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/**koja ¹kola za web dizajn?**/

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Sep 15, 2004, 1:46:02 PM9/15/04
Koja ąkola ima najbolji tečaj za web dizajn?


Sep 15, 2004, 2:08:29 PM9/15/04
"BesnaPuąka" <> wrote in message

> Koja ąkola ima najbolji tečaj za web dizajn?
> Iskustva?
> Zahvaljujem
kupi si knjige, uci sam od sebe, to ti je najbolje


Sep 15, 2004, 4:39:28 PM9/15/04
mislim da nije pitao jel bolje ucit sam....


p.s. 2x - brzoplet si...

"Critical.Mechanism" <> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2004, 5:58:52 PM9/15/04

"sam svoj majstor"


Sep 16, 2004, 8:26:57 AM9/16/04

Jedina škola je "Ivora" koja ima svoje poslovnice/urede u Varaždinu, Osijeku
i Sl. Brodu....nisam siguran jel imaju negdje dalje....

p.s. najbolje je sam:) škola je dobra radi papira i što ti se upisuje u
radnu knjizicu.

Recenzije filmova i igara | |
Traze se ljudi koji bi htjeli raditi na tom free projektu.


Sep 16, 2004, 12:20:51 PM9/16/04

ąkola je web.
Dakle, nauči sam. Gledaj, promatraj, isprobavaj, crtaj, kodiraj html (na
početku ručno) itd...
Nakon toga odi na neki dvotjedni tečaj (ąto kraći to bolji=jeftiniji) da ti
to upiąu u radnu knjiľicu i gotovo.
Bitna stvar - niti jedna ąkola te neće naučiti onom najvaľnijem -
KREATIVNOSTI. To moraą istesati sam (ako si umjetnički nadaren tim bolje)


Sep 16, 2004, 1:15:05 PM9/16/04

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 19:46:02 +0200, BesnaPu¹ka wrote:

> Koja ¹kola ima najbolji teèaj za web dizajn?
> Iskustva?
> Zahvaljujem

hm bilo koju, ako ti je u cilju da naucis neke osnovne gluposti i potrosis
pare.... ali (koliko sam ja upucen, a jesam:) neces bas puno naucit....
ostat ces na razini frontpage-a (word na steroidima:), mozda eventualno
osnova dreamweavera ali sto ce ti to :)

realno gledajuci vise ti se isplati tih par tisuca kuna potrosit na
kvalitetnu literaturu... recimo evo prijedlozi, c/p sa
to su ti onako neki opceniti prijedlozi s kojima se slazem potpuno i
definitivno preporucam da nabavis Zeldmana, a mozes i otic na
imaju hrpu strasnih, pitkih knjiga :)

Advertising Campaign Planning by Jim Avery — Yeah you read that right. I
studied under Jim at college and read this book as it was being written.
About 85% of this book can be adapted to the field of web design. And it's
good study for how to write a great site proposal. Think of it this way, If
your design/site doesn't reach its intended audience then what the hell is
it good for?

Information Anxiety 2 by Richard Saul Wurman — A lot of designers run right
over Wurman on their way to stare at Edward Tufte's belly button lint. As
far as I'm concerned Wurman's the godfather of information design and can
trounce Tufte any day. Information Anxiety deals with how people perceive,
use and digest information. It's easy to read, interesting to look at, and
will give you an idea of what you need to do to reach your audience.

Web ReDesign : Workflow that Works by Kelly Goto, Emily Cotler — Kelly and
Emily have put together a great system for producing sites from concept to
launch. ReDesign took over for David Siegal's classic, Secrets of
Successful Websites from 1997 — still a good read (if you can find it) but
as web design has come along way so have the methods for designing them.

Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell , Kritina Holden, Jill
Butler — The subtitle for this book is: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability,
Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and
Teach through Design— I like to call it Art School Talking Points. While
one book can not replace art school, this is a good overview of the
principals of design.

Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Muller-Brockmann — Everything about
web design is a grid. Sure there are exceptions but for the most part
everything has to fit in cubes within cubes. Grid Systems is the most have
tome for creating better site layout. And If you can find this book under
$100 (and you can) then jump on it because even if you don't care for Grid
Systems you can always Ebay it later and make some change. UPDATE — You
might find the book for under $100 at Hennessey + Ingalls in Santa Monica.

