Important topics, excellent presenters. Please attend. Amy Fankhauser
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Subject: MS North News
Date: 2/10/12 1:51:34 PM
From: "M.S. North News"
To: "Amy Fankhauser"
Middle School North News: Howell Township Public Schools
Middle School South, Middle School North, and Memorial Middle School will be hosting a Parent Workshop
at 6:30 P.M. on Feb. 21 st
in the Middle School North Media Center
The workshop will cover:
The New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law - presented by Howell Township School District ’s Anti Bulling Coordinator, Ms. Jeanna Corrigan
Cyber Bullying – presented by Sgt. Chris Hill of the Howell Police
The administrators and anti-bullying specialists from the middle school will also be available to answer any question you may have.
Please plan to attend this informative session and find out how you can protect your child.
Howell PAL will provide child care for young children during the workshop.