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School budget - Finance Committee Meeting to formulate Tentative budget tonight

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lee fankhauser

Feb 21, 2012, 8:03:34 AM2/21/12
The Board of Education's Finance Committee will be working on a Tentative Budget tonight,  Tuesday, Feb. 21st at 7pm at the Board's Administrative Offices.  A copy of the notice is available here:

The full Board will be voting  to approve the submission of the Tentative Budget to the Executive County Superintendent at its next regular meeting, on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 8pm in Middle School North.  The full agenda for the board's next regular meeting is available here:

Both the Finance Committee and regular board meetings are open to the public and public comment is not only permitted, it is invited by the board, particularly as they put their spending plan together for next school year, in the form of the budget.  The budget is tentative and the board can, and has, made changes to it based upon public input and its discussions as a full board.

So, please attend either/both of these meetings if you can.  I realize the Finance meeting conflicts with the Parent Workshop being presented tonight at Middle School North so, if you opt for the Parent Workshop, try to make the regular board meeting and raise your questions or comments during the first public comment portion of the board's agenda.

Thank you as always.

Amy Fankhauser

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