The Design of Sites by Douglas K. van Duyne, James A. Landay, Jason I. Hong
— This book doesnt' get enough exposure considering how well it's put
together. This hefty volume is a catalog of best practices for every web
design element you will ever have to create. It's like those huge three
foot long catalogs that you always see at a car parts store, only without
the custom metal binding thing. Think of this book as the Chilton's manual
for web sites. Design of Sites also has it's own navigation system that
allows for easy scanning.

Defensive Design for the Web by Matthew Linderman, Jason Fried — I don't
think this book needs much of an introduction considering how loved 37
Signals are. It's new, it's nice and small and it's packed with plenty of
best practices for designing interactive site elements. There are some
similarities with Design of Sites but there is enough room for both.

Designing Web Graphics 4 by Lynda Weinman — When it comes to using colors
in web design there is no better author to have on your shelf than Lynda.
Co-creator of the web safe color palette, Weinman has been around since the
beginning and that this book is on it's forth addition says a lot. Amazing
really if you consider most web design related books become outdated after
only a few years.

Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works by Erik Spiekermann, E.M
Giner — Typography is important, I shouldn't have to tell you that, and
this is probably the best little book on the subject in recent years. Even
if you're only dealing with the limited range of browser based fonts
Stealing Sheep is a good read.

Designing with Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman — What more can I say about
this book that hasn't already been documented all over the web? Jeffrey's
second book is really a must read for anyone who designs websites. It's a
good overview of past methods and how to segue into designing using the
latest in web standards. I would consider this book the bible of web
design, especially for those who are starting out.

Web Standards Solutions by Dan Cederholm — You can skin a site with
stylesheets six ways to Sunday and still have it validate but that doesn't
mean it's the right way to do it. Fortunately for us Dan's book has made
life a whole hell of a lot easier to write better, proper code that not
only validates but works in all browsers.

Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug — There have been a lot of books written
about web site usability but none come close to being as easy to read and
follow as Steve's. It doesn't matter if you're the web producer for a
Fortune 500 company or working from home in a spare bedroom, this book will
help your designs achieve better functionality. Don't be fooled by all the
other usability books out there, this is the one to have.


Sep 17, 2004, 3:25:46 PM9/17/04
"BesnaPuąka" <> je napisao u poruci interesnoj

> Koja ąkola ima najbolji tečaj za web dizajn?
> Iskustva?
> Zahvaljujem

Kao sto su svi vec napisali, ja cu se nadovezat da se web, a posebno design,
ne moze nauciti bez truda tako sto se da koja tisuca kn nekoj skoli, a znam
mnoge kojima je pojavi potreba za tim, pa bi htjeli preko noci rijesiti
problem, a nemaju volje sami uciti ili primjete da je sto dugotrajan i
mukotrpan posao, pa samo vicu "daj mi knjige", "idem u skolu" itd., te potrose
koju k kn, a opet nista ne naprave. Cak ti ni knjige nisu posebno potrebne,
tj. vecinu toga imas u helpovima porograma koje koristis, a ono nesto mozes i
besplatno skinuti s neta. Ok, skole ce te nesto nauciti, cca. 10-15%, sve
ostalo je na tebi.



Oct 20, 2004, 4:03:07 AM10/20/04

Program obrazovanja Web dizajner:
Fireworks 40h
HTML 20h
Dreamweaver početni 15h
Dreamweaver napredni 15h
Flash početni 15h
Flash napredni 15h
Studio MX 20h

Dobijeą i CD sa DEMO verzijama programa, hrpom primjera, dodatne literature
Za svaki dio programa obrazovanja dobije se i priručnik na hrvatskom jeziku,
dakle ukupno 7 priručnika.
Uz svaki Macromedia dio programa dobije se i originalna literatura na
Engleskom (ovo se dobiva samo u autoriziranim Macromedia trening centrima. U
Hrvatskoj je to samo Algebra).

Upisuje se u radnu knjiľicu.

Učionice su opremljene s jednim računalom po polazniku (maks. 16 polaznika u
grupi), 19" monitori, projektor, whiteboard itd.

Cijena i ostali detalji o sadrľaju programa na

"BesnaPuąka" <> wrote in message


Oct 28, 2004, 3:39:37 AM10/28/04

"Zoran" <> je napisao u poruci interesnoj


Nov 12, 2004, 1:12:24 PM11/12/04
Zoran wrote:

> Dreamweaver početni 15h
> Dreamweaver napredni 15h

wtf? samo 30 sati za dreamweaver pocetni i napredni?!
to mi nekako malo

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