Suzanne Brennan
unread,Sep 20, 2011, 10:18:10 PM9/20/11Sign in to reply to author
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to Howell Twp School Issues
I just wanted to mention again that the Howell Twp. School District is
Tweeting on Twitter!
If you don't have a Twitter Account, maybe now is a time to consider
getting one.
Because you can receive "tweets" without ever going to a computer.
Once you have an account, (which requires inputting your First and
last name, e-mail address, choosing a password and a username) you can
have the updates (tweets) sent to your cell phone as a text message.
That way, even if you don't have access to a computer or a smart
phone, you can receive timely information regarding the schools. I am
always in favor of using every means of communication as possible.
How do you sign up for Twitter? It's easy... and you can even do it
from the Howell Township Public Schools website. On the left of the
home screen for the district, toward the top, you will see the blue
"button" for following on Twitter. Click on that, then click on "sign
up." Fill in the blanks and you'll have your Twitter account. To get
the tweets sent to your phone via text messaging, click on the
"button" next to the "follow button" on the Howelltwpk8 page. If you
put your mouse over the button, a message will appear on the screen
that will tell you "Tweets from this user will be sent to your mobile
phone." I believe that by clicking on that button, you will be
directed on how to add your mobile phone number.
I probably made this sound really hard, but it really is easy and
I hope you'll consider following the school tweets and encourage
others to do so as well. Whether or not someone has a child in the
district, everyone has a stake in the schools since these children are
our future.
As always, PLEASE let me know what you think.
Thank you for your time!
~Suzanne Brennan