fancy
myself as letting such racist ranting
just roll off me.

But I suppose that on some level, deep down
within, something DOES stick.

If nothing else, there is a message that
rings loud and clear. It reminds me -- like a
Mike Tyson punch to the face of a daydreamer --
of the long road that lies ahead, of the work
still at hand...and of the kinks and spikes
tearing at the fabric of our immediate universe.

Yes, some are doing all they can to unravel God's




From: Lallia
Subject: Re: You dumb, ugly, lying, black beast...
Date: May 13, 2000 7:48:23 PM EDT


I am truly appalled at the contents of that letter. I could not
reading it. I'm also very, very sorry that you are subjected to
this kind of bullshit from ignorant people. This is truly
maddening. This person is about as low as they go, and to top it
all off, is hiding behind an anonymous name and address.

The reference to IQ 75 makes me think of a jerk whom I've seen
posting in some newsgroups. He always uses that reference in his
subject line. Why he so boldly thought it was okay to invade
your private email is extremely arrogant, at best. I'm glad you
are able to take it all with a grain of salt, and know that
these type of people are truly sick.



------Original Message------

From: Earl & Donnas
To: Cecil
Sent: May 14, 2000 12:34:35 PM GMT
Subject: You dumb, ugly, lying, black beast...

Dear Cecil,

The thing that struck me most about it is that as usual the
author does not give him name. These people are cowards.
They are also inferior. Only inferior people put down others
in this way, to try to give themselves the self esteem that
they have not been able to get from real achievements. I
have also noticed that people who have to rest their whole
being on some accident of birth (in this case, having been
born with a white skin, but there are lots of others) tend
to be inferior people with few accomplishments in life.

Still, one wishes that people of this ilk would go hide under
a rock and shut up.

You, on the other hand, are a great person whom I am proud to

Best, Donna


Dear Cecil:

The psychodyanmics of why a person would take the effort to
write this
stuff intrigues me. I`d have to read it several times in order
get an idea and I am not sure I can do it. I`ll give it a try.

I read one book short while ago, "The Racist Mind", by Raphael
(Penquin, 1995) who is a social psychologists and a Jew
to boot. He spent a lot of time visiting various white hate
groups, talking
their leaders, recording what they said at mass meetings. These
are all KKK

derivative type organization. Georgia leads the country with
about 30 of
This includes the Christian Identity people. The groups he
visited were
anti-semitic and racist at the same time. He took some verbal
he was Jewish, but no physical problems. However, inspite of his
profession he
did not transmit to me a lasting idea of what motivated the hate
deep down.
He gave the impression that the Jews were more targeted now than
the Blacks
or other
non-white groups, almost the impression that the hate groups
feel that the
are under reasonable control but the Jews are still operating
behind the
powerful, controlling the Government, the UN whatever. The
feeling of that
non-Jews are "under control" may be due to the high prison

The only thing I feel fairly certain of is that the writer is
white, not a
a Black or other minority person acting as an agent
provocateur. France
has historical experience with agents provocateur, police agents
etc. They
were standardly used years ago, and in most respects Georges in
was such an individual.

The writer writes clearly and is not a completely
uneducated "white trash"
His ideas are but not his style. Some of his approach reminds
me of GLC
name unknown) who is himself a Jew, runs a newspaper in
Alamance, North
and posts now and then on soc.retirement. I finally pinned down
his racist
set since he dodged the issue for a long while. The racist
sentiment on
news group is "politer", they will comment on black crime but
will not get
causality, the "liberal" root cause approach does not work with
conservatives, they
push for individual rather than collective responsibility. Some
of them
will rant
(this is an older group in the "ranting" age) about the chaotic
Africa which is why I posted on "the Fates of Society". There
exists now a
of "polite" racism stimulated by such authors as Charles
Murray. This is
why I
apply the term neo-Jim Crowism, the stacking the judicial decks
to keep
"in their place". In this sense, conservative policies are part
of the
and not part of the solution.

my support


------Original Message------

From: Anonymous <>
Sent: May 13, 2000 12:49:52 PM GMT
Subject: You dumb, ugly, lying, black beast

You dumb, ugly, lying, black beast, could you be any more of a
nigger than
you already are?

