How To Get Points In Valorant ## How To Get Free Valorant Points

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free Valorant Points given to players also varies, and it is up to the discretion of the Riot Games Player Support Representative, so make sure you give it your best shot.This program is for players who find themselves lacking a few Valorant Points for certain skins, bundles, player cards, gun buddies, sprays, agent unlocks, or even the next Battle Pass.With its multiple corridors, tight corners, and sprawling mid area, Pearl opens up a lot of room for greater strategic depth. If you’re trying to figure out how to defend on the map, you can’t really go wrong with Sage, one of the most reliable sentinels in Valorant.

Sage also continues to be one of the most-selected agents in Valorant. The healer-sentinel currently has the second-highest pick rate at 70.5% in Valorant patch 4.08, according Seeing as how Pearl’s spike sites have several openings and exits, defenders can block off routes for attackers and create choke points using Sage’s Barrier Orb, which can deter or delay a push onto site.The first thing you need to keep in mind is that the map is split into three lanes: attacker side, mid, and B side. Cutting off access to one lane will allow defenders to focus their attention and utilities on the other sections of the map.

The A site has three entryways: A Main, A Link, and defender side spawn. By walling off A Main, defenders can delay attackers who are rushing the A site.Preventing access from A Main will also allow defenders to focus on holding A Link, a fairly narrow choke point.There are two spots to place the Sage wall in A Main: before the ultimate orb, or after it. Walling before the ultimate orb is a lot safer, since there is more distance between you and the attackers, which means they won’t be able to stop the Sage Barrier Orb from going up.

You can wall past the ultimate orb in order to secure it, but this is riskier. If the attackers have agents like Neon with movement abilities, they could easily contest the position or catch you off guard as you’re setting down the wall.


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