Human Rights Activists in Sochi Publish Rights Guidlines for Labour Migrants

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Feb 20, 2013, 12:13:40 PM2/20/13
Human Rights Activists in Sochi Publish Rights Guidlines for Labour Migrants

In the city of Sochi, the Migration and Law network office, a HRC Memorial’s programme, published guidelines for foreign nationals arriving to work in Russia without visas.

Lots of migrants arrive in Sochi as workers engaged in building facilities for upcoming international events, including most famously the 2014 Winter Olympics.

At least 20,000 migrants are busy building Olympic sites in the runnup to the grand opening scheduled to take place next winter. Approximately 80 per cent of those labour migrants originate from Central Asia.

The Race to the Bottom report published by Human Rights Watch on February 6 argues that Central Asian workers tend to be more vulnerable to rights violations than those originating from other CIS countries. Frequently, they face abuses when obtaining legal status and registration as workers (see

The Migration and Law booklet is meant to explain the rights of employees, the duties of employers and the police to those who are likely to fall victims of abuses. The texts clearly outlines the rules of legalisation, employment registration, police officers and the rest of what pertains to the stay and work in Sochi. The booklet text is in Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, and Kyrgyz. The circulation is 4,000 copies.

The booklet circulation was inaugurated on February 12, 2013. It is to be distributed to

Copies of the booklet are being delivered to Sochi employers, governmental bodies and public organizations. The idea is that those will then be distributed among foreigners workers arriving in Sochi.

The booklet is freely available at the Migration and Law office. It can also be downloaded on the net at

For more information please contact Semen Simonov on +7 (918) 001-60-18.

February 20, 2013
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