If youve visited a zoo recently, and if the zoo had a monkey
exhibit, youd
have noticed that the monkey cage (not unlike American jails and
has either a barrier rail that is located 8-10 feet from an open-
air monkey
cage enclosed with steel bars, or the monkey cage is enclosed
plexiglass and utilizes an air conditioning system to ventilate
the cage.
The reason that the barrier rail and/or the plexiglass shield
exists is
simple. When monkeys become agitated, they throw their own feces
at their
tormentors (these tormentors are usually paying customers of the
zoo). The
zoo doesnt want lawsuits, and they want their customers to enjoy
visit to the zoo and to return in the future, as well as
recommending their
zoo experience to friends and acquaintances.

Despite their love of the truth that we provide, niggers become
when visiting NGs because our truth hurts their feelings and
lowers their
fragile self-esteem. So the profane/vulgar posts and the porn
pictures are
the niggers way of electronically throwing their turds at us,
like the
monkeys in the monkey exhibit at the zoo. Usenet wouldnt be the
without our shit-slinging monkeys.

Kiss ass, negro. Nearly every murdering nigger out there (and
thats about
8,000 to 10,000 per year in the United States) says "it be
racism", "it be
de drugs", "it be de poverty", "it be de alcohol", "it be de
Urban Survival
Syndrome", etc. Anything but what they are: degenerate, filthy,
sub-apes acting on their primitive, violent urges to slaughter
anything in
their path.

Matter of fact, jigaboo, you should shut your typically ignorant
mouth: the black murder rate in this country is 8 to 10 times
the White
murder rate. And nigger males aged 14-24 make up 2 of the United
population, but commit 33 of the homicides (Washington Post
11/29/98). So
until Whites kill as high a proportion of humans as niggers kill
shut your ugly bootlips and fuck off.

Here a little something Ill bet you didnt know: You apefucks
think that
because we hate niggers, we also hate Jews, period, and thats
where youre
wrong, shitskin motherfucker. At least the Jews go to school, do
well, get
jobs, raise families, and remain law-abiding, as does every
other ethnicity
except YOURS. Your wretched, fecal-faced kind dont do shit to
yourselves, you dont want to work, you want everything handed to
you, and
you look upon those who work and save as walking bank accounts,
there for
the suing. And yet you stupid-ass sub-apes still cant fucking
figure it

Face it, nigger:

Whites hate your guts
Jews hate your guts
Indians hate your guts
Latinos hate your guts

And even the blacks who "acted White" and achieved the American
dream have
moved as far away from your ah-aint-wuhking-lahk-no-slave kind
as they
possibly can, in their own little enclaves like Bel Air, and
they would blow
your brillo-haired head off in heartbeat if you tried your
nigger bullshit
around them.

Nigger, the glaring exceptions of a few smart blacks only proves
everyone knows: nearly all negroes are dumb. Not only do your
test and IQ scores bear this out, but from personal experience
my impression
is that most blacks are just a little smarter than mentally
retarded Whites
with IQs of 75.

For instance, look at the jobs the vast majority of you coons
hold: menial,
service-industry positions as fast-food or convenience store
clerks, maids,
security guards, bus drivers, janitors, dishwashers, busboys,
trashmen, etc.
All serving the White man, as is the natural order of things.
And just what
the fuck are you foul, dumbshit negro beasts going to do if were
around? Ill tell you what youll do....quickly devolve to your
natural state of animal behavior.

You and your whigger pals have trying in vain for the last forty
years to make White folks see things your way. Well, guess what,
If it hasnt worked its way into that sub-ape skull of yours and
34 million
other anthropoids, here it is: You cannot FORCE someone to like

Stupid-ass shitskin nigger motherfucker, you come in here like
some caped
fucking crusader, thinking that youre going to change the damn
world. The
only thing youre really accomplishing is making a complete ass
out of
yourself and keeping us White folks thoroughly entertained.

I dont get. When you niggers call us "inbred trailer trash" we
just laugh.
When we White folks call you "nigger you foam at the fucking
mouth and act
like apes on acid and go on a rampage, which makes your subhuman
antics even
more laughable as long as were out of your path of destruction.

Why dont you take your little nignog saucer lipped ho and
niglets, go on
back down to the welfare office, get some more food stamps, try
to get some
more free govt. cheese, sell a little more dope, kill another
black man for
us White folks, give another nigger bitch AIDS, call Jesse
Jackson and tell
him that I said kiss my ass right in the middle, go back home to
two-bedroom government-rent-assisted apartment, drink another
foty that you
bought with the change from those food stamps, smoke another
Menthol, grab and scratch that nasty filthy black SYPHA-GONA-
infested dick, sire a few more little niglets, and then tell
them that they
are just as shitty as you bacause no matter what they do they
will always be
niggers and they will always be worthless, just like your sorry
africoon nigger ass.

Face it, nigger, youve got L-O-S-E-R written all over you,
coonboy, and the
more you bounce around like a chimp in a monkey cage, the more
pathetic you
make your entire caca-colored race look (not a bad thing!). Why
dont you
do us all a favor and smoke a 20-dollar dip of whack and get
good and crazy
so you can entertain us on the next "COPS" episode?

Its hilarious to listen to the niggers net threats. In RL,
wont say SHIT to a White man unless they outnumber them 10 to 1.

You are inferior. No amount of "reparations" or celebration of
"diversity" will change that irrefutable fact. Your welcome here
us has just about worn out. Already the nation is becoming
enclaves of all white, the rest..... mud colored trash.

Voluntary segregation. Ever heard of "White flight"? When you
scum move
into a area (assisted by the Feds and our tax dollars) the
Whites move
OUT. Because we have a deep seated, instinctual aversion to
living in
proximity to niggers.

Are you delusional enough to believe that white guilt afflicted
(jews) are actually REALLY concerned about your well being? They
give a FUCK about you , and are using your I.Q. 75 asses as

Usenet must be your worst nightmare, nigger. Here you can read
Whites REALLY think about you. Even those who smile to your
face, are
just a second away from calling you what you are.

You dont like what White people say, afro-asshole? Tough shit.
When the
cops arrest niggers like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan for
speech, then and only then will I give a shit about what I say
and who I

Besides picking cotton for a few years, you slave-ape assholes
had nothing
to do with making this country what it is. NOTHING, understand?
Caucasian industrialists, businesspeople and leaders who
propelled this
country to the best in the world, and who are responsible for
the USA as the economic and military superpower of the planet.
The fact is,
you niggers are a drain on the energy of civilized humankind.
Without Whites to show and tell you how to live, you act like
prehistoric cavemen. You know it, I know it, and the world knows
it. And
we see it every day with the news coming out of Zimbabwe,
Rwanda, South
Africa, and Sierra Leone.

In conclusion, jig-ape, you should drop to your knees and kiss
my White ass
for the priceless gift of my ancestors bringing your ancestors
here, where
you can enjoy religious, personal and political freedom safety
health abundant food civility law and order and opportunities
education and income you could NEVER develop for yourselves in
your shithole
nigger countries in Africa.


Sent with AnonEmail at



I seem to attract this genre of message
more than I'd expect -- always out of the

Sometimes several a month.

Must be something I'm doing right, to
deserve this...?

Cecil the Jigaboo

ps: maybe I'll get around to sending back
to them a few corrections of their ebonics,
so their future letters will be more literary.



This "hate" letter was sent to the African Diaspora

We hope to accomplish something educational and
edifying in sharing its contents with other, and
in sharing others' reactions to it.


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Please help with a Human Rights case; go to:

As a tourist in France, Barry was wrongfully arrested and
sentenced to 18 yrs without right to appeal. In July,
he will pass his 7th consecutive birthday behind
French bars, isolated, in a small space that does not
even permit him to stretch his 6'4" (1.93m) frame.

Please help send letters of encouragement and goodwill
to him, and help send letters of protest to French (and
American) officials. Sample appeal letters
are found at the above site.

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In the struggle,

Cecil R. Washington, Jr.
UC Berkeley / Oberlin College
Founder ~ Editor
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